Release date
Supported until[82]
Old version, no longer maintained : 1.0
8 June 1995
Officially called “Personal Home Page Tools (PHP Tools)”. This is the first use of the name “PHP”.[7]
Old version, no longer maintained : 2.0
1 November 1997
Officially called “PHP/FI 2.0”. This is the first release that could actually be characterised as PHP, being a standalone language with many features that have endured to the present day.
Old version, no longer maintained : 3.0
6 June 1998
20 October 2000[82]
Development moves from one person to multiple developers. Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans rewrite the base for this version.[7]
Old version, no longer maintained:
22 May 2000[83]
23 June 2001[82]
Added more advanced two-stage parse/execute tag-parsing system called the Zend engine.[84]
Old version, no longer maintained : 4.1
10 December 2001[85]
12 March 2002[82]
Introduced “superglobals” (USD _GET , USD _POST , USD _SESSION , etc.)[84]
Old version, no longer maintained : 4.2
22 April 2002[86]
6 September 2002[82]
Disabled register_globals by default. Data received over the network is not inserted directly into the global namespace anymore, closing possible security holes in applications.[84]
Old version, no longer maintained : 4.3
27 December 2002[87]
31 March 2005[82]
Introduced the command-line interface (CLI), to supplement the CGI.[84][88]
Old version, no longer maintained : 4.4
11 July 2005[89]
7 August 2008[82]
Fixed a memory corruption bug, which required breaking binary compatibility with extensions compiled against PHP version 4.3.x.[90]
Old version, no longer maintained : 5.0
13 July 2004[91]
5 September 2005[82]
Zend Engine II with a new object model.[92]
Old version, no longer maintained : 5.1
24 November 2005[93]
24 August 2006[82]
Performance improvements with introduction of compiler variables in re-engineered PHP Engine.[92] Added PHP Data Objects (PDO) as a consistent interface for accessing databases.[94]
Old version, no longer maintained : 5.2
2 November 2006[95]
6 January 2011[82]
Enabled the filter extension by default. Native JSON support.[92]
Old version, no longer maintained : 5.3
30 June 2009[96]
14 August 2014[82]
Namespace support; late static bindings, jump label (limited goto), anonymous functions, closures, PHP archives (phar), garbage collection for circular references, improved Windows support, sqlite3, mysqlnd as a replacement for libmysql as underlying library for the extensions that work with MySQL, fileinfo as a replacement for mime_magic for better MIME support, the Internationalization extension, and deprecation of ereg extension.
Old version, no longer maintained : 5.4
1 March 2012[97]
3 September 2015[82]
Trait support, short array syntax support. Removed items: register_globals , safe_mode , allow_call_time_pass_reference , session_register( ) , session_unregister( ) and
( ) . Built-in web server.[98] Several improvements to existing features, performance and reduced memory requirements.
Old version, no longer maintained : 5.5
20 June 2013[99]
10 July 2016[100]
Support for generators, finally blocks for exceptions handling, OpCache (based on Zend Optimizer+) bundled in official distribution.[101]
Old version, no longer maintained : 5.6
28 August 2014[102]
31 December 2018[100]
Constant scalar expressions, variadic functions, argument unpacking, new exponentiation operator, extensions of the use statement for functions and constants, new phpdbg debugger as a SAPI module, and other smaller improvements.[103]
Not released
Abandoned version of PHP that planned to include native Unicode support.[104][105]
Old version, no longer maintained : 7.2
30 November 2017
30 November 2020[100]
Object parameter and return type declaration,[120] Libsodium extension,[121] abstract method overriding,[122] parameter type widening[123]
Old version, no longer maintained : 7.3
6 December 2018[124]
6 December 2021
Flexible Heredoc and Nowdoc syntax,[125] support for reference assignment and array deconstruction with list(),[126] PCRE2 support,[127] hrtime() function[128]
Current stable version : 8.1
25 November 2021[164]
25 November 2024
Explicit octal integer literal notation,[165] enumerations,[166] readonly properties,[167] first-class callable syntax,[168] new in initializers,[169] pure intersection types,[170] never return type,[171] final class constraints,[172] fibers[173]
Future release : 8.2
24 November 2022 [174]
24 November 2025
Readonly classes, [175] null, false, and true as stand-alone types, [176][177] locale-independent case conversion [178]
Old version
Older version, still maintained
Latest version
Latest preview version
Future release