Why Mums Shouldn’t Neglect Their Self-Care
I’d be lying if I said I drove home from the ER that night and started putting my well-being ahead of my kids’ immediately, never looking back. But I scheduled those health appointments — and didn’t even cancel or reschedule them, which meant relinquishing some control over the house and the kids. A subsequent visit to my internist revealed I suffer from low blood sugar and low blood pressure, which explained a lot about what I’d been feeling leading up to my ER visit. Worrying about those mystery symptoms likely led to extreme anxiety , which I’d mistaken for a heart attack. I also saw a dentist, got that mammogram, bought myself a few outfits, and even some makeup to replace all the expired ones. I’m not exactly a new woman, but I feel better about myself, especially after the 20-minute morning yoga sessions that are part of my routine come hell, high water, or kids with high fevers.