Who is Samsung Girl? What to know about Samsung’s virtual assistant

Samsung girl

Virtual assistants have become somewhat of a staple among big tech companies. In 2011, Apple set the stage – and standard – with Siri, which has become the most recognizable and popular virtual assistants on the market. In 2014, Amazon released Alexa, which also climbed the ladder to become one of the most used and reliable assistants in everyday households. Then in 2016, Google released Google Assistant, which not only became a staple for Android users but also to those who love to turn out the lights before bed with a simple ‘Hey Google’ command. Then in 2017 Samsung bid adieu to S Voice, their own virtual assistant, and said hello to newcomer, Bixby. 

Bixby has been a go-to feature for Android Galaxy users who love the quick and efficient tasks the virtual assistant provides. On all new Galaxy devices S Voice was replaced with Bixby and Samsung made it its mission to advertise the new virtual assistant to as many people as possible. Which is why it came as a surprise when in 2021 Samsung Girl emerged on the scene, causing a collective eyebrow-raise from Samsung users across the globe.  

Who is Samsung Girl?

samsung girl Image via Lightfarm Studios

Samsung Girl is a concept art created by Lightfarm Studios, a visual arts production house that works with Samsung. Leaked images of the avatar appeared online in mid 2021, deftly sending the internet ablaze with speculations and fan theories, and causing many people to wonder if this signaled the end of Bixby.  

More importantly was the universal admiration for the avatar, whose life-like features and facial expressions captured the hearts of millions. While retweeted images of the avatar appeared all over Twitter, with many hoping this marked the entrance of a new competitor in the virtual assistant market, Samsung and Lightfarm Studios remained noticeably silent, leaving people to wonder what the fate of Samsung Girl was.

Will Samsung Girl replace Bixby?

samsung girlImage via Lightfarm Studios

No official word from Samsung or Lightfarm Studios followed the leaked release of the Samsung Girl. Shortly after the images were leaked, Lightfarm Studios took down any and all images of the avatar from its website. 

As it stands, Samsung Girl will not replace Bixby, and is simply an advertising mascot, however that may change in the future. There are several reasons Samsung Girl is unlikely to replace Bixby. Firstly, neither Samsung nor Lightfarm Studios ever officially acknowledged or endorsed Samsung Girl as a replacement to Bixby or even a virtual assistant. Secondly, and just as importantly, the names of virtual assistants do best when they are not easily confused for other words. Samsung Girl, who was aptly nicknamed Sam, has so many potential mix-ups that it’s unlikely Samsung will let it see the light of day. 

Of course, that hasn’t stopped people dreaming. The beauty and charm of the avatar has lived on to this day with many fervently waiting for Samsung to address the subject. Given the fact that S Voice was created five years before Bixby replaced it, from 2012 to 2017, and it has been five years since Bixby was announced, fans are hoping that Samsung Girl is one step closer to being actualized by the company. As of now, that remains yet to be seen and Bixby still holds the title as Samsung’s official virtual assistant.