What’s the Difference HubSpot Sales Free, Starter, Pro & Enterprise? (Updated for 2022)

Can you get by on HubSpot Sales Free or do you need to choose a paid option to get the functionality that’s important for you and your sales team? This comprehensive guide to the HubSpot Sales suite will answer all your questions about what’s included – or not included – in the different levels of HubSpot sales.

The difference between HubSpot Sales Free, Starter, Professional, and Enterprise

Here’s a chart comparing what you will get from HubSpot Sales Free, Starter, Professional and Enterprise:






(Starting at $50/month, 2 users included. Additional users $25/month)


(Starting at $500/month, 5 users included. Additional users $100/month)


(Starting at $1,200/month, 10 users included. Additional users $120/month)

Gmail & Outlook integration
Contact management
Contact & company insights
Email scheduling

Email tracking & notifications
Email templates
Canned snippets
Live chat
Conversational bots
Email sequences
Email & in-app support
Conversation routing
Multiple deal pipelines
2 Pipelines
15 Pipelines
100 Pipelines

Phone support
Standard contact scoring
Required fields
Smart send times
Deal stage, task, and lead rotation automation
Workflow extensions
Stripe integration
Custom reporting
Multiple currencies
1:1 video creation
Salesforce integration
Slack integration
Sales Analytics
Hierarchical Teams
Predictive lead scoring
Quote approval
Events API
Single sign-on
Recurring revenue tracking
Calculated properties
Call transcription
Calling API
User roles
Custom Objects
Granular Permission

Let’s walk through these different items so it’s clear what you’re getting and what you aren’t with each of the different HubSpot Sales packages. 

What’s included in all HubSpot Sales accounts

Gmail & Outlook integration with HubSpot

When you connect your inbox with HubSpot you can start to:

  • automatically log email replies to contacts in your CRM, which show on the contact timeline
  • send emails from within HubSpot that come from your own email servers (this increases deliverability)
  • send email attachments as files (not links) from HubSpot

If you’re not sure how to link your Gmail or Outlook email with HubSpot, you can check out the walk-through here. 

Contact management (HubSpot CRM)

HubSpot’s CRM is the secret sauce that fuels the rest of the powerful sales and marketing tools. The CRM is free for all users on all sales platforms for contacts and for companies.

Contact & company insights

HubSpot Insights is a database of company information collected from internal and third-party data. When you add a company with a company domain name, any data that HubSpot Insights has on that company will be pulled into the company record. For this to work though, it needs to be enabled in your portal. If you’ve also enabled “Automatically create and associate companies with contacts” enabled, you’ll see HubSpot insights applied to your contacts as well. You can find these in Settings > Contacts & Companies > Companies.

Enable HubSpot InsightsDeals

Deal stages are the steps in your pipeline that signify to your sales team that an opportunity is moving toward the point of closing. Deal pipelines are a great tool for sales forecasting and to keep an eye on your current leads. They can also help you identify roadblocks in your sales process. 

You can customize your deal pipelines and stages to best reflect your sales process and can include the probability of closing from each stage, which helps with financial forecasting (you must be an admin to make these edits).

You can change what information shows on your deal records by going to Settings > Contacts & Companies > Deals and selecting “Set the properties your team sees on deal records.”

HubSpot Deal StagesTasks

Most sales require some sort of follow up. According to HubSpot, 80% of sales require 5 follow-up phone calls after a meeting, but 44% of sales people give up after one follow-up. 

Your sales team is busy and it’s a lot of work to keep up with all those leads coming in via inbound marketing. It’s easy to forget which leads you need to follow up with and when. That’s where Tasks come in handy. 

You can create tasks from the “Tasks” area under the Sales tab, you can link your tasks to contacts and deals, and you can get email notifications for them. A great extra reminder for those important leads!

HubSpot TasksEmail scheduling

With email scheduling you can schedule your emails to send at a later time via HubSpot which is great if you don’t want your leads to know that you’re working on their project at 1am. You can also do that in Outlook or Gmail already and have it log to your contact records. 

With HubSpot Professional & Enterprise you can also use Smart Scheduling which schedules your emails to send at a time that has shown to have the best engagement rates for that particular recipient. 

Email tracking & notifications

Tracked emails sent through HubSpot gives you insight to how your recipient interacts with your email. You will be notified via a pop-up notification on your desktop when a contact opens an email.

Logged emails are recorded on a contact’s timeline so you can keep track of the correspondence your contact has received from you and other members of your organization. 

Emails sent from your HubSpot-linked email tool or from within HubSpot can be both tracked and logged, and you’ll see that activity in the contact record.

Email templates

Email templates are pre-made emails that you can send to contacts and personalize, without having to type the same content each time. These are very useful for follow-up or get started emails where the content is pretty much the same every time. 


HubSpot Sales Free users will have the ability to save up to 5 email templates. All other HubSpot Sales users (those with a paid Sales account) can save up to 1,000 email templates. 


HubSpot Sales Documents are documents that you’ve saved to your HubSpot portal that you can easily add into your emails as attachments. These documents are almost always sales collateral that you share with your leads that you’d want to include in your automated emails. Free accounts can have up to 5 documents, paid accounts can have up to 1,000 documents. 


Leverage HubSpot’s VOIP service to call contacts from within HubSpot. Your call activity will be logged in HubSpot on the contact record. Free accounts get 15 minutes per month per user. There can only be 50 calls made per month per account. Sales Starter includes 500 calling minutes, and both Sales Professional & Enterprise include 2000 calling minutes of VOIP air time per month per user. More call time can be bought via Twilio Connect.

If you’re a Sales Enterprise user you can leverage call transcription for these calls. 

Inbound Sales Pocket Guide


With your free HubSpot Sales account, you get one free personal meetings link. With Starter, Pro & Enterprise you get 1,000 personal and team meetings links. These meeting links sync with your calendar (like Calendly does) with the added bonus of having all that information added directly into HubSpot so you can track when your contacts are booking meetings. 

Wouldn’t it be great to go into a meeting knowing exactly what a visitor had engaged with on your site before they reached out? Well, with HubSpot meetings, you can.  

Canned snippets

When you’re writing emails, there are likely certain things that you say over and over and over until you could type them in your sleep. Any of these repeating content bits can be saved as Snippets and easily inserted into your emails via the Snippets tool. Here’s an example I use a lot which is the seed info to request account access from our clients.

You can also use Snippets for internal notes on your contact records or deal records. 



Your HubSpot Sales account comes with a bunch of handy – and free – reports built-in by default. You can update your Sales Dashboard to show a variety of reports including your Sales Performance, Team Activity, and Revenue Forecasting. You also have access to the basic marketing reports that are included in HubSpot Marketing Free which can provide insight into your sales performance. 

Live chat

All HubSpot Sales users can add Live Chat to their site. If you have the HubSpot CMS this is incredibly easy to implement and gives your visitors a way to get in touch with you, without having to navigate to a new page. You can change your settings so that the chat only shows when you’re available. It also pulls double-duty as a lead-gen form, asking for an email address for people who don’t want to wait for a response.

HubSpot Live Chat Conversational bots

Once you get that Live Chat set up, you can leverage a ChatBot (Conversational Bot) to answer some of those tedious and repetitive questions, to book meetings and to execute other automated actions. Here are some of the actions your conversational bot can do:

  • Send a simple message
  • Ask a question
  • Offer email subscription
  • Set a contact property value
  • Set a company property value
  • Submit a ticket
  • Sent to a team member
  • Book a meeting
  • If/then branches

If you have HubSpot Sales Professional your conversational bot can also:

  • Enroll in a workflow

If you have HubSpot Sales Enterprise your conversational bot can also:

  • Trigger a webhook
  • Run a code snippet


Teams allow you to organize users into groups for organizational and reporting purposes. As a Free or Starter HubSpot Sales user, you can create one team. If you’re a HubSpot Sales Pro users you can create 25 teams.

If you’re using Enterprise Sales, you can create 200 teams and have parent-child teams to better manage and organize your different teams. As an Enterprise user you can also set User Roles which lets you set more specific access restrictions for your Deals and your sales tools. 

Additional Benefits with HubSpot Sales Starter

For a mere $50/month you can move up from HubSpot Sales Free to HubSpot Sales Starter. This $50/month gives you:


If you head over to Reports > Analytics Tools > Prospects you will see a list of IP addresses for each page view on your site. Smaller companies and individuals will often not have their own IP address and will appear as the internet service provider, but larger companies will have their own IP address and you’ll know which companies are visiting your site. If you’ve been working with a particular company, you’ll know when they came to your site and how many times. 

HubSpot ProspectsEmail sequences

Send a series of targeted, timed email templates to nurture contacts over time with email sequences. You can add personalization tokens to these emails so that when contacts open them, they look like customized emails seen to them specifically. You can have several emails in your sequence which help you with sales outreach and follow up, without having to remember to follow-up.

When a contact replies to an email or books a meeting, they automatically unenroll from the sequence. 

If you are a HubSpot Sales Professional or Enterprise user, you can use email sequence queues which allow you to assign sequences to multiple contacts at a time. If you’re a HubSpot Sales Starter user, you can achieve this by using task queues to automate your sequence enrollment process.

Email & in-app support

Having an issue with your HubSpot portal? A question you need answered? No problem! You can contact HubSpot Support via email the “Help” button that you see in your HubSpot portal. 

Conversation routing

HubSpot Starter, Pro & Enterprise users can set specific routing rules for incoming messages in their conversations inbox. This helps to triage unassigned conversations so that they can be handled in the right order by the right people, and to reassign a live chat conversation that would be better handled by someone else on your team. 

Multiple deal pipelines

Your deal pipeline is great to see what sales are in the queue and to get some idea of your revenue forecasting but for many companies, putting all those deals into one pipeline doesn’t always make sense. If you have different departments with different deal stages, you’d likely want to use a different deal pipeline to better track those deals and their progression. 

With HubSpot Sales Starter you will have 1 pipeline, Sales Starter supports 2 pipelines, Sales Pro supports up to 15 pipelines, and Sales Enterprise supports up to 100 different pipelines in your account. 

Additional Benefits with HubSpot Sales Professional

Phone support

Have you ever wished you could just call HubSpot to get an answer to your question or a problem sorted out? If you’re a HubSpot Sales Professional or Enterprise user, you can. 

Standard contact scoring

Some leads are better than others. Use HubSpot Scoring to assign a point value to the positive and negative actions of a contact. For example, viewing a large number of pages could be a good sign while opting out of emails or submitted a job application form could be a sign that this is not a good sales lead. 

HubSpot Contact ScoringYou can edit the point value for each attribute and can leverage and/or combinations to fine-tune your lead scoring. 

Pro tip: Edit your contact record properties to show the HubSpot score you can can easily see this number for each contact in the default contact view. 

Required fields

Is your team failing to keep track of important contact information? You can change their settings so that certain fields are required and they can’t take shortcuts around it. 


Create a product library of the goods and services that you sell, then associate those products with individual deals. When you use products it makes it easier for your sales team to build deals, track performance of what you’re selling and create custom reports on products using the report builder in your report tool. 

Smart Scheduling for email

The real value of email scheduling comes for Sales Professional and Sales Enterprise Users who can leverage HubSpot’s “Best time to send” smart scheduling feature that schedules your email send for a time with a higher likelihood of opens, clicks and replies based on the recipient’s previous email engagement. 

Deal stage, task and lead rotation automation

Automate your sales pipeline and use workflows to create tasks at specific deal stages. Automated task creation can keep your team on track to send contacts or proposals on time, initiate email workflows, and set reminders to follow-up on contract renewals for your billing cycles. If you have a lot of leads coming in and need to distribute the workload, using workflows to distribute leads in a round-robin way can help. 

Workflow extensions

Supercharged HubSpot workflows with 3rd party integrations via an API. If you want to send SMS messages, direct mail, or so many other things that require a webhook trigger from your workflows, you’ll need to be Pro or Enterprise to use the workflow extensions tool. 


Generate a quote, send it to your contact and get paid! With HubSpot quotes you can build a custom proposal (or build one with the Products that you’ve added to your portal) and keep that document associated with your contact, company and deal, so you can find it at any time.

If you are an Enterprise level user, you can also use an eSignature on your quotes so you have documented sign-off on all your quotes.

Stripe integration

HubSpot + Stripe = getting paid on time. Integrate Stripe with HubSpot Quotes and you give your clients an easy way to pay. 

Custom reporting

You have basic reporting in all levels of HubSpot Sales, so what does “Custom Reporting” include?

With HubSpot Sales Pro you can see leaderboards to see who has the most deals in the works and how close they are to closing. You can see conversion rates for your sales funnels – how are your reps doing at moving deals from stage to stage? With this report, you can identify if there are certain stages where deals aren’t progressing. You can also get detailed deal forecasts by sales rep to see who is bringing in the biggest leads and closing them, and you can see engagements by sales rep so you know who is busy making calls and sending emails and who isn’t.


This is the basic sales reporting dashboard 👆

Multiple currencies

As an agency that has clients around the world, being able to create deals and quotes in multiple currencies is a big deal. With HubSpot Pro and Enterprise, you can do it! If you have Sales Starter or Free, you’ll have to do the conversion and add your deals in with your adjusted currency rates. 

1:1 video creation

With the integration of Vidyard into the CRM, you can now create personalized videos from within HubSpot. You’ll need to create a Vidyard account to activate this within your HubSpot portal, and once you do you can quickly record your screen and voice, or use your computer camera to record yourself – and then send the video directly to your prospect via email.  

Salesforce integration

Many companies double up on their sales and marketing stack by leveraging the power of both HubSpot and Salesforce. When you’re using these two platforms together, you want to make sure they are synced and that your data is 100% on both platforms. If HubSpot and Salesforce start to fall out of step… well, let’s just make sure it doesn’t. 

Slack integration

If you spend as much time in Slack as we do, you’ll love the HubSpot/Slack integration. 




Sales Analytics 

gives you rich insights into the overall health of your sales pipeline so you can coach your team and improve outcomes over time. 

Additional Benefits with HubSpot Sales Enterprise

Predictive lead scoring

With HubSpot Sales Pro you can leverage Contact Scoring which lets you assign positive and negative attributes to your contacts to give you an idea of how qualified they are. With Enterprise, you can leverage Predictive Lead Scoring which is HubSpot’s automated lead scoring tool that scores and ranks leads based on their likelihood to become customers. 


Provide your support and services teams with a library of resources to use in any conversation with customers. You can use rule-based automation to serve up tools specific to the situation at hand. 

Quote approvals

Is your team sending out quotes to prospects? Do you need a little more oversight on the process? HubSpot Sales quote approval let’s you review and approve quotes made by your team before they get sent out to your prospects. 


Getting sign-off of your services has often been a game of printing-signing-scanning-sending. That’s a giant pain and nobody wants to do it. You can use tools like PandaDoc which make proposal generation and signing electronic and easy. Or, if you’re a HubSpot Sales Enterprise user, you can use HubSpot Quotes which lets you generate a quote AND get an electronic signature. With the CRM you can link this quote to the contact and the company record, associate it with the Deal and be able to easily find it when you need to. 

HubSpot Quotes

Events API

When you want to take your tracking to the next level and implement event tracking, you’re going to need to use the HubSpot Events API. You’ll need to work with a developer to implement the custom event you create into your JavaScript file or server-side script (we can help you out with that 😉). 

Some events that you might want to track include:

  • Tracking logins to external sites
  • Browser and mobile usage
  • Abandoned shopping carts 

Single sign-on (SSO)

Single sign-on (SSO) allows you to give your team members one account to access all the systems your business uses. With HubSpot Sales Enterprise, you can require users to login to HubSpot using their SSO credentials. This should be done by your IT team who has experience with creating applications in your identity provider account.


At the HubSpot Sales Starter or Professional levels, if you are a Super Admin, you can create the following goals and assign them to other paid users:

  • Fixed, monthly revenue goals for team members

With HubSpot Sales Enterprise, you do a whole lot more and assign other paid users activity goals including:

  • Calls logged
  • Meetings booked
  • Deals created
  • Revenue

With your goals you can generate reports to see your goal measurement by type, team and pipeline.

Recurring revenue tracking

If you’re running a business that needs to how how much revenue you’re generating or losing during a specific time range based on renewals, upgrades, downgrades, and churn, you can get that insight with HubSpot Sales Enterprise. You’ll need to set up recurring revenue tracking in your portal, and then you can use the revenue analytics report. 

Calculated properties

Do you need to add in a custom equation based on number properties? HubSpot Sales Enterprise allows you to. This is great if you want to measure NPS, calculate revenue potential or a myriad of other custom calculations that are important for your business. 

Calling API

HubSpot Sales Enterprise users who have Aircall accounts can use Aircall directly within their HubSpot portal in lieu of HubSpot’s native calling feature. 

Custom Objects

You can store nearly any data in HubSpot, including SaaS subscriptions, students, shipments, and more. Custom objects work just like standard objects in HubSpot – like the contacts and companies’ objects. So you can easily create and manage them, set up workflows, and run reports on custom object data. 

Granular permissions

To protect the integrity of all that data you store in your CRM create granular permission on all your CRM data, including field-level permissions on your properties. you’ll have more control than ever over the tools and content your team can access. 

Get started with HubSpot Sales!

These sales and marketing tools are a valuable resource for anyone who is working leads. Ready to get started with HubSpot Sales? Contact us! We can help set up your account for success. 

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