What is an infographic and how do you create one?

Infographics are a memorable, attention-grabbing, and persuasive addition to any content marketing strategy. But what is an infographic, and how do you create one which is informative, engaging, and valuable for your audience?

People retain 65% of the information displayed alongside an image compared to only 10% when they read or listen to the same piece of information. This makes infographics, with their combination of visuals and text, a great way for marketers to display complex information that’s easy to consume. 

What is an infographic?


An infographic is a visual representation of information and data. It combines attractive illustrations and graphics with useful facts to present information in an easily digestible and engaging format.

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How to create an infographic

1. Research

Infographics are most successful when they educate potential buyers, explain a process, suggest a solution, or tell a story. So, the first step to creating an impactful infographic is research.

Identify the audience you want to target, the topic you want to cover, and the message you want to convey. Then, research the topic to get a better understanding of what to include.

When researching your infographic, consider:

  • What question does your infographic aim to answer?
  • What purpose does the infographic serve? Is it educational, or is it promotional?
  • Who is your intended audience? What is their level of seniority? What level of knowledge do they have?

Start broad to find more information and then narrow down your search as you learn more about your chosen topic.

2. Keep stats recent and relevant

Once you’re comfortable with the topic you’re covering, you need to find authoritative stats, facts, and information to support it. Stats need to be from reputable, original, and validated sources.

Outdated stats and information won’t be as impactful. Stick to using recent stats that are one or two years old at most. That way, your infographic will stay relevant for longer.

3. Get your citations in order

Always provide links to the original data source where possible.

Different websites will use the same statistic without citing its original source. Often, this sends readers on a wild goose chase and forces them to jump between numerous blogs to find the research where it’s quoted. If you find a compelling fact that you want to use, always aim to trace it to the original research source and link it in the appropriate place.

You can link the source directly below the stat or include a list towards the bottom of the infographic with every source you referenced.

4. Write clear and concise copy

The goal of an infographic is to condense data and design visuals to present it. The most-shared infographics are under 400 words on average. This means the graphics rely on data visualisations, charts, and illustrations to tell the data’s story.

So, your copy needs to be clear and concise.

Most of the time your stats will speak for themselves and you’ll only need a small amount of supporting copy to provide context. Keeping copy short and specific will capture your readers’ attention and help you to quickly convey the point you’re trying to make.

5. Let the design guide you

Always write with design in mind. It’s your job to make the data interesting. With great copy, you can transform boring data into numbers that tell a story. Use your copy to explain why the data matters and why it’s impactful.

Start with a compelling headline that draws the reader in and briefly introduces the subject you’re covering in a couple of sentences. Then, you can incorporate your eye-catching stats and information. Use headings to introduce each section.

Remember, infographics aren’t there to just look pretty, they serve a purpose. Don’t forget to include a CTA at the bottom that directs the reader to the relevant page, product, or action.

6. Consider your resources

Finding the time and resources to create your infographic can be challenging. Ideally, you’ll work with a designer who can confidently bring your infographic to life. However, this isn’t always possible.

The good news is there is no shortage of design resources that can help you. For example, HubSpot and Canva, both provide templates that can be customised to meet your needs.

Infographics are worth it 

Infographics are a valuable resource to communicate with your audience, with people 30 times more likely to read them in their entirety than blog posts or news articles. Next time you’re deciding what content to create, consider if an infographic could be the best way to communicate your message.

Content Marketing