What Are The Various Applications Of Networking?

When you ask what are the applications of networking and uses of network, computer networks support many applications such as access to the World Wide Web as well as shared use of application servers, fax machines and printers, and others. But what is a network? Networking involves 2 or more computers linked together to simply share resources such as printers. 

A networked application is an application that uses two components to run. Networked computers, known as servers, can be linked in several ways – cables, satellites, or infrared light beams. But what are the applications of networking seeing that network functions are more and more software-defined and new applications have to be developed to support them? 

What are the applications of networking – Networking applications examples

What are the applications of networking and what are networking applications examples? Talking about applications of computer networking and uses of network, Networking applications examples include among others the web, internet phone, and instant messaging. Other networking applications examples include P2P file sharing and streaming stored video clips.

Networking applications examples

The applications of computer networking include quite a few common types of networks that include –

  • LAN or Local Area Network connects computers over a short distance, such as in an office, and they can share files and data. LANs are typically privately owned and managed.

  • MAN or Metropolitan area networks are larger than LANs with governments typically owning these MANs.

  • WLAN or Wireless Local Area Network is similar to a LAN with connections between devices being made wirelessly. 

  • PAN or Personal Area Network serves just one person, and so typically with an iPhone, you set up a PAN that shares and syncs content. 

  • VPN or Virtual Private Network is a secure connection between two network endpoints, establishing an encrypted channel that keeps a user’s identity. 

  • WAN or Wide Area Network connects computers over a wide area, sometimes even from continent to continent. The Internet is the biggest WAN and billions of computers are connected worldwide. 

  • SAN or Storage Area Network is a  specialized network that provides access to cloud storage. 

  • CAN or Corporate/Campus Area Network is bigger than a LAN and serves the likes of colleges and universities. 

What are the applications of networking? It’s network software applications that make use of the Internet to perform different functions. They transfer data from one point to the next within the network.

What are the applications of networking and what kinds of network applications are there? Talking about applications of computer networking, there are Pure network applications and standalone network applications. Pure network applications are used in networks and help with the transfer of data within a network. 

What are the applications of networking – Outlook Express and Pegasus Mail

What are the applications of networking? These applications have a separate user interface that users must get to know. Email Programs allow users to type messages and send them to someone on the network. It’s a quick way to transfer mail from one computer to another, and an example of this is Outlook Express and Pegasus Mail.

What are the applications of networking – Groupware

When you ask what are the applications of networking, another example is Groupware – applications that are used to automate administrative functions. Networking applications examples include video conferencing. This is where a conference is conducted between different participants who are positioned at different sites. 

They make use of computer networks to transmit audio and video data. Each participant has a video camera and microphone and voices are carried over the network and delivered to others. Images appearing in front of the video camera also appear in a window of the participant’s monitor. 

what are the applications of networking – Chatting

What are the applications of networking?  Chatting also is real-time communication between two users and users can enter text by typing on the keyboard. The text then appears on the other person’s monitor. 

The two people communicating have to be online for the chat to be initiated. Most networks offer a chat feature which is useful as you can be chatting online while continuing with your work. 

What are the applications of networking? Another common networked application is File Transfer between two computers. This file transfer application uses the FTP protocol to transfer files between two computers.  

Applications of computer networking – Networking applications examples

What are the applications of computer networking? With networking application examples, you’ll find some similarities between them. A Local Area Network or LAN is generally confined to a small area such as a building or possibly a geographic area. On a single LAN, computers can be connected by cables or wirelessly. WAP or Wireless Access Points make it possible to have wireless access to a wired network. 

Applications of computer networking

A typical WAP can have the capacity to connect thousands of wireless users to a network. With a business application of computer network,  employees of an organization can remotely access the databases. The organization’s data is stored in servers, which hold huge amounts of data. 

What are the applications of networking? Wide Area Network is another. WAN connects networks in bigger geographic areas than LAN. You get satellite uplinks or dedicated transoceanic cabling to connect global networks. 

In just a few seconds, people in the USA can be communicating and connect with people in Japan. WAN uses routers and bridges to connect local and metropolitan networks to networks such as the Internet.  

What are the applications of networking? The internet is a network of networks, connecting billions of digital devices all over the world.  There are Standard protocols that allow communication between all these devices. 

The protocols include hypertext transfer protocol and Internet protocol. IP addresses ensure unique location information so that information can be delivered correctly. Information sent over the internet doesn’t go to all connected devices, Rather, it’s the mix of protocols and infrastructure that dictates where information goes.  

Let us now talk about various uses of network.

What are the applications of networking – Uses of network

What are uses of network? Computer networks are immensely useful to individuals and organizations. The use of networks allows organizations to share information and programs and software can be accessed by other computers linked to the network. 

It is cost-effective as well to share hardware equipment such as scanners and printers with different users. It also allows sharing of hardware equipment, like printers and scanners among varied users. These users can retrieve remote information which is stored in remote databases. 

One of the uses of networks is that they have wonderfully increased the speed of communication. In an organization, emails are used to send all kinds of information across the world and in a jiffy. One of the more cost-effective uses of networks is that they have reduced the costs of needing to get computer systems rigged up in an organization.

Applications of computer networking – Business application of Computer network

What does a business application of computer network includes? A business application of computer networks includes among others, resource sharing, where equipment such as printers, is made available to anyone on the network. A computer network can also be a strong communication medium with employees. 

Business Application

Another business application of computer networks is e-commerce – all kinds of business transactions over the Internet. With the business application of computer networks, you can shop from your computer and book an airline ticket with the greatest of convenience. 

Let us now talk about home application of computer network.

Applications of computer networking – Home application of computer network

What about home application of computer network? With a home application of computer network, it’s no longer filled with complicated technicalities that prevent you from setting up a home network. Because of Windows’ integration, users are able to set up their own home networks, making use of 2 or more computers. 

With a home application of computer network, you will need a broadband router that can be connected to a power line adapter by means of an Ethernet cable which allows for the network in the entire house.  Users on the home network simply have to choose their sharing ability from the control panel network settings. Then users can make use of the benefits that come with home network sharing. 

So the uses of a home application include among others, Internet use, file sharing, entertainment, and printer sharing. 

What is home application of computer network? Networking allows employees to share data quickly and easily and intranets can be used to distribute business information between sites. It just shows you what a tremendous impact the Internet has on our modern society. 

What are the applications of networking

Data communication networks are part and parcel of business and entertainment. What are the applications of networking? Some of the network applications in the various fields include among others, marketing and sales, manufacturing, and financial services. Application networking is about the process of making applications available to users of these networks. 

Application networking allows users to simply access information in real-time. There are many applications of networks such as communication facilities, sharing, and access to remote databases. 

What are the applications of networking?  Application networking is part of modern network design with the aim being to create different kinds of functionality for various applications within a network. 

The computer network applications use the Internet or other network hardware infrastructure to perform useful functions. Properly implemented, a network provides users with unique capabilities, with the benefits of networking being divided into 2 categories and those are connectivity and the sharing of information and resources. what are the applications of networking? You know the answer now.