Top 10 Exercises To Cinch The Waist & Sculpt Your Obliques

The Best Exercises To Cinch Your Waist & Sculpt The Obliques

The obliques are the muscles located along the sides of the abdominal wall. These muscles are responsible for side bending and waist twisting moves. Working the obliques helps to sculpt and cinch the waist, tones the abdominal wall and tightens the midsection. If you want to get rid of your muffin top for good, add these 10 exercises to your workout schedule and start engaging your obliques today!

Bicycle crunches work your abs and obliques at the same time and keep your body moving constantly, which helps to increase your heart rate and burns even more calories.

Bicycle crunches exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout. crunches exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout.

By adding the dumbbell side bends to your workout routine you’re targeting and sculpting both the external and internal obliques.

Dumbbell side bend exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout. side bend exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout.

The heel touchers helps to tighten the entire side ab wall and can also help you cinch the waist and create that perfect hourglass shape.

Alternate heel touchers exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout. heel touchers exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout.

This move fully engages the abdominal wall and the obliques, tightens the core, strengthens the back and improves balance and flexibility.

Oblique V crunch exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout. V crunch exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout.

The russian twist engages your core and strengthens your abdominal muscles as well as your lower back. It also helps to improve your balance, stability and posture.

Russian twist exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout. twist exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout.

This modified version of the elbow plank with an additional hip rotation, further engages your core and strengthens your abs, obliques and lower back to an even greater degree.

Plank hip dips exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout. hip dips exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout.

The triangle crunch targets the abs and the obliques and helps to strengthen and tighten the core. This exercise sculpts the waist, tones the abdominal wall and improves your balance and flexibility.

Triangle crunch exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout. crunch exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout.

This move is perfect for strengthening the internal and external obliques and sculpting the side ab wall. The side crunch helps to define the waist and gives you a more shapely body.

Side crunch exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout. crunch exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout.

The side plank with hip lifts activates the obliques and helps to build endurance and core strength. This exercise works the deep abdominal muscles and helps to tighten and shrink the waistline.

Side plank hip lifts exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout. plank hip lifts exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout.

It’s important to add cardio moves, like the waist slimmer squat, to your obliques workout. This exercise not only strengthens your core, but it also gives you a great cardio boost, helping you burn the extra fat and reveal that waistline you’ve been working on.

Waist slimmer squat exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout. slimmer squat exercise guide with instructions, demonstration, calories burned and muscles worked. Learn proper form, discover all health benefits and choose a workout.


TIP 1 – Start your obliques workout with a core warm up.
TIP 2 – Breathe out during the exertion part of the exercise, that’s when you crunch.
TIP 3 – Finish the workout with a core stretching routine.
TIP 4 – Do 30 minute cardio workouts at least 3 times a week, to burn the extra fat, and add upper body, core and lower body workouts to your weekly schedule.
TIP 5 – Follow a clean eating diet, and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Top 10 OBLIQUES Exercises For Women: Cinch The Waist & Get Rid Of Your Muffin Top!