TOGAF Software for Enterprise Architecture

Actually not very long ago, modeling Enterprise Architecture Development was symbolized by three things: a pencil, a sheet of paper and a notations. However time marches on and technology evolves. Everything seems to be moving towards going digital. But are you ready to make the jump?

Why Many TOGAF Projects Failed?

Although businesses are aware of the advantages of an EA practice, it has never been an easy task to build an Enterprise Architecture. A problem many organizations face is inability to identify the place to start, and how to get started. The immaturity of Enterprise Architecture results in gaps and hurdles in the early stages that can stop businesses progressing further with the scheme.

In 2007, Gartner found that 40% of Enterprise Architecture initiatives would be stopped and a later survey in 2015 indicates that 70% of businesses were looking to either start, or restart an Enterprise Architecture program.

If you Google around for Enterprise Architecture tooling you will probably uncovered two alternatives:

  1. Established EA tools with very high price tag, yet they only provide a tree-like structure of repository that contains a set of templates you to edit yourselves.
  2. The second alternative would be some drawing tools, such as Visio that requires excessive management and juggling of information between multiple applications.

Your Ultimate Solution – Visual Paradigm

Visual Paradigm helps your team to kick-start any size of IT projects with automated guide-through process, with step-by-step instruction, input references and samples. You can develop deliverables incrementally and collaboratively with your team members with our project management platform. It will surely enhance and streamline the entire process with automated task management and notifications with task manager in both desktop and/or over the cloud environment.

Visual Paradigm offers two types of process management product: The Guide-Through Process and the Just-In-Time Process.

  1. Typically, the Guide-through Process target for well-defined and widely used methodologies that people tend to follow it step by step without the needs to customize it.
  2. While Just-in-Time Process aims to be used to automate more dynamic process or framework instead of a methodology, while could be easily adjusted or customized to deal with different nature of problems.

The benefits of Visual Paradigm Guide-through Process Approach

  1. Structure TOGAF ADM into phases, activities and steps, and embedded with instructions, samples and input references
  2. Progress Indicator that shows you where you are and the status of completion for phases, activities and steps
  3. Perform analysis, diagramming and work incrementally and generate deliverable and report automatically
  4. Automatically transcribe data from one step to another for further actions or perform different forms of analysis
  5. Carry forward of deliverable as input reference from one step to another
  6. Assign activity or deliverables as task for different members with time schedule and role to the task manager automatically
  7. Seamlessly integrate EA, Project Management process with Agile software development process and toolset
  • TOGAF ADM Process Guide-through
    The TOGAF ADM Process Navigator. It covers the nine ADM phases. Double click on a phase to start working on it.
  • Activities of ADM Phase B
    Activities of an ADM phase. Each phase contains a set of activities required to perform in order to produce the corresponding deliverables.
  • Visualizing the impacted organization units
    Performing an activity. This example shows the use of ArchiMate 3 in representing the organization units being impacted by the architecture initiative.
  • Description of level of impacts
    Automatic transformation of data. In this example, the impacted units are extracted from the ArchiMate 3 diagram. You can then fill-in the description of impact in a table.
  • Clear instructions
    All activities contains clear instruction. Even with you are not familiar with TOGAF, you can still perform the activities required.
  • Comprehensive samples
    Besides instructions, you can also get help by reading the samples we provided. Learning is not needed!
  • Performing Architecture Maturity Assessment
    We provide a wide range of Enterprise Architecture tools to support your EA needs. Maturity Analysis is one of them.
  • Generated TOGAF ADM Deliverable
    Generate TOGAF ADM deliverable once your’ve completed the activities.
  • Visualizing Governance Structure with ArchiMate
    Another sample use of ArchiMate 3. Besides modeling architecture, you can also draw an ArchiMate 3 diagram to represent a governance structure.
  • Form-filling deliverable composer
    Besides drawing diagrams, some activities require you to fill-in forms in order to produce deliverable. ‘Request for Architecture Work’ is one of the examples.
  • Performing Gap Analysis
    Gap Analysis with ArchiMate 3. Look at the bottom right. It’s a color legend that enables you to effective apply color code to elements in diagram.
  • Modeling Baseline Architecture Model
    A typical use of ArchiMate 3 Diagram in Enterprise Architecture is for developing the architecture model. Here is a Baseline Business Architecture Model.
  • Modeling Target Technology Architecture Model
    The development of Target Technology Architecture Model is an activity of TOGAF ADM Phase D: Technology Architecture.
  • Using Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in representing work elements and work packages
    Draw a Work Breakdown Structure to represent the structuring of work as well as to derive and obtain a list of work packages.
  • Visualizing Architecture Roadmap with ArchiMate
    The Architecture Roadmap involves visualizing transition architectures as plateau and the association of work packages with gaps.
  • Transition timeline
    Transition Timeline shows the time frame of architecture activities. It also allows you to indicate the investment points and major milestones.
  • Putting files into Architecture Repository
    Architecture Repository is where deliverables being archived. While deliverables are automatically archived, you can also put a file into a drawer (in the Architecture Repository) manually.

What is TOGAF?

First published in 1995, TOGAF was based on the US Department of Defense Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management (TAFIM). From this foundation, The Open Group Architecture Forum has developed successive versions of TOGAF at regular intervals.

TOGAF®, introduced by The Open Group, is a proven enterprise architecture methodology and framework used by the world’s leading organizations to improve business efficiency. It is an enterprise architecture standard, ensuring consistent standards, methods, and communication among enterprise architecture professionals, so that we can conduct our enterprise architecture work in a better way, including:

  • An iterative process model supported by best practices
  • A re-usable set of existing architecture assets
  • Methods and tools for the planning, development, implementation, and maintenance of an enterprise architecture

What is TOGAF ADM?

The Architecture Development Method (ADM) is applied to develop an enterprise architecture which will meet the business and information technology needs of an organization. The TOGAF ADM is the result of continuous contributions from a large number of architecture practitioners for serving the following purposes:

  • It describes a method for developing and managing the lifecycle of an enterprise architecture, and forms the core of TOGAF.
  • It may be tailored to the organization’s needs and is then employed to manage the execution of architecture planning activities.


During application of the ADM process, a number of outputs are produced based on some inputs and steps according to the phase objective provided by the ADM.

TOGAF ADM Input, Steps and Output

ADM Input and Output

TOGAF provides a number of input and output deliverables from each phases:

  • These are suggestions and need not be followed exactly
  • Each deliverable produced should be versioned to indicate when a change has occurred
  • The version numbering shown is also a suggestion and need not be followed


A work product that is contractually specified and in turn formally reviewed, agreed, and signed off by the stakeholders. It will typically be archived at completion of a project, or transitioned into an Architecture Repository as a reference model

TOGAF steps and deliverables