TOEIC listening part 2 – Familiarise with the TOEIC listening section

Introduction to TOEIC listening part 2

Part 2 deals with 25 questions or affirmations followed by 3 response proposals spoken out only once. You must choose the proposal that best responds to the query/affirmation and reports it on your answer sheet. You are forbidden to write in the booklet. No statement will be written. Only options A, B and C will be indicated. TOEIC listening part 2

Part 2 TOEIC listening – Tips

Be careful, for this part you have no support (photos, text) to help you understand the questions and the response options. The difficulty of this part is based on your ability to stay focused on the audio track, especially since it is long (30 questions in a row). TOEIC listening part 2

If you are unsure about a question, do not hesitate to make the following questions succeed! Do not distract yourself! When you hesitate, choose an answer anyway and stay focused to make sure you do not miss the beginning of the next question. Write down the question you hesitated to return to at the end of the exercise if you have time.

CEFR Assessment Test


Your answer:

Correct answer:

You got {{SCORE_CORRECT}} out of {{SCORE_TOTAL}}

Your Answers

Be attentive to the interrogative word used or to the key information of the affirmation. TOEIC listening part 2

Do not hesitate to read our tips for successful TOEIC Listening, and strategies for successful TOEIC training.

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Example of an Exam-Practice training base exercise.

You hear the question:

What time is it?

You hear the 3 response proposals:

a. 3 o’clock

b. Tuesday

c. march

Then mark the correct answer on your answer sheet: a

The presentation of the exercises in detail of the listening section: TOEIC listening part 2

TOEIC Listening Part 1

TOEIC Listening Part 3

TOEIC Listening Part 4