Tips for a Successful Digital Detox – now & gen

If you follow me on social media, you may have seen me post about doing a digital detox a few weekends ago. Let me tell you: It was awesome. I felt so present and refreshed after putting down my phone for 24 hours. In case you’ve been considering going low-tech for a day or more, I wanted to share my tips for a successful digital detox.

Create a Plan

Do you want to digitally detox for an hour? 24 hours? A whole weekend or more? However long you choose to unplug, set your goal and then make some plans for activities and adventures to do when you’d normally be scrolling.

Grab a Notebook

Once your brain is no longer stimulated by Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you’ll likely find that your creativity surges. I like to have a notebook like All Swell Creative Write & Draw Notebooks on hand to write down all my brilliant ideas.  

Consider a Camera

No phone equals no camera at your fingertips. But you don’t want to miss out on any beautiful shots if you go on a gorgeous hike or make precious memories with your family. I like a Polaroid Camera to capture photos the old-fashioned way.

Don’t Forget an Alarm Clock

Using your phone as an alarm clock, but it isn’t healthy. Consider keeping your bedroom a phone-free zone by investing in an alarm clock. I like the Hatch Alarm Clock because it’s a combo sound machine, sunrise alarm, smart light, meditation app and alarm clock all in one. 

Pick Up a Good Book

Your unplugged time will fly by if you get lost in a good book or three! I highly recommend Harlem Shuffle, our October Now & Gen Book Club pick.

Recruit a Challenge Buddy 

It’s always easier to meet a goal if you have support. Try to get your significant other, best friend, or parent to do the detox with you.

Download an Internet Blocker

After your detox is over, use an internet blocker to limit distracting apps and websites on your computer or phone. Freedom allows you to block distractions and schedule focused time to keep you productive, while the Forest app tracks your focused time through planted trees. Even better: When users spend virtual coins they earn in the app, the company donates to Trees for the Future.