This Thorn

While I knew I had a problem long before I got help, I resisted the idea for one reason: I didn’t think anyone else would understand. I believed I was the only one in my situation, feeling those feelings. I felt all alone. Through working my 12 step program, I’ve come to meet hundreds of others JUST LIKE ME. Since regaining “clarity of mind,” and by being fully present in my own life, I now understand more about my alcoholic behaviors, the vicious cycle that held me hostage for so long, and how my addiction and recovery impact others. I feel called to bring more attention to the truths of this disease, help expose the lies we tell ourselves, and shed light upon the many blessings that come in recovery. Sobriety is better than I ever imagined and I long to help anyone else questioning, or fearing the changes that come with it, to understand that the miracle is possible-I’m living it. I want to “plant these seeds” of hope by speaking to others about what I’ve learned through my own experiences so that they know they’re not alone either.