The Business Times


Declining populations pose challenges

Although the world population continues to grow, the pace has slowed in most developed countries. That’s raised concerns for economists, demographers and other social scientists. Some studies seek…

Manage expectations to thrive in a tight labor market

As of December, the latest month for which estimates are available, the seasonally unadjusted unemployment rate stood at 3.1 percent in Mesa County. Why do unemployment rates matter?…

Bring your best to work, not your personal baggage

Some people believe a barrier separates their personal and professional lives. An honest and discerning look at your experiences and those of others you’ve worked with reveals this…

Board with business? Advisors can help

Would your business benefit from outside advice? Do you sometimes wish you had help making difficult or confusing decisions? Have you considered seeking support from a group of…

Commercial real estate market remains strong

Despite all the headlines about the effects of higher interest rates on real estate, the commercial market in Mesa County performed better than expected in 2022. Demand for…

It’s impossible to keep work at work and home at home

Disclaimer: This column should not be construed in any shape or form as a statement or philosophy about marriage. Striking a balance between work and home is no…

Workplace wellness programs help get businesses in shape

Workplace wellness isn’t a new concept but has moved to the forefront of the minds of many business owners and managers. As health care costs rise and the…