The 9 Best Funny and Helpful Blogs About Grammar – The Book Designer

However, that doesn’t mean that grammar can’t be fun. As people who make our living with the written word, learning a little more about grammar wouldn’t hurt either.

There are numerous blogs about grammar available if you poke around. They can be instructive, amusing, helpful, or hysterically funny. I prefer the latter, since I find a little laughter makes learning a whole lot easier.

Here then are blogs for your entertainment, education, and enjoyment, all on the subject of grammar. Comments are taken from the respective blogs.

The 9 Best Funny and Helpful Blogs About Grammar

  • Comma Clout
    It’s all about the clout of the comma
    Some may view the comma as a pesky punctuation point, however, many of us realize that it can, significantly, change the meaning of the message … This blog is dedicated to exposing situations in which the comma has a lot of persuasive power. Plus, apparently, we’re really into alliteration.
  • Apostrophe Abuse
    Links and visuals illustrating an orthographic pet peeve.
    by Chris
  • Apostrophe Catastrophe
    The Worlds’ Worst. Punctuation;
    Bad punctuation horrifies me. But hasn’t this been done before? Yes, there are similar blogs out there…. But I’m putting my own spin on reporting on this scourge of society.
    by Becky
  • The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks
    Actually, I don’t consider quotation marks a peeve. I just think it’s funny to misinterpret them, almost always. This is not the case with most other grammatical errors, although the occasional dangling modifier is pretty amusing.
    by Bethany
  • Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing
    Grammar Girl makes complex grammar questions simple with memory tricks to help you recall and apply those troublesome grammar rules.
    by Mignon Fogarty
  • Literally, A Web Log
    An English language grammar blog tracking abuse of the word “literally”
    by Patrick Fitzgerald and Amber Rhea
    Editor’s Note: This website no longer exists.
  • The Flickr “Quotation Mark” Abuse Group
    “Quotation Mark” Abuse
    “Signs” that abuse “Quotation Marks”
  • lowercase L
    Ever notice hand-written signs with letters in all-caps, except for the letter L? It looks like an uppercase i … WHY DO PEOPlE WRITE lIKE THIS?
    by William Levin
  • Grammar Cop Blog
    Grammer Cop first appeared in 1992 at the Penn State University. His popular columns were featured in what was then the only independent newspaper on campus. G.C. has been fighting grammar crime in all it’s forms for more than a decade. Send your questions to [email protected]

I believe there is nothing that bothers writers as much as English grammar. Let’s face it, for most people writing a book is a pretty big project. It will take months, perhaps years to get to the end of a manuscript that is ready for publication. One of the biggest reasons we need editors—and all writers need editors, don’t they?—is the natural desire of authors to see their work in print without grammatical errors.However, that doesn’t mean that grammar can’t be fun. As people who make our living with the written word, learning a little more about grammar wouldn’t hurt either.There are numerous blogs about grammar available if you poke around. They can be instructive, amusing, helpful, or hysterically funny. I prefer the latter, since I find a little laughter makes learning a whole lot easier.Here then are blogs for your entertainment, education, and enjoyment, all on the subject of grammar. Comments are taken from the respective blogs.

Do you know any other blogs I can add to this list? I’d love to hear about them.