The 2022 Ultimate Guide to Fibromyalgia

Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia

You might also consider natural remedies to treat your pain, such as CBD, acupuncture, massage therapy, meditation, yoga, or tai chi. 


While research is limited in terms of CBD due to its progressing legal status, the research conducted thus far has shown a promising future of CBD and fibromyalgia. Researchers believe cannabis helps in the way it interrupts nerve signals to the brain. They think it eases pain by possibly attaching to nerve receptors in the body called CB2 receptors. Another hypothesis is that CBD sparks the body to produce cannabinoids (endocannabinoids) which results in less pain and inflammation.

A 2020 study of cannabis on fibromyalgia concluded that this treatment method has a promising future for fibromyalgia pain relief.

A 2016 study concluded with the hypothesis that chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia and migraines are caused by a deficiency of endocannabinoids, which CBD helps replenish.

While the potential of CBD oil for fibromyalgia is strong, much more research and studies are required to fully understand its effects.


Acupuncture involves sticking fin needles in specific pressure points to relieve pain. While the results are mixed, acupuncture for fibromyalgia has been studied and shown to have some benefits. A meta-analysis of 12 random controlled trials found it to be effective in reducing pain and improving quality of life. The long-term follow up found it to still be effective as well.

Another meta-analysis found moderate levels of evidence that acupuncture improves pain and stiffness, improves sleep, and enhances the overall quality life of fibromyalgia patients. While the study concluded that larger research is required, it did state acupuncture to be safe.

More research is required on  acupuncture and fibromyalgia, but it shows potential benefits of reduced pain, better sleep, increased relaxation, potential immune system stimulation, and better overall health.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is nothing new, it involves the kneading and rubbing of muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments to reduce pain. Fibromyalgia massages may range from deep pressure to light strokes depending on the person and their condition. A systematic review of nine studies with 404 patients found massage therapy for fibromyalgia to reduce pain, anxiety, and depression when used for ≥5 weeks.


Because fibromyalgia impacts both physical and mental wellbeing, it’s thought that mindfulness meditation can serve as a complimentary treatment to reduce pain and improve overall mental health. Both a study and review found meditation for fibromyalgia relief to not necessarily reduce pain, but give patients the ability to better cope and manage fibro related stress. Implementing mindfulness-based stress reduction into your daily routine can reduce stress levels, improve sleep, and enhance quality of life.


Yoga presents itself as not only a good way to reduce pain and improve flexibility & strength, but a way of reducing stress, enhancing mindfulness, and relieving mental fatigue. Because of its benefits, yoga for fibromyalgia relief is commonly practiced. There are a wide collection of studies and findings which show yoga to be a solid complimentary treatment method.