Test your knowledge of the Hogwarts Sorting Hat! | Wizarding world

The Sorting Hat quiz

Which old Hogwarts relic did Harry pull out of the Sorting Hat?

What is a “hatstall”?

Which of the following witches and wizards were hatstalls?

Which Hogwarts house founder was wearing the hat before it was enchanted to become the Sorting Hat?

What was unique about the Sorting Hat’s song in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?

Hermione was sorted into Gryffindor, as you know. But the Sorting Hat did seriously consider her for…

How does the Sorting Hat decide how to sort students?

When Tom Riddle wore the Sorting Hat, the hat sorted him into Slytherin the moment it touched his head. True or false?

In Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which house does Lily Potter Jr. get sorted into?

And in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, what did Lord Voldemort do to the Sorting Hat?

We take our hats off to you

Nice work! Not full
marks but an enviable score, nonetheless. The Sorting Hat would be jealous of
your knowledge for sure.

Hang up your hat

Alas! Your Sorting
Hat knowledge isn’t tip top. Next time you try this quiz – use your head a bit

Sort yourself out!

Ooh, not your finest
score at all! You need a thinking cap – not a Sorting Hat!

Top hat!

The Sorting Hat
claims to know all about the person who puts it on their head – but we think
you know everything about the Sorting Hat!