Talk about your workplacement/ English abstract for your QHSSE internship report
These are only prompts to help you start…
It also provides you with a frame that will have to be modified later!
▪ I did my internship (US)/ work placement (GB) with ( company) during ( length of time), from ( beginning) to ( end).
▪(Company)’s facility/ ( company’s) plant is located in a highly industrialized/ residential area close to… . ( sequence on locating places)
▪ As a trainee/ an apprentice in ( company) which is located in …., I worked for the…. ( department)
▪ It employs ( number) staff/ employees, there are also some subcontractors working on the plant. / (Company) is a subcontractor for ( name of the other company).
▪It works in the pharmaceutical, petrochemical field/ in the field of nuclear energy.
▪The company has connections/branches nationwide/worldwide
▪This company is ISO-14001, ….. certified.
III – THE DEPARTMENT for which you worked
▪ The unit where I worked specializes in … It …. ( V/ Compl on activities of the department)
▪ In the 1st week, I was given …( a tour of the facility to know my way around and understand the activities and strategies of the company/ an introduction to the work with the company/ a safety training to have the right to work on certain premises/ …). safety trainings….
▪ After that, I was primarily posted in / appointed to the department responsible for /dedicated to / in charge of … OR I did my internship primarily in the ………………… department.
▪This report mainly focuses on .. consists in…..
First I…..
Before + V-ing
After + V-ing
▪ Basically, as a trainee, I learned how to…
▪ In the end, it was a valuable experience because ….(I gained professional expertise / work experience in my particular career field)
▪ What I appreciated most was ….
▪ I found the experience useful because….
▪ In the end, it was a valuable experience because ….(I gained professional expertise / work experience in my particular career field)
▪ What I appreciated most was ….
Some useful vocabulary
un stage professionnel
a work (experience) placement (GB) / an internship (US)
chercher un stage
to look for a work placement (GB) / an internship (US)
suivre un stage en entreprise dans le cadre de son cursus
to do/take an industrial placement / an internship in a company as part of one’s school or university course
un stage en automatisme/ régulation/ …
a placement / an internship in automation / regulation / …
un stage conventionné
an official internship
une convention de stage
an internship agreement
un stage rémunéré
a paid internship
un stage non rémunéré
an unpaid internship
un maître de stage
a placement supervisor, a mentor
à l’achèvement de la période de stage
at the completion/conclusion of the placement period
un certificat de stage
a certificate (of completion) of training / a training certificate
un rapport de stage
a work experience report (GB) / an internship report (US)
une soutenance de rapport devant un jury
a viva (GB) / a defense (US) in front of a board of examiners
un stagiaire
a trainee (GB) / an intern (US)
travailler comme stagiaire pour une société
work as a trainee for a company
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