Studio Creatio Enterprise Review: Pricing, Pros, Cons & Features |

Studio Creatio Enterprise Benefits


The main benefits of Studio Creatio Enterprise are automated workflows, intuitive interface, and secured business plans.

Automated workflows

Studio Creatio Enterprise lets you manage your automated work processes. Creatio’s Case Designer helps you create even dynamic and unstructured processes. You can also develop general workflow stages that can be used as a model for other work plans. 

In terms of new projects, you can set certain conditions, and the system will enter those into its database. With Creatio, you can add automatic activities, and the software will notify involved members of their responsibilities. It even suggests the next steps should an existing work plan is complete.

Intuitive interface

This business management software provides a no-code solution for managing business’ processes. There is no need to hire experts to manage your workflows. Creatio even has templates for general business processes. 

You can also easily see related tasks for a more collaborative process. The dashboard then supplies businesses with charts and reports for report visualization.

Secured business plans

Creatio allows you to set varying access rights for every team member. Through this feature, you can control your work plans without fears of security breaches.  You can set the system’s permissions to give priority authorization to you and your business’ managers.