std::convert – Rust

Traits for conversions between types.

The traits in this module provide a way to convert from one type to another type.
Each trait serves a different purpose:

  • Implement the AsRef trait for cheap reference-to-reference conversions
  • Implement the AsMut trait for cheap mutable-to-mutable conversions
  • Implement the From trait for consuming value-to-value conversions
  • Implement the Into trait for consuming value-to-value conversions to types
    outside the current crate
  • The TryFrom and TryInto traits behave like From and Into,
    but should be implemented when the conversion can fail.

The traits in this module are often used as trait bounds for generic functions such that to
arguments of multiple types are supported. See the documentation of each trait for examples.

As a library author, you should always prefer implementing From<T> or
TryFrom<T> rather than Into<U> or TryInto<U>,
as From and TryFrom provide greater flexibility and offer
equivalent Into or TryInto implementations for free, thanks to a
blanket implementation in the standard library. When targeting a version prior to Rust 1.41, it
may be necessary to implement Into or TryInto directly when converting to a type
outside the current crate.

  • AsRef and AsMut auto-dereference if the inner type is a reference
    (but not generally for all dereferenceable types)
  • From<U> for T implies Into<T> for U
  • TryFrom<U> for T implies TryInto<T> for U
  • From and Into are reflexive, which means that all types can
    into themselves and from themselves

See each trait for usage examples.