socialblade package – – Go Packages

Social Blade API in Go

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Personal Discord
Social Blade Discord

Information and Disclaimer

Just because I work for Social Blade does not mean this is an official library. This is an unofficial library created for my personal convenience on my personal time.

This library supports most of the endpoints that are being exposed by either the official Social Blade Browser Extensions, Apps, or Website. Any endpoints that are not exposed publically will not be added until done so.

Social Blade’s API is a private API used for Social Blade official tools and for companies with express written permission. Use of the Social Blade API without express permission is prohibited by the active Terms of Service and may result in being blocked from the Social Blade website and all of it’s data.


go get


Import the library into your project.

import ""

Construct a new client which will be used to access the API by using the third-party Auth function.

// Third-Party Auth
sb, err := socialblade.Auth("Third-Party API Key")


Getting YouTube Stats

sb, _ := socialblade.Auth("Third-Party API Key")
stats, _ := sb.StatsYouTube("EatTim")
fmt.Printf("%s has %s subs \n", stats.Data.DisplayName, stats.Data.Subs)


If you have official access to the Social Blade API via express permission from the company then feel free to contact me via Twitter or email me for any help.