Pinot Noir! The 2023 Guide To The Best Pinot Noir Wines

Pinot Noir! The 2023 Guide To The Best Pinot Noir Wines

Don’t fall for the “great Pinot Noir HAS to expensive” mantra we hear so much! For some reason this variety tends to be extremely susceptible to snobbery, with consumers and winemakers alike dreaming of transcendental experiences. And while it is indeed a finicky grape to grow, that doesn’t mean you have to spend a boatload just to get a decent bottle. Witness the many bottles on our list here of the best Pinot Noir under $20 (plus a few of our favorites over $20 for when you want to splurge).

The Best Pinot Noir - The Reverse Wine Snob Picks!The Best Pinot Noir - The Reverse Wine Snob Picks!

Even so Pinot Noir can be a hard nut to crack at lower price points. However, don’t despair, we’ve got plenty of reviews and recommendations right here and they are not all from where you might expect!

One of the most important rules you can follow in your quest for the best inexpensive Pinot Noir is to not limit yourself to Oregon, Burgundy and the big-name areas of California. Places like New Zealand, the rest of France and California and even Germany can produce great Pinot as well — and the best part is that it is oftentimes at a much lower price!

Click here to get a printable shopping list of The Best Pinot Noir!

Typically lighter-bodied, with plenty of strawberry, cherry, and earthy flavors, one of the appeals of this variety is how well it goes with food. Ranging in style from oaked to unoaked and from very fruity to quite earthy there is plenty to explore in our list of the best Pinot under $20!

Read on for our picks of The Best Pinot Noir (Mostly) Under $20!

Photo Credit: brm/