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Do more and be more right out the gate. Ignition has successfully launched over 100 top-tier, and highly sought after projects since 2021, let yours be the next!

Ignition is PAID Network’s IDO Launchpad with a mission to connect highly vetted founders with brilliant ideas for curated projects and offerings with crowd-sourced funding and best-in-class incubation tools and advisors to bring the vision of founders and creators to fruition for the benefit of all. It is the PAID community’s gateways to the best projects in the space. Ignition’s straightforward lottery system provides easy access to top tier project offerings. Ignition vets and selects top-tier cutting-edge projects to launch while supporting their growth along the way.

PAID Network creates massive opportunities for growth. Capitalizing on PAID Network’s community strength, along with Master Ventures incubation resources, PAID Network launchpads provide a one-stop shop of endless opportunity for everyone.

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