Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World / Characters – TV Tropes

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Main Characters



    Aliceliese Lou Nebulis IX 

Heavenly Empire


The Heavenly Empire, or the Empire for short, is the largest nation in the world. Because of their opposing views about Astral Mages, the Empire is at war with the Nebulis Sovereignty, a safe haven for all astral mages.

    In General 



    Emperor Yunmelngen 

Unit N07

    Nene Alkastone 

Voiced by: Kaori Ishihara (Japanese), Sarah Roach (English)


The top-notch mechanical engineer of Unit N07 to which Iska belongs to. Highly skilled at handling any kind of weapons and machinery, she’s also known as an outstanding researcher. She is cheerful, light-hearted, and winsome. She attaches herself to Iska and calls him “My Bro, Iska.”

  • Adaptational Curves: Nene seems to be bustier in the anime and light novel than in the manga.
  • Genki Girl: Nene can be described as a bundle of explosive positive energy.
  • The Glomp: She always takes the chance to grab Iska by the arm as a sign of affection.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Nene is not pleased when Sisbell gets a little too close to Iska.
  • Kill Sat: Nene can control a satellite, the Star of Tetrabiblos, to launch a grenade that disrupts astral power.
  • Odd Friendship: With Sisbell; her and Mismis are extremely outgoing and they form a friendship with Sisbell who is extremely introverted, helping Sisbell break her out of her shell.
  • Secret-Keeper: Knows about Mismis becoming a Star Spirit wielder.

    Mismis Klass 

    Jhin Syulargun 

Voiced by: Shun’ichi Toki (Japanese), Alejandro Saab (English)


The trustworthy sniper of Unit N07 to which Iska belongs to. Cool and composed under any circumstances, he trained with Iska under the same tutor as Iska. He is blunt and bad-mouthed but thoughtful of his comrade at heart.

  • Brutal Honesty: He doesn’t mince words especially towards Mismis.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Especially towards Mismis.
  • Friendly Sniper: He’s a skilled sniper and is loyal to the unit. Though it’s hinted that sniping isn’t his only combat skill, since he trained under Crosswell, Iska’s sword teacher.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Jhin is essentially ‘Hawkeye’, in this universe, down to playing golf and “playing 18 holes and only swinging 18 times”. He just doesn’t miss.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Upon finding Lord Mask, who (accidently and unknowingly) made Mismis

    a Star Spirit wielder

    (effectively ruining her life in the Empire), Jhin shows him a very dark and menacing side of himself to the point Lord Mask is caught off guard.

  • Only Sane Man: Jhin is clearly the only one on Unit N07 the level head.
  • Secret-Keeper: Knows about Mismis becoming a Star Spirit wielder.


Saint Disciples




The third seat to the Saint Disciples known as the “Incessant Tempest”.

  • Goggles Do Nothing: She has a pair of goggles on her neck.
  • The Nicknamer: When addressing others, she often uses nicknames, like “Names” for Nameless and “Jo” for Joheim.
  • Odd Friendship: Invoked, May starts a strange friendship/rivalry with Kissing.
  • Token Good Teammate: Unlike most of the other Saint Disciples, May doesn’t look down on Iska’s actions or hold it against him.

    Magna Cassa 

The fourth seat to the Saint Disciples and director of the Empire’s Special Defense for Humankind.

    Risya In Empire 

Voiced by: Ayana Taketatsu (Japanese), Dani Chambers (English)


The fifth seat to the Saint Disciples and the special counsel to the Defense Council. A singular prodigy in a multitude of diverse fields, she is friendly and approachable, but acutely diligent. She’s the sort of leader to order Unit N07 into harm’s way with a smile. She’s on good terms with Mismis.

  • Bad Boss: Downplayed compared to Nameless. While she is friendly to the N07 unit, she did lie to them about their purpose for infiltrating the Sovereignty.

    She claims they’re supposed to rescue Iska, but she really wants the unit to act as a distraction while she helps Salinger escape, not caring that the unit will most likely be in danger once the whole prison spire falls into chaos, though she probably expected them to survive on their own.

    At the start of Volume 4, an imperial medic states Risya broke regulations by sending the unit out on too many consecutive missions with no break.

  • The Dragon: She works directly for the Lord and considers the Eight Great Apostle’s orders to merely be optional requests that she can take at her discretion.
  • Enemy Mine:

    She breaks Salinger out of prison to destabilize the Sovereignty.

  • The Gadfly: The way she phrases her orders seems to be designed to see how Mismis will react to them. At one point, she uses a broadcast to poke fun at Mismis complaining about having too many things to memorize, indicating that she either knows Mismis really well or is listening in on Mismis.
  • Master of All: She is skilled in both intellectual fields and combat.
  • Secret Secret-Keeper:
    • Invoked, Risya is constantly dropping hints that she knows more than she lets on about Iska and Alice’s budding relationship.
    • In Volume 10, she reveals that she’s known that Mismis was an Astral Mage the whole time.


Voiced by: Jun Kasama (Japanese), Patrick Seitz (English)


The eighth seat of the Saint Disciples known as the “Invisible Hand of God”. Nameless is an assassin draped in optical camouflage and without equal in combat who does not tolerate any obstacles in his way and will execute his mission without heed to friend or foe. There is a cool rationality to everything he does.

  • Ambiguous Robots: He has never been seen outside of his suit, which makes it uncertain whether it’s Powered Armor or Animated Armor, and while he moves like a human and bleeds when struck, it’s not clear if he really is just a man in a suit or a very advanced android.
  • Bad Boss: He never gives thorough explanations to the soldiers under his command and doesn’t care to save them when they start disappearing. He’s also willing to bomb the vortex even if it means sacrificing captured imperial soldiers.
  • Genius Bruiser: He’s a superhumanly powerful fighter and he’s smart enough to realize that Alice’s automatic defense doesn’t work against her own redirected ice spells.
  • Jerkass: Unlike the Faux Affably Evil members of the empire, Nameless never sugarcoats his contempt towards others and his willingness to sacrifice his allies to complete his mission.
  • Stealth Expert: Thanks to his optical camouflage, he can easily sneak up on his enemies and kill them before they can react.
  • Logical Weakness: Apparently being invisible doesn’t mean much when your opponent decides that enough is enough and just nukes the battleground.

    This was how Alice defeats him.



The ninth seat to the Saint Disciples. He is involved with the Empire’s Divine Prison.

    Sir Colossus Newton 


The tenth seat to the Saint Disciples and director of the Empire’s Department of Weapons Development.


The eleventh seat to the Saint Disciple, known as the “Absent Engineer”.

Eight Great Apostles

    In General 

  • Ambiguously Human\Ambiguous Robots: The Eight Great Apostles of the Empire only appear on computer screens with their names and audio-only conferences, to the point that Risya outright wonders if they might be AIs. Even some representatives in the Empire’s legislative assembly have asked the same questions.

    The fact they’ve been around for 100 years doesn’t help.

  • Ambition Is Evil: It was their ambition that started the whole war!

    They convinced the Emperor of the time, Yunmelngen’s father, to dig for Astral Energy under the pretense that it would greatly advance the Empire. However, they secretly calculated that unearthing the energy would cause an enormous explosion that would kill everyone at the mine and in the surrounding area, including the emperor and the prince so that they could rule the Empire. Instead, the released energy gave birth to Astral Mages. Because the explosion left the Emperor unable to rule, the eight took advantage of this and began running the government. They wanted to eliminate anybody possessed by astral energy, but still desired the energy for themselves, so they came up with the derogatory terms “witch” and “sorcerer”, and started sending out false reports about the crimes committed by these witches and sorcerers . As a result, the police became extremely vigilant of them, and they became outcasts. Soon, these so-called witches and sorcerers were arrested, often for false reasons, and thus the persecution began.

  • Asshole Victim:

    After everything they’ve done over the past 100 years, them getting killed by Elletear after they betrayed her is well deserved.

  • Big Bad Ensemble: Despite serving Emperor Yunmelngen, they may be the true big bads on the Empire side of the story, given how Yunmelngen is (so far) a Nice Guy and how Crosswell is warier of them instead of the Nebulis Sovereignty.

    This is confirmed in Volume 11, where it’s revealed that it was their actions that started the war.

  • Fantastic Racism: The Eight Apostles have shown the radical Imperialist ideology that all witches should be exterminated from the planet.
  • It’s All About Me: The apostles are very treacherous, selfish, and manipulative, having no loyalties to anyone but themselves.

The Eight Great Apostles are 8 supreme leaders who command the Imperial Senate, effectively serving as the Empire’s legislative body.

Other Heavenly Empire Characters

    Crosswell Nes Lubigate 

Voiced by: Kosuke Toriumi (Japanese), Ivan Jasso (English)


Iska and Jhin’s master, the original wielder of the Astral Swords, and a former Saint Disciple.

  • Adaptational Early Appearance: In the Light Novel he doesn’t make a proper appearance until Volume 10. In the anime and manga, he appears during the events of Volume 1, though only in flashbacks.
  • Really 700 Years Old:

    He looks to be somewhere between his 20s and 30s, but the fact that Nebulis was his older sister raises questions on his actual age.

  • Significant Anagram:

    The “Nes Lubigate” in his name is an anagram for “Nebulis”, making his real name Crosswell Gate Nebulis.

  • The Stoic: He’s usually expressionless and tight-lipped.
  • Training from Hell: Iska and Jhin are his only students who didn’t run away after five years of training, implying he’s a strict teacher.

Nebulis Sovereignty


The Nebulis Sovereignty is a country of Astral Mages, founded one hundred years before the start of the series. It was built on the promise of being a paradise for all astral mages.

    In General 

  • False Utopia: The Nebulis Sovereignty was founded on the pretense that all Astral Mages would find equality and safety; that is false as after Alicerose’s death, numerous in-fighting, elitism, sexism (the Sovereignty developed into a heavy matriarchal society) have created a caste society built completely on the power levels of one’s Astral Spirits.
    • Case in point, the Royal Houses have been fighting each other for the throne so much, that there has already been eight Queens (and a King) ruling the Sovereignty by the start of the series, and the Sovereignty is only a century old; with the campaign for Ninth Monarch already underway!
  • Fantastic Caste System: The Sovereignty is heavily classist towards its people by both Social and Astral Power levels. This even extends to the Royal Houses, as a weak Astral Mage is barely acknowledged among their ranks.
  • Fantastic Racism: Most members of the Sovereignty hate the Empire with a passion.
  • Hypocrite: The Sovereignty is at war with the Empire because of the Empire’s discrimination against Astral Mages in the past, yet the Sovereignty look down on those with weak Astral Power,

    which includes even members of the Royal Families.

  • The Magic Versus Technology War: Represents the “Magic” side of the war.
  • Succession Crisis: A large part of the “Nebulis Plot” with Alice, is who will succeed Mirabea as Queen. Just to understand, Nebulis politics is pretty cut throat for a number of reasons.
    • One, Nebulis is very matriarchal which makes men trying to attain political extremely difficult. (It’s noted, that there have been at least one male Head of State before, but it’s very unlikely for men to attain power).
    • Two, Nebulis is some form of a Democratic Monarchy; with three Royal Houses (Lou Nebulis, Zoa Nebulis, & Hydra Nebulis) vying for their daughters to become Queen. But how, when, what it takes to be nominated is unknown.
    • Third, simply being a Royal doesn’t allow the girls to campaign, as Elletear being the firstborn daughter of House Lou Nebulis didn’t help her case.

      Though the fact she has a weak Astral Power was probably a big factor.

    • Fourth, Word of God states that no monarch rules for very long in the Sovereinty.
  • You Are Number 6: All candidates to the throne are given a roman numeral in their name to denote which generation of title they are competing for. Word of God explains this is how there could possibly be “Nine Generations” how families of the Nebulis Royal Houses in only one hundred years.
    • For example, “Aliceliese Lou Nebulis IX” is only has “IX” in her name because she is a candidate for the Ninth Ruling Monarch of the Nebulis Sovereignty.

House of Lou

The current ruling House of Nebulis, having produced powerful Astral Mages.

The current ruling House of Nebulis, having produced powerful Astral Mages.

    Mirabea Lou Nebulis VIII 

    Rin Vispose 

    Sisbell Lou Nebulis IX 

    Elletear Lou Nebulis IX 

House of Hydra

A Noble House of Nebulis that has

secretly worked with the Empire on numerous occasions to destroy the other Noble Houses

A Noble House of Nebulis that has

    Mizerhyby Hydra Nebulis IX 


  • Beneath the Mask: Mizerhyby acts like the typical calm and graceful princess around her peers. But against an opponent she is unable to beat easily, like Iska, she drops the niceness and goes all out guns blazing.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Well, bluenette. Mizerhyby has noticeably pale skin compared to other characters.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Has a really nasty one.
  • Locked into Strangeness: Her hair used to be blonde, but when her astral powers activated for the first time it turned blue and stayed that way ever since.
  • Mind Control:

    The true nature of her astral power. Anyone she strengthens with Glory becomes a puppet for her to control.

  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: And unlike Alice, she does not have a quirky side.
  • Shadow Archetype: Her battle with Iska is drastically different from his first fight with Alice, another princess from the Nebulis Sovereignty who is just easy on the eyes. Alice treated him as an equal, was very calculating when battling Iska and was careful with what powers she used, eventually viewing him as her worthy rival and eventual love interest. Mizerhyby, on the other hand, was very condescending and crud towards him, only putting up an air of superiority and used Sovereignty soldiers to do the fighting for her due to the nature of her powers. When it became clear that Iska would not go down easily, she became a raging, raving mass of anger who just wants Iska to be flat-out D-E-A-D!
  • Slasher Smile: Gives Iska a sadistic one before the start of their battle, and it becomes more frightening as it goes on.
  • Super Empowering: Her astral power, Glory, allows her to emit her own astral energy and strengthen others to their highest potential.

    That’s just part one.

  • Smug Super: Acts cocky and condescending towards Iska during their battle, but the minute he gets one over her, she stops playing around and chases him down with ruthless abandoned.

    Vichyssoise Alek Hydra 

A distant member of the Hydra family, one of the three royal families in the Nebulis Sovereignty, and inquisitor having the authority to judge criminals.

House of Zoa

    On Zoa Nebulis 

    Kissing Zoa Nebulis IX 

Voice by: Konomi Kohara (Japanese), Bryn Apprill (English)


A purebred of the House of Zoa, who has the ability to deconstruct and reconstruct matter.

  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Apparently, this is one of the reasons Kissing decieds to

    form an alliance with Iska and serve under him

    when they meet again.

  • Enemy Mine:

    After her rematch and second loss to Iska, Kissing decides to form an alliance with him in order to defeat Elletear. Even more shocking, she states she’ll be subservient to him!

  • Friendless Background: Due to her sheltered and controlled upbringing, Kissing has no friends. In fact being placed in a cell by herself nearly breaks her as she states she “doesn’t want to be alone”.
  • He Knows Too Much: She becomes unnerved when Iska asks her about her training, which is supposed to be confidential, and then allows her powers to run wild.
  • Not in This for Your Revolution: Invoked, Kissing has been trained to battle and destroy the Empire, but after a few real fights on the front lines, she decides she hates fighting. Because of her duty though she continues to battle against


    ; knowing she must be taken down.

  • Tyke Bomb: She’s a child astral mage, 14 years old, who was indoctrinated by Lord Mask to fight using dangerous techniques, and he states that he plans on tinkering with her more before her next fight with Iska.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: She has the astral power to destroy anything and erase it from existence, including explosions. She can also restore that object if needed. While this ability makes her offensively powerful even compared to Alice and Nebulis’s Founder, she isn’t as experienced and Iska can find opportunities to attack when she focuses too much on offense. Her control over her powers is also lacking, making it hard for her to avoid friendly fire on her allies.
  • What Is This Feeling?: On multiple levels; Kissing has had a limited and lonely upbringing, so the numerous people working against and with her as well as her interactions with Iska, lead her to break from her conditionings and form her own feelings.

    Volume 2 Mole (Spoilers) 

Other Nebulis Characters

    Eve Sophi Nebulis 

Voiced by: Houko Kuwashima (Japanese), Monica Rial (English)


Eve Sophi Nebulis or more commonly called Nebulis, the Grand Witch, is the strongest Astral Mage to ever be born. After causing a calamity in the Heavenly Empire one hundred years before the events of KimiSen, she founded the Nebulis Sovereignty and went into a deep slumber.

  • Adaptational Wimp: In the first LN volume, Nebulis managed to knock out Alice temporarily and reveals that she has a staff to increase her powers further. In the anime, she doesn’t use the staff and puts up less of a fight against Iska and Alice.
  • Always Identical Twins: Hilariously averted, Eve looks nothing like her younger twin in almost every way.
    • Eve is short, dark-skinned, flat-chested, has dull blonde hair, and had a fiery outgoing personality. Alicerose on the other hand was taller, fair-skinned, well endowed, had bright blonde hair, and was more reserved.
  • Black-and-White Insanity: Like most members of the Sovereignty, she believes the Empire is evil. She also sees Alice as a traitor because the latter won’t let her kill Iska, despite how Alice intends to fight Iska on her own terms.
  • Outdated Hero vs. Improved Society: A century ago, the Empire branded women born with magical power as “witches”, hunted them down, and killed them. One of the most powerful of these witches, Nebulis, rebelled and led her fellow witches against the Empire, forming the Sovereignty of Nebulis before she was eventually sealed away. A century later, and both the Empire and Nebulis are still locked in a Forever War that both Alice (a witch and direct descendant of Nebulis) and Iska (an elite swordsman of the Empire and successor of the swordsman who sealed Nebulis) wish to end to stop the senseless bloodshed. After Nebulis is released from her seal, declares her intention to destroy the Empire and everyone in it, and then attacks Alice when she tries to reason with her, both Alice and Iska realize that regardless of her actions a century ago, she’s now a threat that needs to be dealt with.
  • Revenge Before Reason: She’s willing to risk destroying a neutral city just to kill a single imperial soldier and attempts to kill her fellow astral mages if they object to her methods, which is what convinces Alice that she’s not worth allying with.
  • Then Let Me Be Evil: After the Empire persecuted her and labeled her a witch, she decides to embrace that title and live only to destroy the Empire, everyone else be damned.
  • Time Master: Along with Space Master. She can use her astral power to call upon elemental phenomena from different points in time and space, allowing her to use all elements.
  • Tranquil Fury: She sounds calm and cold, but she’s filled with seething hatred because of the persecution the first astral mages went through.
  • Worf Had the Flu: Due to awakening recently, she can’t use her powers as well as she used to. Despite that, Iska and Alice are barely able to defeat her.

    Alicerose Sophi Nebulis 

Alicerose Sophi Nebulis or more commonly called Nebulis I or Nebulis the Founder. The younger twin sister of the Grand Witch Nebulis and a relative of Crosswell’s. She is the ancestor of the three royal families of the Nebulis Sovereignty.

  • Always Identical Twins: Hilariously averted, Alicerose looks nothing like her older twin in almost every way.
    • Alicerose was taller, fair-skinned, well endowed, had bright blonde hair, and was more reserved; Eve on the otherhand is shorter, dark-skinned, flat-chested, has dull blonde hair, and had a fiery outgoing personality.

    Salinger the Transcendental