Oregon Library Association | Strategic Plan 2020-23

OLA Strategic plan 2020-23


Oregon Library Association: A strong Oregon library network empowered locally
and engaged nationally.

In 2016, the OLA board adopted its first three-year strategic plan. In this plan, the board identified its vision, mission, reputation, unique role, areas of focus (goals), objectives (measurements), and initiatives (activities). In 2020, the board reaffirmed its vision, mission, values, and role, and updated the areas of focus, objectives, and initiatives. The new 2020-2023 strategic plan was adopted by the OLA executive board at its August 2020 board meeting. The year-long process to update the plan included input from OLA units, board members, the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Task Force, and the OLA membership through a survey distributed in February 2020.

Oregon Library Association: Strategic Direction 2020-2023


A strong Oregon library network empowered locally and engaged nationally.

Mission:OLA provides advocacy, education, leadership and collaboration to continually strengthen Oregon’s libraries and the communities we serve.

Reputation:Welcoming • Adaptive • Respected • Energizing • Effective

Unique Role:
Supporting and Advocating for Oregon libraries and the dedicated teams that staff them, OLA creates the space for:• Equal access to a wide-range of professional development, education, and collaborative opportunities.• A diverse mix of library professionals to work, learn, develop, and thrive together.• A library voice at the political, educational, and community levels.


       Focus 1. Actively commit to being an equitable, diverse, inclusive, and anti-racist organization     

  • EDI Committee is established and meets regularly as advisors to OLA, and strives to maintain representation from a variety of OLA divisions and units, including the Communications Committee (Target: FY 2021)

  • The OLA Board reviews and evaluates progress and implementation of the EDI Task Force Recommendations as a standing agenda item during OLA Board meetings (ongoing)

  • The OLA Board will review and approve an anti-racist statement or policy that applies to all OLA activities (Target: 2/21)

  • The OLA Awards Committee will establish an award for individuals or libraries who have demonstrated success in building environments and/or programs that foster diversity and inclusiveness (Target: 4/21)


  • Affirm OLA’s commitment to EDI and anti-racism

  • Improve the diversity within OLA with recruitment, retention, and support

  • Support anti-racist libraries and library workers with education resources.

     Focus 2. Strengthen OLA’s leadership and advocacy role across the state


  • Increase participation in OLA/OASL Legislative Day by 10% annually
  • Continue to offer Leadership Institute of OLA (LIOLA) on a recurring basis
  • Develop and implement virtual advocacy training in all regional areas of Oregon


• Provide ongoing advocacy training for the local, state, and national level
• Continue to advocate for all Oregon libraries
• Build and improve inter-regional networks to support and develop emerging leaders

     Focus 3. Increase engagement in OLA and enrich the membership experience


  • Establish baseline membership engagement and participation for all OLA activities
  • Continue to promote scholarship opportunities and increase the number of recipients
  • Conduct annual membership survey to measure membership satisfaction
  • Build OLA community through online discussion forums (anti-racist book clubs, etc.) (Target initiate 9/20)


• Build broader OLA access opportunities for all library workers
• Restructure communications committee to increase volunteer engagement
• Continue to provide professional development opportunities during the age of COVID


2020 OLA Strategic Plan (pdf)