open for business – Translation into Chinese – examples English | Reverso Context

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Translation of “open for business” in Chinese

She didn’t even wait for orientation to end before her backend was open for business.

她甚至没有等待 定向结束 她的后端之前 是 开门营业

Technology. Why wait up to 72 hours for your Web address to activate? .biz offers real-time registration, so you can open for business immediately.

技术。为什么要等待长达 72 个小时,才激活您的网址?.biz 提供了实时注册,以便于您可以立刻 开门营业

the hours that the vehicle emission testing centre is open for business

(b) 该车辆废气测试中心 开放营业 的时间;

“Business Day” a day (other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday) when banks in the City of London are open for business

“营业日” (星期六、星期日或公众假期除外) 伦敦金融城的银行 开放营业

We open for business in less than an hour.

过不了一小时我们就要 开张

My shop will open for business next week, and all my friends and relatives are welcome to come.

我的店铺下个星期 开张 ,欢迎各位亲朋好友前来。

Four weeks later, on June 7th, euro-zone finance ministers announced that the SPV had at last come into being, even if it is not yet open for business.

四个星期后,在6月7日,欧元区的财政部长宣布虽然SPV现在还没 开门营业 ,但它已经建立了。

Any day when most businesses and government offices are open for business. A calendar day is any day of the year.

大多数企业和政府机关 开门营业 的任一日期。历日是一年中的任何一天。

The next morning when George arrived at the bank, it was not open for business.

第二天上午,乔治到银行上班时,银行还没 开门营业

I officially declare Postal Station Number 10 in Elvis, Oregon open for business.

我宣布俄勒冈州艾维斯镇 第十号邮站正式 开张

“Business Day” means any calendar day (except any Saturday or Sunday) on which banks in London are open for business

“营业日”系指伦敦各银行 开门营业 的任何日历日(周六或周日除外);

official Baxter showroom will soon be open for business

Baxter官方展厅很快将正式 开业

Gentlemen, we are open for business

先生们,我们 开始做生意 吧。

I thought the kitchen was open for business.


我以为那个厨房 开了

Shondra’s Salon is now officially open for business.


萧娜的沙龙现在 开着

Support of professional functioning of Office of Provedor open for business

支助监察员办公室的专业职能部门对外 开业

We are open for business, over.

大本营 这里是 火狐一号 我们开始买卖了 完毕

Our garden terrace is open for business breakfast, lunch and dinner.

我们的小花园也 春意盎然的为您的商务 早、中及晚餐做好了充分的准备。

We open for business in less than an hour.

我们还有一个小时就要 停业

The doors, windows, and cellar are open for business.

大门、窗户和地窖都 敞开,供营业 使用。