Network Protocol Definitions, and Terms

Protocol Definition: A formal set of conventions governing the format and control of interaction among communicating functional units.

ADCCP [Advanced Data Communication Control Procedures] is a layer 2 protocol [HDLC like]

AoE ATA over Ethernet is a network protocol. ATA Bus

AppleTalk is used with Apple computer systems. LocalTalk Bus

ATM [Asynchronous Transfer Mode] is a Data Link Layer protocol. ATM also defines the physical layer.

BusNet covers the MAC and LLC layers on a VMEbus network.

CAN Bus [Controller Area Network]

Cellular Digital Packet Data is an out-dated Data Link Layer protocol used in cellular.

DHCP [Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol] is a networking protocol which allows admins to assign a temporary IP address to network computers.

EPON Ethernet PON. See PON.

Ethernet uses two separate layer 2 protocols; IEEE802.2 Logical Link Control [LLC], and IEEE802.3 Media Access Control [MAC]

FCIP [Fibre Channel over IP]

FCoE Fiber Channel over Ethernet.

Frame Relay is a layer 2 protocol used with a number of physical layer interfaces; including HSSI, RS-530, RS232, RS449 and many V.xx standards [V.32, V.24, V.42, V.36, V.11]

GPON GigaBit Ethernet PON. See PON.

H.323 is an upper layer protocol developed by the ITU as a teleconferencing protocol, titled; Packet-based multimedia communications systems.

HART Highway Addressable Remote Transducer, a modem protocol. See HART Communication Foundation;
HART Communication Protocol Specification [HCF_SPEC-13]
FSK Physical Layer Specification [HCF_SPEC-54]

HDLC [High-level Data Link Control] A Link-Level protocol used to facilitate reliable point-to-point transmission of a data packet.

HSDPA [High-Speed Downlink Packet Access] is an enhanced 3G (third generation) mobile telephony communications protocol in the High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA) family, also termed 3.5G, 3G+ or turbo 3G.

http Hypertext Transfer Protocol. A protocol that facilitates the transfer of hypertext-based files between local and remote systems.

ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol. An Internet protocol that reports datagram delivery errors.

IP Internet Protocol. A DOD standard protocol designed for use in interconnected systems of packet-switched computer communication networks

iSCSI [Internet SCSI].

ISDN [Integrated Services Digital Network].

ISO [International Standards Organization] comprises a family of different protocols that handle all 7 layers of the ISO 7-layer model.

LocalTalk is a layer 2 protocol used with Apple computer systems.

MIL-STD-188 is a layer 2 protocol. Push-To-Talk over UHF Satellite Communications [SATCOM] listed below.
MIL-STD-188-181 – Advanced Narrow-band Digital Voice Terminal (ANDVT) and 56 kbit/s data
MIL-STD-188-182 – Interoperability Standard For UHF Satcom Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA) Orderwire Messages And Protocols
MIL-STD-188-183 – Interoperability Standard For Multiple-Access 5kHz And 25kHz UHF Satellite Communications Channels
MIL-STD-188-220 – Digital Message Transfer Device Subsystems (Combat-net radio)

NTP [Network Time Protocol] A standard protocol used to send a time code over the Internet.

PCoIP [PC over IP] a Trade Marked protocol by Teradici for use as a remote display technology, to improve PC asset management by centralizing the operating system, applications and PC components, at the Host. While the Client [User] decodes the Audio, Visual, and USB signals via a desk top portal (including a Monitor, keyboard, printer and so on). Also seen as; PC-over-IP.

PON [Passive Optical Network] Is a fiber optic network designed to run between a central office and individual homes. An optical network that uses un-powered optical splitters [passive].
In the case of PON, the interface is optical, so there is no Electrical layer. The electrical portion of the interface would be to the optical driver would could be anything, depending on the IC.
The PON interface is also basically a serial interface, from point to point, really point-to-multipoint. Also see PON Abbreviations.

A Passive Optical Network uses an Optical line terminal (OLT) at the central office [normally a rack-mountable piece of equipment].
The OLT receives the individual fiber-optic interfaces from the home(s) and multiplexes or combines them together.
The user end is called the Optical Network Unit (ONU) and translates the optical to electrical interfaces. The ONU would also be used with fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) or fiber-to-the-curb (FTTC) networks, which would basically be the same as PON. The ONU, requiring only a single channel, is much smaller than an OLT, about the size of a PC router or switch.

PPP [Point-to-Point Protocol] is a sub protocol of the HDLC protocol.

PPPoE [Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet] is a protocol that provides authentication.

PPTP [Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol] is a VPN protocol that allows the Point to Point Protocol to be tunneled through an IP network.

PTP [Precision Time Protocol] defined by IEEE 1588 for clock distribution. Versions of the protocol were released in 2002 and 2008.

SMDS [Switched Multimegabit Data Service] is a Wide-Area-Network [WAN] protocol.

SNMP [Simple Network Management Protocol] The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) standard protocol that (a) is used to manage and control IP gateways and the networks to which they are attached, (b) uses IP directly, bypassing the masking effects of TCP error correction, (c) has direct access to IP datagrams on a network that may be operating abnormally, thus requiring management, (d) defines a set of variables that the gateway must store, and (e) specifies that all control operations on the gateway are a side-effect of fetching or storing those data variables, i.e., operations that are analogous to writing commands and reading status.

STANAG 5066 is a layer 2 protocol.

StarLAN is a layer 2 protocol.

TAP Telocator Access Protocol version 1.8, February 04, 1997. The
document specifies a protocol for sending an alphanumeric page by connecting to a paging service
via a serial modem.

TCP [Transmission Control Protocol] In the Internet Protocol suite, a standard, connection-oriented, full-duplex, host-to-host protocol used over packet-switched computer communications networks.

TCP/IP [Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol] Two interrelated
protocols that are part of the Internet protocol suite. TCP operates on the OSI Transport Layer and breaks data into packets. IP operates on the OSI Network Layer and routes packets. TCP/IP operates under the following ISO layer standards; Data Link Layer, Network Layer, Transport Layer, Session Layer and the Application layer.

TCP/IP Suite The suite of interrelated protocols associated with Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol. The TCP/IP Suite includes, but is not limited to, protocols such as TCP, IP, UDP, ICMP, FTP, and SMTP.

Telnet The TCP/IP standard network virtual terminal protocol that is used for remote terminal connection service and that allows a user at one site to interact with systems at other sites as if that user terminal were directly connected to computers at those sites.

TTEthernet [SAE AS6802]


UDP [User Datagram Protocol] In the Internet Protocol suite, a standard, low-overhead, connection less, host-to-host protocol that is used over packet-switched computer communications networks, and that allows an application program on one computer to send a datagram to an application program on another computer.

ULP [Upper Level Protocol] The protocol which runs on top of

VoIP [Voice over Internet Protocol] Voice over Internet Protocol, Voice over IP, or IP telephony. IP based switching of voice signals over the internet. VoIP allows a computer user to make ordinary telephone calls over a computer network or Internet. VoIP phones convert the data signals from the telephone into digital signals and sends these signals in packets over the Internet. It then converts them back on the other end, allowing people to speak to virtually anyone with a telephone.

X.25 is a ITU WAN protocol.

XNS [Xerox Network Systems] is used as a Network Layer protocol, a Transport Layer Protocol, and upper layer protocol. The XNS protocol is dated and is no longer used in most systems.

[Point-to-Point Protocol] is a sub protocol of the HDLC protocol.[Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet] is a protocol that provides authentication.[Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol] is a VPN protocol that allows the Point to Point Protocol to be tunneled through an IP network.[Precision Time Protocol] defined by IEEE 1588 for clock distribution. Versions of the protocol were released in 2002 and 2008.[Switched Multimegabit Data Service] is a Wide-Area-Network [WAN] protocol.[Simple Network Management Protocol] The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) standard protocol that (a) is used to manage and control IP gateways and the networks to which they are attached, (b) uses IP directly, bypassing the masking effects of TCP error correction, (c) has direct access to IP datagrams on a network that may be operating abnormally, thus requiring management, (d) defines a set of variables that the gateway must store, and (e) specifies that all control operations on the gateway are a side-effect of fetching or storing those data variables, i.e., operations that are analogous to writing commands and reading a layer 2 a layer 2 protocol.Telocator Access Protocol version 1.8, February 04, 1997. The document specifies a protocol for sending an alphanumeric page by connecting to a paging service via a serial modem.[Transmission Control Protocol] In the Internet Protocol suite, a standard, connection-oriented, full-duplex, host-to-host protocol used over packet-switched computer communications networks.[Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol] Two interrelated protocols that are part of the Internet protocol suite. TCP operates on the OSI Transport Layer and breaks data into packets. IP operates on the OSI Network Layer and routes packets. TCP/IP operates under the following ISO layer standards; Data Link Layer, Network Layer, Transport Layer, Session Layer and the Application layer.The suite of interrelated protocols associated with Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The TCP/IP Suite includes, but is not limited to, protocols such as TCP, IP, UDP, ICMP, FTP, and SMTP.The TCP/IP standard network virtual terminal protocol that is used for remote terminal connection service and that allows a user at one site to interact with systems at other sites as if that user terminal were directly connected to computers at those sites. Token Ring An interface bus and a protocol.[SAE AS6802] TTP Triggered Protocol ], defined by SAE AS6003 used as an avionics and automotive interface.[User Datagram Protocol] In the Internet Protocol suite, a standard, low-overhead, connection less, host-to-host protocol that is used over packet-switched computer communications networks, and that allows an application program on one computer to send a datagram to an application program on another computer.[Upper Level Protocol] The protocol which runs on top of Fibre Channel through the FC-4 layer. Typical ULPs running over Fibre Channel are Small Computer System Interface (SCSI), Internet Protocol (IP), High Performance Parallel Interface (HIPPI), and Intelligent Peripheral Interface (IPI).[Voice over Internet Protocol] Voice over Internet Protocol, Voice over IP, or IP telephony. IP based switching of voice signals over the internet. VoIP allows a computer user to make ordinary telephone calls over a computer network or Internet. VoIP phones convert the data signals from the telephone into digital signals and sends these signals in packets over the Internet. It then converts them back on the other end, allowing people to speak to virtually anyone with a a ITU WAN protocol.[Xerox Network Systems] is used as a Network Layer protocol, a Transport Layer Protocol, and upper layer protocol. The XNS protocol is dated and is no longer used in most systems.