network port show

{ [-fields <fieldname>,…​]

If you specify the -fields <fieldname>, …​ parameter, the command output also includes the specified field or fields. You can use ‘-fields ?’ to display the fields to specify.

| [-health ]

Use this parameter to display detailed health information for the specified network ports.

| [-instance ] }

If you specify the -instance parameter, the command displays detailed information about all fields.

[-node {<nodename>|local}] – Node

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value. Use this parameter with the -port parameter to select a port.

[-port {<netport>|<ifgrp>}] – Port

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value. If you do not use this parameter, the command displays information about all network ports.

[-link {off|up|down}] – Link

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-mtu <integer>] – MTU

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-autonegotiate-admin {true|false}] – Auto-Negotiation Administrative

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-autonegotiate-oper {true|false}] – Auto-Negotiation Operational

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-duplex-admin {auto|half|full}] – Duplex Mode Administrative

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-duplex-oper {auto|half|full}] – Duplex Mode Operational

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-speed-admin {auto|10|100|1000|10000|100000|40000|25000}] – Speed Administrative

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-speed-oper {auto|10|100|1000|10000|100000|40000|25000}] – Speed Operational

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-flowcontrol-admin {none|receive|send|full}] – Flow Control Administrative

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-flowcontrol-oper {none|receive|send|full}] – Flow Control Operational

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-mac <MAC Address>] – MAC Address

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-up-admin {true|false}] – Up Administrative

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-type {physical|if-group|vlan|vip}] – Port Type

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-ifgrp-node <nodename>] – Interface Group Parent Node

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-ifgrp-port {<netport>|<ifgrp>}] – Interface Group Parent Port

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-ifgrp-distr-func {mac|ip|sequential|port}] – Distribution Function

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-ifgrp-mode {multimode|multimode_lacp|singlemode}] – Create Policy

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-vlan-node <nodename>] – Parent VLAN Node

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-vlan-port {<netport>|<ifgrp>}] – Parent VLAN Port

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-vlan-tag <integer>] – VLAN Tag

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-remote-device-id <text>] – Remote Device ID

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-ipspace <IPspace>] – IPspace Name

Use this parameter to display information only about the ports that match the IPspace you specify.

[-broadcast-domain <Broadcast Domain>] – Broadcast Domain

Use this parameter to display information only about the ports that match the broadcast-domain you specify.

[-mtu-admin <integer>] – MTU Administrative

Selects the network ports that match this parameter value.

[-health-status {healthy|degraded}] – Port Health Status

Use this parameter to display information only about the ports that match the health-status you specify.

[-ignore-health-status {true|false}] – Ignore Port Health Status

Use this parameter to display information only about the ports that match the ignore-health-status you specify.

[-health-degraded-reasons {l2-reachability|link-flapping|crc-errors|vswitch-link}] – Port Health Degraded Reasons

Use this parameter to display information only about the ports that match the degraded-reason you specify.

[-vm-network-name <text>] – Virtual Machine Network Name

Use this parameter to display information only about the ports that match the network name you specify. Google Cloud Platform only.