Network Design and Optimization
In a short time, 5G has come to redefine mobile communications and re-write the playbook for what opportunities mobile networks enable – for individuals, businesses and society. With increased data traffic and demanding new use cases, Service Providers seek to expand and densify with precision and optimize their networks, all while ensuring they maximize their return on investments.
Ericsson’s Network Design and Optimization portfolio includes services and software enabled by Ericsson Operations Engine. With the use of big data, AI and crowdsourced data analytics, our solutions deliver superior performance while limiting costs, by monitoring numerous KPIs, building an end user experience-centric model and enabling targeted CAPEX investments.
Our Cognitive Software moves processes from labor intensive to proactive and automated, for lower operational costs and the highest possible return on network investments. This is the essence of what we do; in close partnership with our customers, we make the best networks, better.