Midwestern University College of Dental Medicine-Illinois
Interview Feedback
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Results Overview
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What was the stress level of the interview?
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0 =
, 10 =
Select Questions & Recent Responses
“Be concise in email for interview process e.g. day agenda, interview structure/style”
“Keep it up. I was extremely impressed.”
“Have the interviews more throughout the day. For instance, split the interview group up into a few different groups with the same things on the to-do list but doing them at different times. That way all the people interviewing wouldn’t be just sitting in a room waiting to interview at the end of the long day of information.”
“They are great! They helped me when I had questions.”
“Keep it up!”
“Keep up the good work!”
“Give a longer tour of the campus. Eliminate the 1.5 hours of downtime.”
“Less down time during the interview, could have taken tours in separate groups while the other group was interviewing”
“Less down time”
“nothing, they are absolutely fantastic!!”
“Have you ever participated in a group project? What role did you play?
Tell us a time where you worked with someone, what happened, what was it?”
“When was a time you worked in a group? What role did you take on?
What was your most challenging event in life?”
“What do you do for fun?”
“How do you handle pressure?”
“1/2020 – On a scale from 1-10, 1 being a bunny and 10 being a tyrant, where do you rank yourself and why?”
“Describe a time you resolved a conflict”
“Talk about your role in a group project.”
“Tell me about a time when you had conflict”
“Define self-awareness.”
“2018-What event in life impacted you the most?”
“Would you rather have the respect of your colleagues or patients?”
“What is a professional attitude?”
“2018 – What event has impacted your life the most, Describe an injustice you have experienced”
“Your friend wants help writing a resume. Describe in detail your opinions and what you would do in this situation.”
“about “nuclear pollution””
“As an employee of a company, you are in charge of donating to a “worthy” charity. How would you describe a worthy charity and where would you donate to?”
“They asked the question about state funded gambling.”
“If a friend asked you to help guide them on writing a resume, how would you do so?”
“If you were going to make a film that would help make a change in the world, what would it be? Why?”
“Define dependability. Are you dependable? Do you ever not want to be dependable?”
“What does it mean to be an ambassador?”
“Is graffiti art or vandalism? if vandalism how can you stop it?”
“What is a conflict you were involved in that was not resolved? and one that was resolved?”
“What is dependability? Are you dependable? Is there ever a time you shouldn’t be dependable?”
“If you were starving, would you steal a loaf of bread?”
“What do you know about the dental program at MWU, and why would the school fit you?”
“why dentistry”
“What is the most difficult time you had to go through and how did you cope with it?”
“Why dentistry?”
“Should non-smoking be a requirement for allowing dental students into Dental schools?”
“Under what circumstances, if any, would it be okay for you to steal a loaf of bread?”
“should dental students get more funding than engineering or law students? what did you like about the curriculum and why do you want to go there? what is one stressful situation and how did you overcome it?”
“Why dentistry? From your shadowing experience, what have you seen that you would like to emulate and what have you seen that you would like to avoid?”
“What do you know about MWU-il dental school? What do you like about MWU-il dental and what do you not like?”
“Under what circumstances would you steal a loaf of bread?”
“What would someone you know say you take a disagreement?”
“What personalities do you not like working with?”
“Do you work better in a team or alone?”
“How many tennis balls can you fit into a limousine?”
“1/2020 – What do you like to eat?”
“How would you handle a situation where a colleague recommends treatment you do not think is necessary and is very adamant about his position”
“A conflict that arose due to communication?”
“How would you describe dentistry in one sentence to a child?”
“What do you like to do for fun?”
“If you could have dinner with 3 people, dead or alive, who and why?”
“Describe an injustice you have experienced.”
“2018- If you could bring 3 people to dinner dead or alive who would they be and why”
“”Talk about whatever you want to get across about yourself””
“tell me about yourself”
“Do companies like walmart help or hurt small towns?”
“Moving to a new country with 2 very young children. What do you want them to do in terms of culture and language?”
“Probably the art one.”
“Is graffiti considered art or vandalism”
“The overall welcoming feeling”
“Should the government demand that everybody uses low-energy apliances? why?”
“What kinds of activities should pre-dental students be involved in?”
“Should the government be able to regulate peoples energy conservation?”
“Describe a situation in which you had to act quickly with very little information.”
“The pharmaceutical company policy question.”
“how did you prepare for this interview”
“Your in-laws gift you with a very expensive (and endangered species, which is not mentioned in the question but by the interviewer) wood furniture. What are the pros and cons of accepting the gift? Would you accept it?”
“How would you run you practice followed by different scenarios of real life events, such as worker insubordination.”
“Your 8 year old son is physically active and plays many sports outside of school. He tries out for several school teams and does not make any of them, but his friends do. What would you do?”
“should dental students get more funding than engineering or law students?”
“If you had to pick 3 people, dead or alive, to form a study group, who would you pick and why?
You are already a student at Midwestern. A friend asks for your help in preparing his application for Midwestern’s dental school. What do you do?”
“If your friend had a gambling addiction, lost all of his money, and then asked to borrow some money to pay for rent, food, and a little more money so that he could win back the money that he/she had lost… What would you do?”
“Why Dentistry?”
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