Microsoft might be working on new enterprise features for Windows 10 Mobile

While Microsoft’s Windows 10 Mobile has been in upgrade hell for the past few months, receiving only bug fixing updates from the “feature2 branch” for Insiders, that may soon change.

In a response to a query from a concerned Windows 10 Mobile fan, Microsoft’s Brandon LeBlanc responded that they were working on ” some features for enterprise users. Microsoft was rumoured to be bringing continuum improvements to Windows 10 Mobile with the Creators Update, but those were yet to materialise said update, with nothing more than minor improvements making their way to the OS.

While Windows 10 Mobile is still being updated by Microsoft, it’s clear that the firm no longer has any delusions of gaining any viable markeshare, merely peddling its wares to interested buyers.

For Microsoft’s main mobile strategy interested users can turn to iOS, Android and Windows 10 as the key pieces.

Curious about what new features Microsoft could possibly be adding? Let us know in the comments below.