Master of Business Analytics (MBAN)

Master of Business Analytics (MBAN)

A student sitting in front of a computer with graphs on the screen.

Fuse your passion for data science and business to drive organizational value

The Master of Business Analytics (MBAN) program is designed to meet the job market growing need for talented business analytics professionals with cutting-edge skills and applied knowledge for developing, evaluating, refining, and implementing analytics solutions to turn data into insights and drive business innovation and success. Join the Sobey MBAN program to benefit from a unique opportunity to fuse and advance your data science and business competencies and cultivate an analytical mindset to lead and sustain the efforts of small, medium, and large organizations in designing, deploying, and monitoring solutions for data-driven business decision-making and value creation. The MBAN program integrates and emphasizes the following:

  • Business analytics skills including descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics;
  • Programming skills and computer languages;
  • Data governance, security, and privacy;
  • Business fundamentals and managerial practice;
  • Ethical, evidence-based and responsible management and research.

Valued at $10,000 and presented to four students per year, the Dr. Robert P. Kelly Master of Business Analytics Scholarship is open to Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. In recognition of Saint Mary’s University’s commitment to support greater participation by women in STEM fields, preference will be given and every effort made to present at least half of the scholarships per year to female candidates.