JavaScript Window open method – javatpoint
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JavaScript Window open method
JavaScript offers in-built methods to open and close the browser window to perform additional operations like robot window etc. These methods help to open or close the browser window pop-ups. Following are the window methods:
- open()
- close()
The method is used to open a new web page into a new window and window.close method to close web page opened by method. See the method in detail:
It is a pre-defined window method of JavaScript used to open the new tab or window in the browser. This will depend on your browser setting or parameters passed in the method that either a new window or tab will open.
This method is supported by almost all popular web browsers, like Chrome, Firefox, etc. Following is the syntax and parameters of the window open method –
This function accepts four parameters, but they are optional.
You can also use this function without using the window keyword as shown below:
There is no difference between both syntaxes.
Parameters List
Below is the parameters list of method. Note that – all parameters of this method are optional and works differently.
URL: This optional parameter of the function contains the URL string of a webpage, which you want to open. If you do not specify any URL in this function, it will open a new blank window (about:blank).
name: Using this parameter, you can set the name of the window you are going to open. It supports the following values:
Passed URL will load into a new tab/window.
URL will load into the parent window or frame that is already opened.
By passing this parameter, the URL will replace the previous output and a new window will open in the same frame.
URL replaces any frameset that can be loaded.
Provide the name of the new window to show the text or any data on it. (Note – not the title of the window)
The above-specified values are passed inside a single or double quote to the function at the name parameter place.
specs: This parameter contains the settings that are separated by the comma. Element used in this parameter cannot have whitespaces, e.g., width=150,height=100.
It supports several values.
replace: Like the other parameters of method, this is also an optional parameter. It either creates a new entry or replaces the current entry in history list. It supports two Boolean values; this means that it returns either true or false:
Return true if URL replaces the current entry or document in history list.
Return false if URL creates a new entry in history list.
Return Values
It will return a newly opened window.
Here are some examples of function to open the browser window/tab. By default, the specified URL opens in new tab or window. See the examples below:
1. open() with URL parameter
This is a simple example of window open method having a website URL inside it. We have used a button. By clicking on this button, method will call and open the website in new browser tab.
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This code can be written as given below –
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When you click on this Open Window button, javatpoint site will open in a new tab inside the same window.
See the screenshot below:
2. open() without parameters
In this example, we will not pass any parameter to function so that the new tab will open in previous window.
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When you will execute the above code, a button will appear with it.
When you click this Open Window button, a blank window will open in a new tab.
3. open() with name parameters
In this example, we will specify the _parent at the name parameter. You can pass any of these values (_parent, _blank, _top, etc.) in it.
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Execute the code and get the output as given below. This will contain a button to click and open the new URL on the same parent window.
When you click this button, Gmail will open under the same parent window.
When you will pass the different values in second parameter, you will see the difference for different values.
4. Define the size for the new window
In this example, we will specify the height and width for the new window. For this, we will use the third parameter (specs) in method and pass the height and width of the window separated by a comma to this function. So, the window will open in the specified size.
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Execute the above code and get the output as given below. This will contain a button to click and open the new URL on the same parent window.
When you click this button, a new blank window will open under the parent window of size.
Note that you can also pass the URL to the method to open any website.
Open new window with a name and having a message
We can show any user-defined text or form in new window that we are going to open on button click. For this, we need to provide any name to the new window and write some text into it. This name will pass to the method. See the code below how it will implement with actual coding.
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Execute the code and get the output as given below. It will contain a button to click and open the new URL on the same parent window.
When you click this button, a new window will open with a user-defined message under the parent window of size 300*150.
JavaScript also offers the in-built method, i.e., close() to close the browser window.
Close the window opened by
In this example, we will show you how to close the window or tab opened by the method. Firstly, we will open a website URL in a new window (size defined in code) using a button click and then use another button to close that opened window. See the below code how it will be done:
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When you will execute the code, you will get the response as shown below:
Click the Open Javatpoint button to open the Javatpoint tutorial website. We have specified the size (height and width) of the new pop-up window to open.
If you click the Close Javatpoint button, this opened window will be minimized.
Browser Support
Several web browsers support the method, such as:
- Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Internet Explorer (IE)
- Opera
- Safari, etc.
You can use and run the method on these above browsers.
Note: You can use the close() method of JavaScript to close the opened browser window or tab open by We will discuss it in the next chapter in more detail.
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JavaScript Window close method
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