it’s not my business – Translation into Chinese – examples English | Reverso Context

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Translation of “it’s not my business” in Chinese

He was an inquisitive fellow, and sometimes when she had quite forgotten him in gazing at the prison roof and grates, and in lifting her heart up to her husband, she would come to herself to find him looking at her, with his knee on his bench and his saw stopped in its work. ‘But it’s not my business!’ he would generally say at those times, and would briskly fall to his sawing again.

这人好管闲事,有时在她凝望着监狱的屋顶和铁窗、心儿飞向丈夫而忘了那人时,她会立即回过神来,却见那人一条腿跪在长凳上望着她,手中忘了拉锯 。 “可 这不关我的事 !” 那时他又往往说,马上又拉起锯来。

I am sorry. It’s not my business.

抱歉, 这不关我的事

Sergeant, please beg him, it’s not my business.

乔老大 ,你求他吧, 不关我事

I just work for them, it’s not my business…

我只是打工, 不关我事 …

Because it’s not my business.

因为和 我无关

Let him clear up the mess. It’s not my business.

让他来善后, 不关我事

It’s not my business. – We understand that.

这不关我的事 – 我们理解

I don’t even care. It’s not my business. I just want to know she’s okay.

我不在乎, 这不关我的事 我只是想知道她是不是还好

I mean, there’s a lot at stake, and It’s not my business.

这事风险很大 我知道 不关我事

Dale. – It’s not my business.


It’s not my business…

别过来… 不关我事 …

It’s not my business…

不关我事 呀…

But it’s not my business.

不过, 这可没有我的事

But it’s not my business.

可是 这件事轮不到我 了。

Then it’s not my business.

然后 那就不是我的事

Don’t worry, whatever mess you’ve got inside, it’s not my business.

车里面的 东西可不好 我 7点钟的时候有空

I know it’s not my business, and I don’t want to meddle,

我知道 这跟我没关系 我也不想参与进去

Well, if he killed her, it’s not my business.

如果他杀了她, 不关我 的事

Well, it’s not my business to know how people got sick, just how to get them feeling better.

我不会过问 人们怎样染病 只是让他们觉得好些

Just leave it alone, it’s not my business.

工作是我的分内事, 吃饭也没必要