irinahp — Irinahp Blog — Runtastic offers the “Romeo Results” workout for free…

…in honor of Valentine’s Day! How cool is that?! 😉

The workout is a tough one, so you’ll need someone to support you. The Runtastic team wants you to get sweaty, take a picture with a loved one (partner, friend, family member, pet… it simply has to be someone you love!) and post it with the hashtags #Runtastic #Results #strongertogether . They’ll share your top posts on their Instagram on Valentine’s Day! 😉

And, for those who haven´t heard about Runtastic, it is an Austrian app, that combines traditional fitness with mobile applications, social networking and helps you be more active in your daily life.

Now, although i´ve never been that much into fitness myself,  i started working out almost every day this last summer and it helped me a lot. I won´t say it was easy, quite the opposite, but i´d love to continue with it. I stopped in winter, but now, that spring is almost here, i´m looking forward to it and i´m sure my new watch will help me because in combination with the app, monitors your day. It helps you set and reach goals, monitor your steps and distance and even tracks your sleep. I haven´t had it for a long time, but it is pretty accurate and really motivates you to see the steps you´ve made in one day.

You can buy the Runtastic moment watches in some stores or also online. I have the classic one, rosé gold with the black leather strap and you wouldn´t know it´s a sport watch, it´s light, comfortable and goes with every outfit.

Well, this was my honest review of the watch. On Valentine´s day you can get the “Romeo Results” workout for free!! But even if you don´t, start doing some exercise. I´m saying this for me, in the first place. This post kinda helped me go back to daily work out 😉

love, i