II – Ghgcbj – ECONOMIC : Bài 01 Questions 1-5 Listen from here Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. – Studocu

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Bài 01

Questions 1-5 Listen from here

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Changes in Barford over the last 50 years

1 In Shona9s opinion, why do fewer people use buses in Barford these days?

A The buses are old and uncomfortable.

B Fares have gone up too much.

C There are not so many bus routes.

2 What change in the road network is known to have benefited the town most?

A the construction of a bypass

B the development of cycle paths

C the banning of cars from certain streets

3 What is the problem affecting shopping in the town centre?

A lack of parking spaces

B lack of major retailers

C lack of restaurants and cafes

4 What does Shona say about medical facilities in Barford?

A There is no hospital.

B New medical practices are planned.

C The number of dentists is too low.

5 The largest number of people are employed in

A manufacturing.

B services.

C education.

Questions 6-10 Listen from here

What is planned for each of the following facilities?

Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G , next to Questions 6 .


A It will move to a new location.

B It will have its opening hours extended.

C It will be refurbished.

D It will be used for a different purpose.

E It will have its opening hours reduced.

F It will have new management.

G It will be expanded.


6 railway station car park ————————

7 cinema ————————

8 indoor market ————————

9 library ————————

10 nature reserve ————————

Changes in Barford over the last 50 years


First of all, let me thank you all for coming to this (1) ——————- , to discuss the future of our town.
Our first speaker is Shona Ferguson, from Barford town council. Shona.


twice a week. We would like to enlarge the building in the not-too-distant future, but this is by no
means definite.

There9s no limit on access to the (29) ——————- on the edge of town, and this will continue to be
the case. What will change, though, is that the council will no longer be in charge of the area.
Instead it will become the responsibility of a national body that administers most (30) ——————-
in the country.

OK, now let me ask you …

Bài 02

Questions 1-4 Listen from here

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

New city developments

1. The idea for the two new developments in the city came from

A local people.

B the City Council.

C the SWRDC.

2. What is unusual about Brackenside pool?

A its architectural style

B its heating system

C its method of water treatment

3. Local newspapers have raised worries about

A the late opening date.

B the post of the project.

C the size of the facilities.

4. What decision has not yet been made about the pool?

A whose statue will be at the door

B the exact opening times

C who will open it

Questions 5-10 Listen from here

Which feature is related to each of the following areas of the world represented in the playground?

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-l, next to questions 5-.


A ancient forts

B waterways

C ice and snow

D jewels

E local animals

F mountains

G music and film

H space travel

I volcanoes

Areas of the world

  • 5 ————————Asia
  • 6 ————————Antarctica
  • 7 ————————South America
  • 8 ————————North America
  • 9 ————————Europe
  • 10 ————————Africa

New city developments

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Job satisfaction study

1 Workers involved in the study were employed at a ————————

2 Despite some apparent differences between groups of workers, the survey results were
statistically ————————

3 The speaker analysed the study's ———————— to identify any problems with it.

4 The various sub-groups were 4 ————————in size.

5 Workers in the part-time group were mainly ————————

6 The ———————— of workers who agreed to take part in the study was disappointing.

7 Researchers were unable to ————————the circumstances in which workers filled out
the questionnaire.

8 In future, the overall size of the ———————— should be increased.

9 In future studies, workers should be prevented from having discussions with ————————

10 Workers should be reassured that their responses to questions are ————————

Job satisfaction study

Good morning everyone. For my presentation today I9m going to report on an assignment that I did
recently. My brief was to analyse the methods used in a small study about job satisfaction, and then
to make recommendations for future studies of a similar kind.

The study that I looked at had investigated the relationship between differences in gender and
differences in working hours, and levels of job satisfaction amongst workers. For this purpose,
employees at a (1) ——————- had been asked to complete a questionnaire about their work.

I9ll (2) ——————- the findings of that study briefly now. First of all, female full-time workers
reported slightly higher levels of job satisfaction than male (3) ——————-. Secondly, female part-
time workers reported slightly higher levels of satisfaction than female fulltime ones did. On the other
hand, (4) ——————- experienced slightly less (5) ——————- than male full-time workers. But
although these results seemed interesting, and capable of being explained, perhaps the most
important thing to mention here is that in statistical terms they were (6) ——————-

Personally, I was surprised that the findings hadn9t been more definite, because I would have
expected to find that men and women as well as full and part-time workers would experience
different levels of satisfaction. So I then looked more carefully at the (7) ——————- employed by
the (10) ——————- , to see where there may have been problems. This is what I found.

First of all, the size of the sample was probably too small. The overall total of workers who took part
in the survey was (11) ——————- , which sounds quite a lot, but they had to be divided up into
sub-groups. Also the numbers in the different sub-groups were (12) ——————- For example,
there were one hundred (13) ——————- in the full-time group, but only sixty-nine in the part-time

group. And amongst this part-time group, only ten were male, compared to fifty-nine who were (14)
Secondly, although quite a large number of people had been asked to take part in the
survey, the (15) ——————- was disappointingly low – a lot of them just ignored the invitation. And
workers who did respond may have differed in important respects from those who didn9t. Thirdly, as
the questionnaires had been posted to the call centre for (16) ——————- , the researchers had
had very limited (17) ——————- over the conditions in which participants completed them. For
instance, their responses to questions may have been influenced by the views of their colleagues.
All these problems may have biased the results.

In the last part of my assignment I made (18) ——————- for a similar study, attempting to remove
the problems that I9ve just mentioned.

Firstly, a much larger (19) ——————- should be targeted, and care should be taken to ensure that
equal numbers of both genders, and both full and part-time workers, are surveyed. Secondly, the
researchers should ensure that they are present to administer the questionnaires to the workers
themselves. And they should require the workers to complete the questionnaire under supervised
conditions, so that the possibility of influence from (20) ——————- is eliminated. Finally, as
workers may be unwilling to provide details of their job satisfaction when they are on work premises,
it9s important that the researchers reassure them that (21) ——————- will remain (22) —————
and also that they have the right to withdraw from the study at any time if they want to. By taking
measures like these, the (23) ——————- of the responses to the questionnaires is likely to be
increased, and any comparisons that are made are likely to be more valid.

So that was a summary of my assignment. Does anyone have any questions?

Bài 04

Questions 1-10 Listen from here

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


Business markets

  • greater 1 ———————— among companies
  • increase in power of large 2 ———————— companies
  • rising 3 ———————— in certain countries

External influences on businesses

  • more discussion with 4 ———————— before making business decisions
  • environmental concerns which may lead to more 5 ————————

Business structures

  • more teams will be formed to work on a particular 6 ————————
  • businesses may need to offer hours that are 7 ———————— , or the chance to work

by advances in technology – remote working, with people based at their home, abroad, or almost
anywhere they choose.

Management styles will almost certainly continue to change. Senior managers will require a lot more
than the efficiency that they9ve always needed. Above all they'll need (11) ——————- in
leadership, so that their organisation can initiate and respond to change in a fast-moving world,
where they face lots of competing requirements and potential conflicts.

In most of the world, the senior managers of large businesses are mainly men in their fifties and
sixties. The predominant style of management will almost certainly become more consultative and
collaborative, caused above all, by more women moving into (12 ——————-

Many of the changes are influenced by developments in the wider economy. The traditional
emphasis of business was manufacturing, and of course the service sector is very important. But we
shouldn9t overlook the (13) ——————- of IP, that is, intellectual property. Some books and films
generate enormous sums from the sale of related DVDs, music, games, clothes, and so on.

Another point I9d like to make is that although I9ve been talking about companies, one trend that they
have to face is the move away from people working for the same employer for years. Instead, more
and more people are becoming (14) ——————- , to gain the freedom and control over their lives
that they9re unlikely to get from being employed.

OK, well that's all I want to say, so let9s open it up for discussion.

Bài 5

Questions 1-10 Listen from here

You will hear a woman talking on the telephone to a man about a car he is selling.

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer

Car for sale (Mini)


Age of car: just under 13 years old

Colour : 1 ————————

Mileage : 2 ————————

Previous owner was a 3 ————————

Current owner has used car mainly for 4 ————————

Price : may accept offers from 5 ———————— £

(Note: 6 ———————— not due for 5 months)

Condition : good (recently serviced)

Will need a new 7 ———————— soon

Minor problem with a 8 ————————


Agreed to view the car on 9 ————————.

Address : 238, 10 ———————— Road.

Car for sale

Hello, Brian Parks speaking.

Oh hello, I9m calling about the advert in the paper …

For the car?

Er, yes, the Mini you9ve got advertised for sale.

Oh yes?

I just wanted to find out a bit more information.

Of course, what would you like to know?

It9s my brother who9s interested actually … but he9s not in today so he asked me to call you. Fine …

Great, thanks. So it9s a Mini …


… and how old is it?

Just coming up to (1) ——————- years old.

And I seem to remember from the ad that it9s (2) ——————-?

That9s it … doesn9t show the dirt!

Absolutely … anyway the colour shouldn9t be a problem for Jeff, you know, the important thing is the
quality …

Yes, of course.

And what about mileage … with it being pretty old it9s probably over (3) ——————-?

Actually it9s (4) ——————- less than that … (5) ——————- on the clock!

Great! I remember now … I9m confusing it with another ad I was looking at.

Right … pleasant surprise then.

Yeah. Have you been the only owner … or was there a (6) ——————- one …?

Woman: In the morning?

Man: Yes, that9d suit me perfectly.

Woman: Great.

Man: Now, you9ll need (17) ——————- Woman: Oh yes, of course! What is it?

Man: It9s number (18) ——————-

Woman: (19) ——————-

Man: (20) ——————- Road.

Woman: Oh that9s easy enough!

Man: Yes, very (21) ——————-

Woman: So I9ll pass on these notes to Jeff and he9ll see you in a couple …

Bài 06

Questions 1-10 Listen from here

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


Ethnography: research which explores human cultures

It can be used in business:

" to investigate customer needs and 1 ————————

" to help companies develop new designs

Examples of ethnographic research in business

Kitchen equipment

" Researchers found that cooks could not easily see the 2 ————————in measuring cups.

Cell phones

" In Uganda, customers paid to use the cell phones of entrepreneurs

" These customers wanted to check the 3 ———————— used.

Computer companies

" There was a need to develop 4 ———————— to improve communication between system
administrators and colleagues.


" Nurses needed to access information about 5 ———————— in different parts of the hospital.


" Respondents recorded information about their 6 ———————— while travelling.

Principles of ethnographic research in business

" The researcher does not start off with a hypothesis.

" Participants may be selected by criteria such as age, 7 ———————— or product used.

" The participants must feel 8 ———————— about taking part in the research.

" There is usually direct 9 ———————— of the participants.

" The interview is guided by the participant.

" A lot of time is needed for the 10 ———————— of the data.

" Researchers look for a meaningful pattern in the data.

Ethnography in business

So what I9m going to talk about to you today is something called Ethnography. This is a type of
research aimed at exploring the way human cultures work. It was first developed for use
in anthropology, and it9s also been used in sociology and (1) ——————- studies. So what9s it

got to do with business, you may ask. Well, businesses are finding that ethnography can offer them
deeper insight into the possible needs of customers, either present or future, as well as providing
valuable information about their (2 ——————- towards existing products. And ethnography can
also help companies to design new products or (3) ——————- that customers really want.

Let9s look at some examples of how ethnographic research works in business. One team of
researchers did a project for a company manufacturing (4) ——————-. They watched how cooks
used measuring cups to measure out things like sugar and flour. They saw that

the cooks had to check and recheck the contents, because although the measuring cups had (5) —–
inside them, the cooks couldn't see these easily. So a new design of cup was developed
to (6) ——————- this problem, and it was a top seller.

Another team of ethnographic researchers looked at how (7) ——————- were used in Uganda, in
Africa. They found that people who didn9t have their own phones could pay to use the

phones of local (8) ——————-. Because these customers paid in advance for their calls, they
were eager to know how much (9) ——————- they9d spent on the call so far. So the phone
company designed phones for use globally with this added feature.

researchers who decides what direction the interview will follow. This means that there9s less
likelihood of the researcher imposing his or her own ideas on the participant.

But after they9ve said goodbye to their participants and got back to their office, the

researchers9 work isn't finished. Most researchers estimate that 70 to 80 per cent of their time is
spent not on the collecting of data but on its (22) ——————- – looking at photos, listening
to recordings and transcribing them, and so on. The researchers may end up with hundreds of (23)
And to determine what's significant, they don9t focus on the sensational things or the
unusual things, instead they try to identify a pattern of some sort in all this data, and to discern the
meaning behind it. This can result in some compelling insights that can in turn feed back to the
whole (24) ——————-

Bài 07

Questions 1-4 Listen from here

You will hear part of a podcast for visitors to the popular holiday region called the Treloar Valley.

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

1 The Treloar Valley passenger ferry

A usually starts services in April.

B departs at the same time each day.

C is the main means of transport for local villagers.

2 What does the speaker say about the river cruise?

A It can be combined with a train journey.

B It9s unsuitable for people who have walking difficulties.

C The return journey takes up to four hours.

3 What information is given about train services in the area?

A Trains run non-stop between Calton and Plymouth.

B One section of the rail track is raised.

C Bookings can be made by telephone or the Internet.

4 The 8Rover9 bus ticket

A can be used for up to five journeys a day.

B is valid for weekend travel only.

C has recently gone down in price.

Questions 5-10 Listen from here

Label the map below.

Write the correct letter, A-H , next to questions 5-.

5 ———————— Bus stop

6 ———————— Car park

7 ———————— Museum

8 ———————— Mill

9 ———————— Potter9s studio

10 ———————— Cafe

The Treloar Valley Passenger Ferry

from the late nineteenth century. As you come in from the south, cross the river and go straight on
the same road until you reach the end. Also on the subject of history, you can go and see the
old mill which has recently been (19) ——————- and put back into use. Turn left before you come
to the bridge. Then go straight on and then take the first turning on the right. This leads straight
there. If you9re interested in arts and crafts, there9s a (20) ——————- where you can watch the
artist at work. After crossing the bridge turn left and it9s the second building on the left. Finally, when
you feel in need of(21 ——————- , there9s a cafe opposite the old boat house, and a picnic area
near the mill.