Identity V Hunters / Characters – TV Tropes

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    In General 

Perhaps the organiser foresaw the selfish nature of man. He introduced the Hunter to the game, to punish those who violate the rules, in order to ensure the “game” doesn’t end before it even begins. These Hunters are powerful and cruel monstrosities – just one look at their faces can send people into shudder.

  • Ambiguously Human: Many of them should be normal humans, that however do things that in theory would be impossible for normal people. Others have in their stories and descriptions things that imply that they are not normal humans.
  • You Are Number 6: The Hunters who were at one point Survivors are referred to by their

    given serial numbers

    in their respective

    Experiment Files.


    Leo Beck – The Hell Ember 

    Joker – The Smiley Face 

Joker – The Smiley Face

Joker was once the star of the circus. His naturally sullen face made him the best crying clown. However, the advantage changed when the handsome smile clown Segi and the glamorous acrobat and actress Natalie joined the circus, and Joker realized it’s time for him to change his “professional track”. Obviously, after getting his eternal smile, Joker can go nuts in new comedy shows.

Inclination: A loose cannon on the verge of collapse.

Voiced by: Li Yuantao (Chinese, formerly)

  • All Love Is Unrequited: Had romantic feelings for a female acrobat/animal trainer by the name of Natalie (Margaretha Zelle) who appeared to be happily married to Sergi, the circus’ smiling clown, and who is said to have vanished from the circus one day, without a hint of a goodbye, much to Joker’s dismay.
    • However, the Weeping Clown’s Background Story trailer seems to imply that Joker’s feelings for her may not have been as unrequited as they initially seemed. This is assuming that Joker isn’t an Unreliable Narrator.
  • Ambiguously Evil: Like every other character connected to Hullaballoo Circus. Nearly every single hunter in the game appears to be a victim of circumstance, and Joker is shown to have noble qualities in his deductions (wanting to stop the abuse Natalie was suffering at the hands of either the circus owner or her husband). It is possible that his constant humiliation, dwindling fame and later facial scarring caused him to go mad and slaughter his former coworkers and anyone else who visited Moon River Park at the night of the tragedy. At the same time it is also possible that he had nothing to do with the Moon River Tragedy, and was actually transformed into a hunter for the purpose of giving the true murderer (and possibly also Mike) a karmic punishment.
    • One of his Deduction Star Event lines only make things more ominous, given that they appear to be his thoughts on the Moon River Tragedy. If so, are these lines a confession that he was responsible, or merely a sign that, although he was not involved and/or personally responsible, he was happy with what happened?

    Joker: The surrounding laughter, the released torch, and the burning rooftop. I was instantly relieved when as soon as that place went up in flames.

  • Ambiguous Situation: Both Mike and Margaretha’s 2021 Character Day letters imply that he was present in the manor prior to the beginning of the group’s game. Does this confirm that, like Leo, he was once a Survivor that later became a Hunter? Or is it meant to imply that certain Hunters are allowed to converse with Survivors before the games officially begin?
    • Following the release of the “Weeping Clown” Survivor, the former interpretation turned out to be the case.
  • Artificial Limbs: Replaced his lost legs with a wooden stick.
  • Career-Ending Injury: After his face was disfigured by acid, the injuries were stated to be so bad that he could no longer work as the circus’ Crying Clown.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: Always smiling in a sadistic manner, like what his name suggests.
  • Evil Redhead: Is a Hunter and has red hair.
  • Expy: Allegedly based on Javier, the protagonist of the 2010 Spanish film The Last Circus, being a former crying clown whose face is disfigured and who eventually becomes a psychotic murderer. The comparisons don’t end there. In Joker’s deductions, it is shown that he fell in love with a female member of the circus married to a smiling clown with a suspiciously similar name to the smiling clown from the film.
  • Facial Horror: Never seen in-game, though. His face was badly burnt as a result of an apparent accident involving Mike Morton, to the point that it is said that it looked like his skin had corroded. The injuries were so bad that they led to him losing his job as a crying clown.
  • Handicapped Badass: He has a prosthetic right leg and his face was apparently badly burnt by fire and/or acid. Doesn’t do anything to stop him from being a deadly hunter.
  • I Hate Past Me: Heavily implied.
  • Kill and Replace: His 2021 Character Day letter implies that, on top of cutting off Sergi’s face and wearing it as his own, he also stole Sergi’s identity, either to disguise his true identity at the manor or to effectively become the smiling clown in every possible way.
  • Laughing Mad: Coupled with sobbing in his lobby.
  • Malevolent Masked Man: Wears a mask, one of which possesses a sadistic grin, and is a deadly hunter in a game of life and death.
  • Monster Clown: Many of his costumes.
  • Sad Clown: His former role in the circus. He has since come to embrace a different role, however.
  • Wolverine Claws: Wears a clawed glove on his right hand.
  • You Are Number 6: He is referred to by his

    given serial number, 8-0-3

    in his

    Experiment File

    and corresponding

    Experiment Files

    on survivors and hunters that participated in the same game as him.

    Jack – The Ripper 

    Bane Perez – The Gamekeeper 

Bane Perez – The Gamekeeper

Bane Perez was in charge of the forest farm and patrol cabin at Oletus Manor. In his spare time he raised a black-nosed moose like a child. However, accidents always happen, and a new hunting season was coming. Bane was wondering how he could hide the black-nosed moose to ensure its safety, but he was too late. A team of fully armed poachers had already arrived.

The gunshots rang through the forest. When Bane arrived, he saw that the black-nosed moose had fallen to the ground. He recognized a familiar face from the poacher’s team. It was a boy that he had rescued a few years prior. However, when Bane pleaded with him, they cruelly wanted to turn him into a Minotaur. They cut off his tongue and put the head of the black-nose moose on him. They locked him up with a steel-jaw leghold trap and began a massacre in the forest.

After the poachers had left, the dogs dragged Bane back to the manor, where he somehow recovered. No one thought that his humiliation would turn Bane into a demon. He was transformed into a Minotaur, and the mountain forest became his maze. Since that day, Bane shows no mercy to anyone who sets foot on his land.

Voiced by: Su Xin (Chinese)

  • Badass Normal: Bane has no supernatural powers or advanced technology like his fellow hunters, apparently just being a strong, well-equipped human being and as

    Naib and William

    find out the hard way that doesn’t make him any less dangerous.

  • Cynicism Catalyst: His betrayal and physical disfigurement at the hands of a boy he had once shown kindness to transformed him into a creature of violence and cruelty.
  • Et Tu, Brute??: He once chose to show mercy to a boy who had snuck into the forest, instead of delivering him to the authorities. Said boy chose to repay him for his kindness by helping a group of hunters murder and disfigure Bane.
  • Face–Heel Turn: After his kindness toward a boy was betrayed and he was left injured, he lost all compassion.
  • Improbable Weapon User: His default weapon is a purple fish.
  • Meaningful Name: His name means “glorious defender”. Fitting, considering his title and role prior to becoming a hunter.
  • Nice Guy: His Character Day letter suggests that he was once a kind and friendly man. Not so much anymore.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: His kindness toward a boy was repaid by being mutilated and left for dead.
  • The Speechless: Had his tongue cut off by hunters, likely leaving him unable to verbally communicate with others.
  • Tragic Keepsake: The “Golden Horn” accessory, said to be the grafted from what remained of Black Nose.
  • Tragic Villain: Despite showing kindness to a boy who had broken the law by breaking into the forest, he was later betrayed by the same boy, mutilated and left to die.
  • Villainous Friendship: According to his 2020 Character Day letter, he was friends, or at least on (potentially one-sided) friendly terms, with Burke prior to both of their transformation into hunters. This trope is downplayed, however, as neither of them could be classified as villains during that point in the backstory.
    • His 2021 Character Day letter implies that the two were still on amicable terms following Bane’s transformation into a Hunter.
  • You Will Not Evade Me: Carries a grappling hook with which he can pull survivors toward him. With more presence the hook itself deals damage.

    Violetta – The Soul Weaver 


    Michiko – The Geisha 

    Hastur – The Feaster 

Hastur – The Feaster

Once a messenger appeared clad in a yellow robe prophesying the catastrophic arrival of a dynasty; this messenger was known as the Feaster, Him who is not to be named. He is the embodiment of calamity and suffering, but those with curious hearts have always tried to seek Him out in the hope of being enlightened and learning the truth of the world.

Stage Cast: Hino Arata

Voiced by: Wang Yuhang (Chinese)

  • Adaptational Attractiveness: Believe it or not. The original physical description of Hastur was said to be wearing a mask as His face would cause one to lose their sanity. Downplayed as He still very much looks like an Eldritch Abomination.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: A given, considering that He’s a Lovecraftian entity.
  • Combat Tentacles: His main ability.
  • Death of the Old Gods: Implied. The residents of Lakeside Village never acknowledge Him by name (making it unclear if they even known it) and refer to Him as a water god; Hastur is technically the God of Shepherds and, occasionally, a god of air (the god of water being His brother Cthulhu, who it has been written that Hastur hates).
  • Eldritch Abomination: Based on The King in Yellow.
  • Emotion Eater: Feeds off of Survivor’s fear to create tentacles.
  • Extra Eyes: Most of His body is a writhing mass of eyes suspended in clouds of gas.
  • Humanity Ensues: Strangely enough, this happens in the 2020 Spring Festival artwork.
  • In the Hood: Wears a big yellow cloak.
  • Our Gods Are Different: Despite being a deity, who has come down to Earth to participate in the game, He is no more powerful than any other hunter.
  • Significant Reference Date: Possibly. While his second letter implies that some sort of event related to him occurred sometime in January, his official Character Day (January 24) is also on the same date that Haita the Shepherd, the short story written by Ambrose Bierce from which the character of Hastur first originated, was published.

    Wu Chang – The White/Black Guards 

    Joseph Desaulnier – The Photographer 

    Burke Lapadura – The Mad Eyes 

Burke Lapadura – The Mad Eyes

Burke is the eldest son of a construction worker who grew up playing amongst designs, various machines, and tools. By the time he was 20, he had already acquired local fame for his skills. Hired by a married couple, Burke arrived at Oletus Manor when it was still desolate, rundown and was responsible for most of the architectural designs. As per the wishes of his employer, he led his team of workers and expanded Oletus Manor. In his own time, he added his own touch to the manor, his devices, turning the manor into Burke’s secret laboratory. It is said that even up until that unfortunate incident this crazy architect was still planning the addition of new devices.

Voiced by: Meng Xianglong (Chinese)

  • The Alcoholic: Constantly drinking in his idle and standby animations.
  • Artificial Limbs: Substituted some of his limbs with machinery.
  • Child Hater: Complains about his contract family’s kids in his deduction targets.
  • Connected All Along: Bonbon’s 2021 Character Day letter reveals that he was acquaintances with Mark Reznik, and received assistance from Mark’s daughter, Tracy, in finalising the construction of one of his machines.
  • Evil Old Folks: Physically the oldest of the hunters (not counting the deities Hastur and Yidhra, and Joseph).
  • Generation Xerox: His father had a career in construction work.
  • Grumpy Old Man: He is old, and easily irritated.
  • Mad Scientist: Burke has created a security system for the mansion, and he replaced some of his limbs with mechanical prosthetics.
  • Meaningful Name: His name means “for the fortress” in French. His backstory implies that he made his former place of employment his own personal fortress following the murder of his employers.
  • My Greatest Failure: Failed to protect the family he was working for from an angry mob. They were likely killed, which led to Burke entering the game as a hunter.
  • Named After Someone Famous: Possibly inspired by Edmund Burke, a Canadian architect with parents who also had ties to the building industry.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: On top of being a skilled architect, Burke also constructed several machines, such as Guard 26 and, if Percy’s trailer is both canon and to be take at face value, is capable of bringing someone back from the dead.
  • Tsundere: A platonic example. It’s implied that, as much as he complained about the children of the manor, he did actually have a soft spot for them deep down.
  • Uncertified Expert: His Character Day letter reveals that he likely never truly earned a degree.
  • Villainous Friendship: Was friends with (or at least a close associate of) Bane according to the latter’s Character Day letter. That said, neither of them were hunters at the time, so this trope is downplayed.


    Yidhra – The Dream Witch 

    Robbie White – The Axe Boy 

    Luchino Diruse – The Evil Reptilian 

Luchino – The Evil Reptilian

Luchino was an outstanding scholar who was fascinated with reptiles. Not soon after getting a rare poisonous snake from his colleague, Luchino has suddenly vanished. In his room, people only found bloody scales on the ground. The strange thing is those giant green scales are rough and hard and don’t seem to belong to any known reptile.

Inclination: A wary seeker and the only test subject in this group.

Stage Cast: Maugeen Kenji

Voiced by: Liu Yijia (Chinese)

  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: His deductions imply that he studied his reptile subjects by testing their venom on himself. His lab’s janitor, Darren Berglund’s, comments imply that this would often leave his lab a mess. Regardless, he was still respected as an outstanding scholar.
    • He is also said to have been judged by his peers and the staff for believing in Darwin’s theory of evolution (which was, at the time, thought of as ridiculous). Despite this, he was still considered a trusted official by his peers.
  • Double Jump: And even triple jump at max presence.
  • Evil Redhead: Has red hair.
  • For Science!: The core motivation behind his studies. This had the downside of making him jump head first into situations that he knew would likely end badly
    • Even his transformation didn’t stop him. Rather than despairing over what he had become, Luchino is implied to have instead have continued his work by attempting to study his own altered physiology.
  • Just Think of the Potential!: His studies were motivated by a desire to both better understand and even possibly change the world.
  • Licking the Blade: Does this in most of his animations.
  • Lizard Folk: To put it simply, he was transformed into a lizard-like reptilian.
  • Nice Guy: Before his transformation he appeared to treat both his colleagues and members of the cleaning staff kindly.
    • His 2021 Character Day letter indicates that he retained his kind nature even after his transformation was well underway.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: His 2021 Character Day letter implies that during

    his time at the Manor,

    he served as the Savvy Guy to

    Demi Bourbon’s

    Energetic Girl.

  • That Man Is Dead: Expresses as much in one of his quotes in the Deduction Star 2020 Event.
  • Tragic Villain: Was a well-meaning scientist who was betrayed by one of his colleagues, who possessed an unclear connection to Yidhra. It’s noted how he uses his knife to try and remove the scales from his body, but they always grow back.
  • Was Once a Man: Used to be an all-around normal, albeit genius, scholar, before being betrayed by his own colleagues and transformed into a reptilian.
  • You Are Number 6: He is referred to by his

    given serial number, 6-1-4

    in his

    Experiment File

    and corresponding

    Experiment Files

    on survivors and hunters that participated in the same game as him.

    Mary – The Bloody Queen 

    Bonbon – The Guard 26 

Bonbon – The Guard 26

After twenty-five failed attempts, No. 26 was born on Burke’s final endeavor and was once his proudest work. No. 26 exhibited a high level of autonomy, which significantly improved its work efficiency. It also allowed Burke to take breaks from work, avoid repetitive tasks, and invest time in new mechanical designs. Over time, No. 26 became sentient and even gave itself a name—Bonbon. Burke was angered by No. 26’s declined efficiency due to its newfound sentience, so he replaced its central hub and wrote new programs for No. 26. Curiously, no matter how many times Burke replaced its central hub and modified its codes, the same phrase showed up after each reboot: “Nice to meet you, Bonbon.”

  • Affectionate Nickname: Apparently given to him by a past lady of the manor.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Created by Mad Eyes himself.
  • Awesome Anachronistic Apparel: Despite being a robot, he’s designed to look like he’s wearing a button-up shirt, top hat, and red bowtie.
  • Connected All Along: His 2021 Character Day letter implies that Tracy Reznik may have contributed to his creation. If this is indeed the case, it’s very likely that assisting in his creation inspired her later work on her own personal bot.
  • Cute Machines: The DeRoss family’s daughter certainly seemed to think so.
  • Instant A.I.: Just Add Water!: An advanced robotic hunter apparently created by Burke decades before the 1900s. Also somehow managed to gain self-awareness, to the point that no matter how many times Burke rewrote his programming, he would always say the same phrase after reactivating: “Nice to meet you, I’m Bonbon”.
  • Killer Robot: A penguin robot wielding a blood-splattered spiked baton, what can it do with that thing?
  • Lack of Empathy: Doesn’t have a dark backstory like most other hunters on account of being a robot.
  • Savage Spiked Weapons: His default weapon is a police baton with several nails stuck into it.
  • Steampunk: His main theme.
  • Time Bomb: His main ability. He can scatter bombs all around the map, creating one blazing hell when they explode at once.

    Ann – The Disciple 

    Antonio – The Violinist 

    Galatea Claude – The Sculptor 

    Percy – The Undead 

    The Will Brothers – The Breaking Wheel 

    Grace – The Naiad 

Grace – The Naiad

Voiced by: Anqi Zhang (Chinese)

  • Ambiguously Human: Even before her transformation into a Hunter; her gill-like scars are shown to have been present on her neck since she was a young girl. She is also said to have felt more of a connection to the fish swimming in the water than she did to the humans in her village.
  • Cute Mute: Is said to have never uttered a single word in her life and is one of the more innocent-looking Hunters, both before and after her transformation.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Can be briefly glimpsed during the official Time of Reunion announcement trailer, which premiered before the character was officially revealed.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has what seem to be scars on her neck that resemble gills.
  • Mysterious Past: No hint is made as to why she was abandoned as a baby and left to float upstream in a broken fishing basket, nor is any explanation give for her gill-like scars.
  • Moses in the Bulrushes: Was found in a broken fishing basket as a baby, after floating upstream near a fishing village.
  • Only One Name: Despite seemingly being adopted by a local couple from the village, her deductions make no mention of her surname. This, of course, is to assume she was even given one.
  • Our Mermaids Are Different: Implied to be the “mermaid” that is alluded to in the Time of Reunion announcement trailer.
  • The Scapegoat: When disaster once again struck the fishing village she resided in, the villagers came to believe that their previous worship of Grace, brought about by the belief that it was her arrival in the village that had brought about the end of a previous disaster, had led to them inadvertently betraying the “true gods” who were punishing them for their heresy.
  • The Speechless: Is said to have been unable to speak ever since she was a child. This led to her being isolated by her peers in the village as a result.
  • Tragic Villain: Was sunk to the bottom of the lake by the people of her village after they became convinced that she was responsible for the fishing disaster that was plaguing them.

The unheard are doomed to be slaughtered, like fish in a net. It was only after grasping this harsh truth that Grace took up her harpoon.

    Philippe – The Wax Artist 

Philippe – The Wax Artist

Philippe believes one’s face and demeanor reflect evil and malice. This belief is not only his research thesis but also the essence of his aesthetic aspirations. After all, wax sculpting is an art born of science. Consider this—once his theory is finally confirmed, how many future criminals will be strangled in the cradle before being given a chance to taint the world?

Philippe was determined to eke out a career from his talent, and when an unexpected encounter led to a significant breakthrough in his research and craft, the beautiful world of his imagining seemed within reach. However, his world was turned upside-down, and his delusions of grandeur faded into the shadows. The price of his weakness and inaction was the loss of something irreplaceable—of the thing he held dearest.

Plagued with insurmountable guilt and remorse, Philippe convinced himself that the only way to repent for his failings was to move forward, in both life and art. Welcome to my waxwork exhibition… Please refrain from touching the models. Each group of sculptures tells a triumphant tale of good overcoming evil—a tale I hope we can all benefit from.

My dear guest, please don’t be afraid. Come closer… Raise your head, and let me see your face.

Voiced by: Chen Haotian (Chinese), Michael Christopher (English)

  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Intentionally or not, he did destroy a lot of people’s life and is now hunting Survivors in the manor without faults, but it’s clear that he loves his sister above all else.
  • Mad Artist: He started off life as a misguided but relatively sane and esteemed wax artist, but once his sister died he became obsessive with his art and may or may not have created statues by encasing “criminals” in wax.
  • Missing Mom: The siblings’ mom fell off the top of the building and died one day after going to work. It’s unclear if there was any complications behind her death, though the fact that they were warned to not look into her death or believe any rumors didn’t make it seem like a mere work accident.
  • Monster Brother, Cutie Sister: Philippe currently has a monstrous appearance befitting a Hunter with purple skin, tattered clothes, and burn scars; whereas his sister is shown through the wax figure as a beautiful young woman with a peaceful and gentle expression.
  • Named After Someone Famous: Likely named after Philippe Curtius, a Swiss physician and wax modeler.
  • No Name Given: No hint is made of his sister’s name in his deductions. Averted later as Word of God would later reveal it to be Christina.
  • Obliviously Evil: His trailer and in-character replies from the official Japanese Twitter imply that he started his research for the purpose of stopping criminals before they could even do bad things in the first place and firmly believes he is “destroying evil”, even though he was making people be judged despite their assertions of being innocent.
  • Only One Name: He and his sister’s family name is not given in his deductions.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: A practitioner of physiognomy, a pseudoscience that links facial features with criminal behavior. If you pay attention in his trailer he uses a black man to exemplify this, though it is unspecified if that’s actual racism or merely a coincident.
  • Revenge by Proxy: A victim of this. Someone who had been wronged by Philippe murdered Christina in revenge when he was away.
  • Spell My Name with an S: His official character trailer spells his name as “Philip” while other official sources spell his name as “Philippe”.

    ??? – The Nightmare 


– The Nightmare

The raven is often associated with a bad omen, the feared reality revived through him. Perhaps, only “Orpheus” knows about him, the memory re-lived from a nightmare.

For further information on him before the fire see The Novelist. For information on him after the fire see Orpheus.

Voiced by: Liu Beichen (Chinese),

Liu Beichen (Chinese), Shin-ichiro Miki (Japanese), Scott Whyte (English)

  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: Part of his ability allows him to stalk Survivors for a short time. Once he has finished doing so, his attacks are replaced with a leaping attack focused on one target he has stalked. At max presence, he can chain into two leaps to potentially catch up to a Survivor.
  • Creepy Crows: Wears a plague doctor mask that seems to actually be a part of his face, and has long black strands of hair, making him resemble a raven. He can also summon ravens to monitor ciphers.
  • Same Character, But Different: He is

    the Hunter persona


    The Novelist

    , and in turn another of

    The Detective’s younger half self


  • Scarily Competent Tracker: His abilities can be used to find and keep an eye on Survivors very easily.

    Keigan Nicholas Keogh – The Clerk 

    Alva Lorenz – The Hermit 

    Ithaqua – The Night Watch 

Ithaqua – The Night Watch

Born as a twin son of the Norwell family in a town wracked by superstition, the boy was presumed stillborn by his family and was abandoned and left to rot in the wilderness during a raging blizzard. Found, revived and later raised by a suspected witch, the boy would remain unaware of his true origins up until the day that the magistrate’s son – his face a mirror to that of the boy’s – would lead a mob of villagers into the Icy Forest and take away his mother to be tortured. Though the boy would succeed in infiltrating the village and rescuing his mother, he would return to his home in the woods with a woman who could no longer recognise him and whose remaining life would prove to be short-lived. From that day forward, anyone who chose to enter the northern forest on a stormy night would find themselves prey to Ithaqua, the walking death.

Voiced by: An Zhi (Chinese)

  • Always Identical Twins: Nathaniel Norwell, son of the local village’s magistrate, is said to have been a dead-ringer to his long-lost twin brother; something that proved to be incredibly useful when the latter set out to rescue his mother.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Concerning his “revival from the dead”. Was his family simply too quick to write him off as stillborn and leave him to rot in the forest, only for the presumed witch to nurse him back to health via the use of body heat, or did he truly die and was in fact brought back to life by an actual witch?
  • Happily Adopted: Upon being found abandoned in the forest during a blizzard, the boy was subsequently found by a red-haired and green-eyed suspected witch, who would go on to raise the boy as her own, teaching him how to read and write. Even after unwilling coming into contact with his biological family, the boy’s loyalties remained with his adopted mother, a love that would persist long after she died from her wounds.
  • Kill and Replace: Upon infiltrating the village, the boy murdered his long-lost twin and disguised himself as him, forging a suicide note in his brother’s handwriting before escaping back to his forest home with his mother. The only person to suspect foul play was the town’s magistrate, who was, nevertheless, incredibly reluctant to reveal his reasoning for his accusations.
  • Only One Name: Having thought him dead, his family felt no need to give the boy his own name or consider him a part of the Norwell family. His deductions, likewise, make no mention of what his adopted mother may have named him. In the end, Ithaqua is both the only name he is known to possess and the only name he seemingly desires to be known by.
  • Parental Abandonment: On account of his parents – or at the very least his father – presuming him dead at birth and leaving his “corpse” to rot in the forest, lest their family be accused of falling prey to a witch’s curse.

Born as a twin son of the Norwell family in a town wracked by superstition, the boy was presumed stillborn by his family and was abandoned and left to rot in the wilderness during a raging blizzard. Found, revived and later raised by a suspected witch, the boy would remain unaware of his true origins up until the day that the magistrate’s son – his face a mirror to that of the boy’s – would lead a mob of villagers into the Icy Forest and take away his mother to be tortured. Though the boy would succeed in infiltrating the village and rescuing his mother, he would return to his home in the woods with a woman who could no longer recognise him and whose remaining life would prove to be short-lived. From that day forward, anyone who chose to enter the northern forest on a stormy night would find themselves prey to Ithaqua, the walking death.