How We Made $972,369.93 in 2021 (Blog Income Report)

New to blogging? Wondering how much blogs still make? Our blog income report is our space to get a little more transparent with you on some of the earnings and financials.

It’s a little weird to publish this kind of info and it’s something we’ve pondered stopping in the past. We have certainly made changes to how we present this information and what we share — for a variety of reasons.

But ultimately, we continue to give some insight into our earnings so that our audience and students can stay motivated to reach their goals with their businesses.

If you’re new around here, let me give you a little bit of a background about us.

Alex and I started our first blog in the health and wellness space. It wasn’t an immediate success — we had no idea what we were doing, after all. In fact, our first blog actually failed. But after months of trial and error with a second health and wellness blog, we were finally able to figure it out.

We earned six figures with that blog and only after our continued success with that blog did we start Create and Go, where we teach others how to turn their ideas into a profitable online business.

It’s an important part of our background because there are a lot of ‘experts’ out there that are making money online by teaching others how to make money online. Many of them didn’t start earning anything until they started teaching people how to earn something.

We teach from the standpoint of what worked for our health and wellness blog and also what continues to work for both of our blogs today. We’re constantly evolving, learning, and growing with you.

Honesty and transparency are huge for us and what we’re always striving for in every piece of content and communication that we are. We’re so glad that you’re here!

If you are interested in starting your own online business, the best place to start is with our tutorial on how to start a blog. It will walk you through all of the steps to set your blog up, get started with a theme to design it, and take the first steps towards putting some content out there.

2021 Blog Income

We’ve included a couple of screenshots in this section, including 2021 yearly earnings and another snapshot of some of our lifetime earnings from one of our accounts where we sell our own courses.

2021 blog income graph2021 blog income graph

Total 2021 Blog Revenues: $972,369.93

The number above does not include blogging expenses. Some of the expenses that we incur on a monthly basis include the following:

Other significant expenses include team management. We have a core team of 5 people that includes the two co-founders (Lauren and Alex) as well as a content manager, SEO and YouTube manager, and a customer service manager. You can meet the team here.

How Do You Make Money with Your Blog?

You can make money blogging in a variety of ways, but the bulk of our income comes from two sources:

Affiliate Marketing

In 2021, we made $445,457.72 through affiliate marketing with our blogs. This is when you recommend other people’s products and services and receive a commission when someone purchases through your referral link.

For example, ConvertKit is the software that we use to build our email list and send emails to our audience. We have been using them for 5 years and counting and we absolutely love them. They have been the most valuable tool to growing and scaling our business to six figures. It’s also what we recommend to our students for this very reason.

We partner with ConvertKit to bring our students a discount with our referral link — which also means that we receive a commission when people sign up for ConvertKit with our link.

This is how an affiliate marketing partnership works, and we’ve been very fortunate to partner with some really incredible companies that have also helped us to build our business into what it is today.

Online Courses

In 2021, we made $480,342.44 selling our own products. This comes mainly from our blogging courses and our weight loss programs.

Creating your own products and services is one of the best and quickest ways to start making money with your blog and scale it to six figures.

As you can imagine, this process can be pretty involved. It’s not just about creating the content. It’s really more about learning how to sell that content to the right audience.

But it’s an incredibly fun learning process and it will teach you so much about your business and your people along the way. We delve more into this process in our Six-Figure Course Creator course.

How do we get the people in the door? Well, mostly through our content!

Our Latest and Greatest Content

We are on a variety of different platforms and we’ve chosen these specifically to meet our needs and the needs of our audience. For example, you won’t find much going on in the Instagram world for us. It’s just not our scene.

But here are the platforms that we are very much active on:

YouTube Channel

Check out our YouTube Channel here or watch our latest video below:

The Blog

You can read our latest blog posts here:

Our browse through the archives within our individual blog categories:

New to blogging? Get FIRED UP with these awesome resources!

If you have any questions about our blog income reports or about blogging in general, please feel free to leave them in the comment section below!