How to Write Your First Blog Post + Free Template – Start a Mom Blog


Do you ever wonder how you should write your first blog post? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a fill in the blank blog post template?

Don’t worry! I’m here to help! In the video below I’ll show you exactly how to write your first blog post quickly following three simple steps.

  1. Step #1: Find questions people are already searching for
  2. Step #2: Outline your post quickly
  3. Step #3: Write and publish your first blog post

The method below is simple and will save you tons of time. You can also download the entire slide deck and free blog post template I share in the video. Enjoy! 

How to write your first blog post + free templateHow to write your first blog post + free template


This 20 minute video shows you step by step how to write your first pillar blog post.

At the end of this video you’ll be able to know how to research, outline and write your first blog post, or any of your future pillar posts!

Let me know in the comments what you’re blogging about! I’m so happy to help you!


Free Blog Post Template + Checklist

Get unstuck and know how to write great blog posts!

I want it please!

What is a Pillar Post and Why Should My First Blog Post Be One?

Just as the pillars of a building help to hold it up, a pillar post helps hold up your blog.  Instead of holding the roof up, a pillar post helps to form a strong foundation for your blog.

Simply stated, a pillar post is a cornerstone piece of content.  It covers basic questions such as the “what, why, and how” of a topic.  It usually details steps on how to solve a problem and is super helpful and in-depth.

The goal of a pillar post is to tell someone how to get from step A to step B to solve a problem. For example: How to have a natural birth.

How Do I Write My First Blog Post?

You don’t need an architecture degree to write a pillar post. There are some technical things you need to include such as:

  • Multiple types of content (video, graphs, images)
  • Internal links to your own blog posts
  • External links to high authority websites
  • Clear H2 and H3 headings
  • Bullet points where applicable
  • 1000+ words
  • And when I get stuck, I use tools like Jarvis to help me out!

Example of a First Blog Post has some great examples of pillar posts.  The big goal of Mom Life Happy Life is to help moms find joy in motherhood.  No matter what your niche, your blog should have one big goal in mind. Pillar posts for Momlifehappylife might include:

  • Pillar Post #1: Benefits of Being a Stay at Home Mom
  • Pillar Post #2: How to be a Successful Working Mom
  • Pillar Post #3: How to be a Work at Home Mom

These all include researched keywords. Each of the first blog posts in the example targets the specific group of people that come to Momlifehappylife.  They help to give them the resources that they need.

Where Should I Write My First Blog Post?

I write about 80% of the post on my google drive, and then I do the remaining 20% in WordPress. I interlink, add graphics, and generally polish it up in WordPress. Most of the actual writing takes place on my google drive since  I can access it from anywhere. The headlines and formatting transfers with a copy/paste action.

How to Write Your First Blog Post

Let’s go through step by step how to write your first blog post.  I will work the example with you as you do yours.

Step #1 – Google Search to Find Questions People Are Searching For

First, take your keyword and plug it into a google search.  For our example, I’ll plug in “Benefits of being a stay at home mom.”  Pay attention to the questions that google brings up.

first blog post template examplefirst blog post template example

Step #2 – Use Google Questions to Outline Your Post Quickly

Highlight the questions that work well with your blog post. Some questions will be relevant, others not so much.  Keep the relevant ones to answer in your first blog post. These are the problems that people interested in your topic have.  For you – they are gold nuggets because they tell you what problems that you need to solve for your audience.

pillar blog post template examplepillar blog post template example

You can see me go through the whole process starting at the 7:02 mark in the video.

Sometimes Google does not show enough relevant questions.  In this case, start clicking on the most relevant questions you see to make more come up.

What Are the Benefits of Using Google Questions as my H2 Headings in my First Blog Post?

By using the Google questions as your H2 headings, it gives you more content ideas to write about in the future.  You could turn any of the H2 headings into its own separate post that goes into more detail. That way you can link back to your pillar post that you wrote for your first blog post.

Using the Google questions in your first blog post helps it rank better. (The blogging industry refers to this as SEO which is search engine optimization.)  Even if you have a new blog or a small blog, it is possible for your posts to rank on the first page of google. Such is the case with our benefits of being a stay at home mom post.

Step #3 – Write and Publish Your First Blog Post

Your intro will be the first thing that you write.  It will have an H2, which stands for “Heading 2”  You can select this with the drop-down menu on the top left of google docs.

Let your reader know what they will be learning in the post and how it will help them. A pro tip is to share a little personal story of yourself in 1-2 sentences.  This helps you to connect with your reader and pulls them in.

Your Google questions go in H2 headings underneath your intro. Organize them in an order that makes sense to you and your reader. Then go through every H2 and see where you can add bullet points. Make the bullet points H3 headlines, so that you can add text underneath.

Your summary/conclusion will also be an H2 heading. Highlight the main points again.  End it with a call to action or question that asks for your reader’s advice/opinion. This helps you to get engagement on your blog post which helps with your Google rankings.  

This formula enables you to write 2,000-3,000 word posts that solve your readers’ problem and give in-depth answers.

What To Do If You Need Additional Content

Now that you have an outline, you can start writing your first blog post.  Since you are going for a meaty post of 1,000 to 2,000 words or more, what do you do if you still don’t have enough content after you have answered all the google questions?

If you are still needing additional content, you can also ask experts in your niche.  You can ask for other people’s quotes and link to them from your pillar post. Think outside the box. Who else can help you contribute to this post if you don’t have all the knowledge?

More Tips and Tricks for Writing your First Blog Post

Another great tip is to look at the other posts ranking on page one of the google search and ask yourself if you can write something better.  Also, look at the top 2-5 posts and see how meaty they are. How in-depth does their content go? About how many words are there? That’s your competition.  Your article will have to be better than theirs to rank on page 1.

Editing and Polishing Up Your First Blog Post

You want your post to shine like a new quarter.  Remember to check the obvious things, like spelling and grammar errors (I use this nifty tool to help me with my grammar mistakes), but you may also want to check for:

  • Multiple types of content (video, graphs, images)
  • Internal links to your own blog posts
  • External links to high authority websites
  • Clear H2 and H3 headings
  • Bullet points where applicable
  • Multiple pin images – so you can share multiple times to Pinterest without spamming

The Last Step For Writing Your First Blog Post – Sharing!

Now that you have an amazing pillar post written and polished up, it’s time to publish and share it!  For fastest results, you will need to use those multiple pin images to share on Pinterest. You should also share your post on Facebook, Instagram, and your email list.  SEO is a long-term game, so have patience if you just started. Using my blog post template with well-researched keywords will give you the very best chance of ranking on the coveted first page of Google.

The Last Thing You Need to Know About How to write your first Pillar Blog Post

Now you know how to research, outline, and write your first blog post, or any of your future pillar posts! It starts with a simple google search and using the questions to make an outline.  Your google questions should be H2s, and bullet points underneath should be H3s.

Then, you simply fill in your outline with text to write your first blog post. The last steps are polishing it up, publishing and sharing.  Let me know in the comments what you’re blogging about! I’m so happy to help you!


You can use the method above for your first blog post, or your 50th blog post. It’s the method I use today – only now, I incorporate artificial intelligence into my blog posts and I’m able to write them 10 times faster!

Let me know if you have any questions below!

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