How to Write an About Me Page that Grows Your Business – Copyblogger

It seems to me that some website owners have an easier time proposing marriage than they do writing a solid About Me Page.

If that’s you, you’re probably overcomplicating things. Good About Me Pages are straightforward and communicate a few key things.

But just because it’s simple to create these pages when you’re making a living online, it doesn’t mean they’re always good.

What is a good About Me Page?

Your About Me Page is typically one of the most visited pages on your site. So keep reading to find out how easy it is for you to write one that is stunningly helpful and user-friendly.

A good About Me Page will serve both your readers and your business.

It builds trust and helps someone make the decision to further their relationship with you — whether that’s in the form of signing up for your email list, requesting a consultation, or buying one of your products.

What to write in About Me

A strong About Me template is similar to a strong copywriting offer:

  • Present what you’ve got
  • Explain what it’s going to do for your website visitors
  • How they can take the next step to get more from you

If someone wants to learn more “about you,” it’s a chance to show them why they’ll benefit from choosing you over someone else who seems similar to you.

So, when you’re wondering what to write in About Me, don’t overthink it — just like when you’re coming up with a tagline.

Your text should represent the unique value you offer throughout your website, and in the products or services you offer.

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7 mistakes to avoid with your About Me Page

There are certain mistakes that I see again and again on sites that deserve better.

These mistakes are easy to fix and they’re pushing away the people you want to bring closer: your wonderful website readers.

If you’re looking to rebrand your business, take a look to see if you’re making one of these seven common mistakes.

Mistake #1: You don’t have an About Page

You might have some interesting content, a nice custom header, and a sweet design.

What you don’t have is an About Page.

It might be completely missing because you think “About Pages are a cliché.”

Or because you’re freaked out about writing an About Page, you’re just hoping no one will notice it’s missing.

Or you might have called it something clever like “Experience” or “The Scoop” or “But Wait, There’s More!”

When it comes to the interface on your website or blog, never forget the words of usability expert Steve Krug: Don’t Make Me Think.

I don’t want to look at your “Resonate” Page and wonder if that’s where I find out who you are, what you do, and why I should read your site.

So, it’s time to learn how to write an About Me Page. And don’t be clever. Call it About. 

Mistake #2: I can’t find your name or credentials

Let’s say I want to link to you, or tweet about something cool on your blog.

I would really like to know who you are. That means I need your name.

Not a spammy name like “The Real Estate King.” (Please don’t comment under those either. You can’t believe how bad this makes you look.)

Your name. As in, “What do I say when I’m introducing you?”

Unless you are Madonna, you need a last name, too.

Incidentally, if your name is Dave Smith or Cathy Johnson, try including your middle name to make yourself more memorable and give you a decent chance to rank for your own name in search engines.

It works for David Meerman Scott and Carole Sevilla Brown, and it can work for you. If your middle name is common too, find a family name to put in there.

Please note that this does not have to be your real name. Some people would rather keep some distance from readers, for security reasons or just to have a little privacy.

There’s nothing wrong with that. Many people work and write under professional pseudonyms. You can, too.

While you’re in there, make sure you’ve listed your credentials — all of those things that tell us you actually know your topic.

If you’re a registered dietician and you have a nutrition site — put that on your About Page.

List any certifications, awards, or other credibility boosters.

Mistake #3: I don’t know what you look like

When it comes to advice on how to write an About Page, I’m making this one optional. In today’s environment, some folks get more than their fair share of harassment or abuse if they post a photo.

But much of the time, if I want to hire you, refer you, recommend you, or even pass you some readers, I’ll feel more comfortable if I have some sense of who you are.

I get that from two things — your writing voice and your photo.

When I have a face to put with your name, you become much easier for me to remember. That, combined with some well-written content, starts to help me feel like I know you.

And I’m much more likely to link to you or otherwise help you reach your content marketing goals if I feel like I know you.

Mistake #4: The writing is boring

This one hurts, I know. Let’s get it over with so we can move on to more pleasant topics of conversation.

For some reason, when people sit down to write an About Me Page, everything they know about creating interesting content suddenly flies out the window. Their usually great writing style starts to suck.

To fix this unfortunate problem:

  • Use your own writing voice.
  • Be ruthless about pruning out any corporate-speak or hypey jargon.
  • Don’t be afraid to be a little funny, if you can pull it off.
  • Don’t be afraid to unleash your inner dork, either, if that’s part of who you are.

Remember, along with your photo, this is where I go to figure out who you are and whether or not I like you.

If you’re avoiding a photo, your writing voice is all I have to go on.

Mistake #5: Using only video

Video is a great way to create quick rapport on your About Page … for site visitors who like video.

But visitors who are coming to your site at work may not want your voice, however delightful, blasting from the speakers in their cube.

They also may not have 6:23 minutes to spend figuring out who you are.

Lots of web users love video — and some hate it.

If you use video on your About Page, keep it short, make it interesting, and include some text for the readers in your audience.

Mistake #6: You go on (and on and on)

I’m a fan of storytelling. It pulls the reader in, it engages like nothing else, and it’s one of the few techniques that actually sometimes changes people’s minds.

Stories are awesome.

Long, boring stories aren’t so awesome.

If you’re going to tell me the story of how you came to be here, please for the love of Pete make it interesting.

What do your readers find interesting? Themselves, and things that benefit them.

Those are two good places to start when brainstorming how to write an About Me Page.

Mistake #7: I bet you think your About Page is about you

This is perfectly natural, even if you aren’t so vain.

What most site owners miss is that your About Page is actually about the person who clicks the link to see it.

Talk to that person about why they should bother reading your site.

Expand on the problems you solve.

Explain how you can help.

Point out shared interests.

To quote Brian Clark:

“What do you need to know? You need to know whom they admire, and what they aspire to, despise, fear, and cherish.”
How to Craft a Marketing Story that People Embrace and Share

Yes, it’s a spot for you to talk about yourself — but only in the context of how you serve your readers.

If you absolutely can’t resist self-absorption, create a personal blog or social media account and throw in a link to that.

You can put all the tedious details there, and warn people that’s where you talk about your struggles with your cat’s gluten sensitivity.

For your About Page, keep it about the reader — and how you help that reader.

Winning About Me examples

Now let’s take a look at About Me Pages that get it right. These strong About Me examples skip the mistakes mentioned above and jump straight into the good stuff.

Kat Ambrose is one of Copyblogger’s Certified Content Marketers, and her website displays her content writing and copywriting services. Kat’s About Me Page balances her credentials with how she actively helps clients.

She expands on her background after giving an overview at the top of the page. This way, Kat satisfies readers who want just the most relevant information and those who are looking for more details. 

Binging with Babish’s YouTube channel has more than 8 million subscribers, so you know a number of those fans will also check out the About Page on the Binging with Babish website. There you’ll find a brief bio of the cooking show’s host, Andrew Rea.

The photo of Rea here is important, because he doesn’t show his face during Binging with Babish episodes very often. Readers also get a summary of his unique experience and what he offers in his videos.

Finally, we’ll finish our About Me examples with Luvvie Ajayi. Since she’s a seasoned blogger, her writing voice naturally shines on her About Luvvie Page as well. Readers get an accurate slice of what they’ll find in her personality-filled articles.

Now you know what to do — and what not to do — when writing your About Me Page. Have fun!

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