How to Sell Pi? – Pi Coin Price Today

How to Sell Pi?

Pi coins are available to buy or sell from December 29. 2022 on the crypto exchange and Huobi.However, PI officials warn traders that and Houbi do not have the right to list Pi coins. You should not sell Pi using and Huobi; you must be careful because volatility is enormous.

“On December 30, the official Twitter account of Pi Network confirmed that Pi Network isn’t affiliated with and hasn’t authorized any exchange listing, noting that such two listings may not operate on the real Pi.“

Additionally, you can buy and sell crypto using Capital CFD broker with minimal commission (see link below).

Trade Pi Crypto

PI Coin has been listed on Huobi and; many investors are eager to start trading this new, eco-friendly cryptocurrency.

Below is a video related to story about Pi Network Addresses Unauthorized Token Listings from December 2022. and January 2023:


Below you can see a screenshot of and Pi crypto :

sell PI on


At the same time, we can sell Pi now using the Huobi network – see screenshot:

sell pi crypto Huobi

Due to recent developments, Pi Network (PI) has been prohibited from trading on crypto exchanges, Huobi and XT.COM. These exchanges had previously announced their intention to review Pi Network for a potential listing.

Nevertheless, despite this recent development, the Pi Network team remains optimistic about its outlook and is confident that its prospects remain robust despite this setback on two significant platforms.

Furthermore, PI is currently restricted from being traded on exchanges.

Pi Network, the mobile-based cryptocurrency and blockchain platform, does not authorize trading of its Pi Coin on Huobi and exchanges. Recently, these two exchanges listed what appeared to be Pi Coin, but that was incorrect. These coins are in no way affiliated with Pi Network or any of its offshoots.

The two exchanges weren’t operating with the authentic Pi Coin. In essence, they were trying to mimic the success of Pi Network by creating their own tokens that they labeled as “PI” or “Pi.” This is why those listings are no longer active on either exchange and why neither lists the true Pi Coin or allows for trading of it on their platforms.

The main reason these two exchanges are prohibited from hosting PI coin is that it is a closed mainnet system with no external connectivity allowed. This means that regular users cannot access or use it in any way outside of the internal network itself, making it impossible to trade on platforms other than those officially authorized by Pi Network.

Additionally, listing PI coins on third-party platforms would open up potential security risks for users, who would then be vulnerable to hackers and other malicious actors who could steal their private information or coins if given access to them through an outside platform. Since this could lead to severe financial losses, it’s important that I coin remain secure within its closed mainnet system where only authorized personnel can interact.

Further still, having a single central network helps ensure that transaction costs remain low and that transactions are processed quickly and securely without any delays or problems due to potential crashes caused by multiple third-party applications competing for resources on an open-source platform like Ethereum’s mainnet or Waves Platform.

With all this said, Huobi and remain prohibited from offering any trading services related to PI coin since they are not part of the official network approved by the team at Pi Network. This ensures that users retain sole control over their funds while keeping all transactions as secure as possible at all times – something especially important when dealing with a decentralized digital asset such as PI coin!



Pi coin price today


Trade Pi Crypto



Where to Sell Pi Cryptocurrency?

Once launched, Pi coins will be made available on cryptocurrency exchanges for buying and selling. Right now, in December 2022., you can buy them at and Huobi. However, the official PI Network announced that and Houbi do not have the right to list Pi coins.

Pi currency is set to launch in the third phase of network testing. When it is launched, investors and traders can expect multiple platforms like wallets and crypto exchanges where exchanging the Pi coin and holding would be convenient.


How to Exchange Pi Cryptocurrency?

Pi cryptocurrency cannot be traded as it is not launched on any exchange platform.

Pi cryptocurrency is planned to be launched in its third phase of development. It is available for mining in its testing phase. However, investors cannot buy or sell Pi crypto until it is launched on an exchange.

What Can You Buy With Pi Cryptocurrency?

Nothing can be bought with Pi crypto at present. Users can mine the crypto through the app and hold it till it gets listed on an exchange for trading.

The Pi network allows app users to mine Pi crypto. Once listed, it can later be bought and sold on an exchange.


Who is the Owner of Pi Network?

The Pi network was co-founded by Nicolas Kokkalis, Vince McPhilip, and Chengdiao Fan in 2019.

All three co-founders are Stanford graduates and launched the network with Aurelien Schiltz (a visiting student researcher) in March 2019. They aimed to develop a platform for cryptocurrency that can be accessed through smartphones.

Trade Pi Crypto

Is Pi Coin on the Market?

No, as Pi is still in its test net phase and is currently offline, it is not available on the market or on any exchange.

The Pi network is planning to launch its cryptocurrency when it enters its third development phase, the mainnet phase. It may also launch it on cryptocurrency exchanges and partner with some software cryptocurrency wallets. 

How Do I Withdraw My Pi Coin?

You can withdraw Pi coins once they get listed on a cryptocurrency exchange. 

Until the Pi coin goes live and is listed on an exchange, investors can mine the coins using the network and wait for the listings. They can check the updates on the Pi network regularly for any news. 

How Long Has PiCoin Been Around?

Pi network was launched in March 2019. Since then, it has been in its testing and development phase, where users can mine the Pi coins.

Mining the Pi cryptocurrency is the only option for Pi network users since it was launched three years back. 

Will Pi Crypto Take off?

There is no concrete response from the network developers regarding when the Pi coin will take off. It has been said several times that it will get listed in the third phase of its development. However, that time is uncertain. 

For almost three years, investors who have been mining Pi coins on the Pi network have been waiting for the developers to launch the cryptocurrency. 


How Many People Are Active in Pi Network?

As of March 2022, the Pi network has recorded more than 33 million users. 

The network has seen a growing user base even after being dormant since when the Pi coin would be listed on an exchange. Within the year of its launch, the user count crossed the mark of 3 million. 

How Do You Get Invited to Network The Pi?

Pi network is in offline mode, and not everybody can have access to it. It requires a member of the network to send an invite to someone who wants to join the mining platform.

Pi network offers a mobile application through which users can mine the Pi coins and later get the benefits once it gets listed on the crypto exchange. One can only download the app and join the network if one can fetch an invitation from an existing network member.

Can I Sell Pi?

No, you cannot sell a Pi coin as of now, as it is not listed on an exchange and is currently in offline development mode.

Pi crypto is planned to launch in its third development phase, where it will get listed on an exchange, and investors will be able to buy and sell the coin. Before that, investors can mine the coins on the Pi network. 

How Many PiCoin Are There?

As the Pi coin is only available on the Pi network and the network owners provide no information, it is hard to tell the exact number of Pi coins. However, it is assumed that it is somewhere around 25 billion.

With crypto mining as easy as clicking on the phone, the Pi network has gained a considerable user base even before going live on an exchange. These users are actively mining the coins. However, the exact number of coins will only be determined once they come out of circulation.

What is The Maximum Number of Pi Coins?

The estimated limit for the maximum number of Pi coins that can be mined is 50 billion. 

The Pi network has stated that only limited Pi coins will be available for mining. As per the information provided by the network providers, they will stop Pi crypto mining once the user base for the network reaches 1 billion. 


How Many Have Pi Coins Been Mined So Far?

So far, more than 30 million Pi coins have been mined. 

It cannot be determined how many coins have been mined exactly. This is because the Pi network owners provide no information, and the cryptocurrency is not yet in circulation to determine the accurate volume. 

How Much Pi Can You Mine in a Day?

With more than 30 million users mining the Pi coins, each user can mine approximately 4.8 Pi coins daily. This mining rate decreases with an increase in the number of users.

The Pi network developer has stated that there are limited Pi coins that can be mined. In the beginning, the mining rate was 1.6 Pi coins an hour. This rate is being reduced by half with the increase in the number of network users. Currently, it stands at 0.2 Pi coins per hour, which will fall to zero as soon as the user count reaches 1 billion.

How Many People Can You Invite to Mine Pi?

One trusted member can invite 3-5 other people to join the Pi network.

One must mine Pi coins for three days to become a trusted member. After that, you can invite 3-5 people to join the network and start mining. As your invited members mine, you can benefit from them as it will increase your earning by 25% for each active miner.

How Do You Mine Pi on Your Phone?

You can mine the Pi coin by simply clicking the lighting button on the right side of the application screen.

To mine the Pi crypto on their phone, a user must have an invitation code from a trusted network member. With the code, the user can register with the application by submitting all the required information and start mining. 

Can I Mine Pi With Multiple Phones?

The Pi network has made it strict for users to mine from multiple devices. It allows one user to mine through only one device.

To ensure that everyone follows the one account per person rule, the Pi network is powered by Google ReCaptcha v3. 

How Do I Get More Pi Referrals?

There are multiple ways one can expand their referral circle organically. One of the most useful ways is by posting an article about the Pi network and its benefits. Other methods may include posting your referral code on Twitter or Reddit or simply sending invitations to your family and friends. 

The more active miners you have in your circle, the more earnings you can make. That is why users aim to earn as many referrals as possible. In any case, it is suggested to expand your circle organically. 

How Does Pi Mining Increase Speed?

You can increase your earning speed by 25% if you become a contributor on the Pi network. This can happen if you refer to 3-5 new users.

Becoming a contributor is easy on the Pi network. After three consecutive days of mining on the network, users can become contributors by referring 3 to 5 users on the network. With each active miner, the contributor’s earnings increase by 25%.

How Can I Increase My Pi Earnings?

Your Pi earnings increase with each active member you invite. As a contributor to the network, with each active user, you add to your secure circle, your Pi earnings increase by 25% per user. 

The earlier you join the Pi network, the more you can earn through mining. As a token of appreciation, the Pi network offers more earnings to its early users. Also, those who bring more active users to the network are termed as contributors, who can earn 25% extra than other users.  


Trade Pi Crypto