How to Eat Clean (With 7-Day Diet Plan) – Clean Eating Kitchen

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This article includes tips on how to eat clean, including a 7-day diet plan and easy cooking tips. Learn how to make and enjoy healthy food that helps you feel energized and nourished. Clean eating is about feeling your best and not feeling deprived!

selection of healthy foods on table with brown grocery bag.selection of healthy foods on table with brown grocery bag.

Is Clean Eating a Diet?

I think of clean eating as more of a choice and a lifestyle than a diet.

There are no strict rules and the implied goal is better health and increased energy, as opposed to just losing weight. So, I think you could argue that clean eating is not a diet, but more of a healthy way of living.

I’m a huge advocate of eating healthy without starving yourself. You might know that I have a history of eating disorders, so it’s important for me to promote a balanced approach. I’m not against using specialized diets to address health issues, but I think it’s important to make sure it doesn’t get out of control.

If you have health issues that you are trying to address with diet, then you might like this article about the differences between keto, low-carb, vegan, paleo, and clean eating diets.

And, yes, you can use clean eating to aid in balanced and healthy weight loss. See my article on clean eating for weight loss.

But, if your diet starts to interfere with your relationships or social life, then it’s time to take a step back and make sure your relationship with food is still healthy.

What If I Don’t Know How to Cook?

If you’re new to cooking or you don’t have any idea of how to cook healthy, then you’re in the right place! I didn’t even know how to boil a water until I was 30 years old (no joke), so this clean eating diet guide is perfect for you. Learn more about me.

If you know how to cook but you just want to clean up your technique (no pun intended), then you’re also in the right place. My meal planning guide plus cooking tips included in this blog post can help you make healthy food fast.

What Should I Eat At Each Meal?

Generally, most people find that they need around three meals per day, plus a snack. Again, this depends on your unique needs.

If you eat enough balanced foods at each meal, three meals and a snack is sufficient for most people. Keep reading to learn more about how you can structure each meal and how to eat clean.

See my related list of the 10 healthiest foods to eat every day.

Is Clean Eating Expensive?

Many people are concerned that it’s going to be hugely expensive to eat clean.

While you can easily overspend on healthy foods, you don’t have to! As someone who lived on a very small budget for many years, I have some tips on how to eat clean on a budget.

So, while clean eating might be more expensive than eating at fast food restaurants, overall it is going to be less expensive since you will likely have fewer disease-related expenses over time.

Think of clean eating as a long-term investment in your health!

By committing to the healthy eating habit, you will be less likely to get heart disease, be obese, or have high blood pressure. Even small changes can have a big positive impact.

infographic with healthy foods and text that says clean eating is a healthy way of living.infographic with healthy foods and text that says clean eating is a healthy way of living.

Clean Eating Food Ideas

Let’s get into some specifics about how to eat clean at each meal. You can also see my full clean eating shopping list and pantry guide if you are ready to go shopping.

Again, think of clean eating as an outline rather than a specific diet. You have the whole array of whole, natural foods to start with, and then you can build your meals around a general outline of protein, carbs, and healthy fats.

Choose your breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes based around the foods that you like or enjoy. Or, better yet, choose what is in season and available at your local grocery store or farmers’ market within your personal budget.

Clean foods are ones that are in their natural state without too much processing. Think of foods like fresh fruits, lean proteins, healthy fats, leafy greens and other vegetables, and whole grains.

Processed foods would be white bread, cookies, fruit juices with added sugars, candies, and other packaged foods.

Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Most people need a quick, healthy meal to get them started on the right foot.

It’s especially important for women to start the day with an adequate amount of protein. Including plenty of healthy fats and a generous serving of protein can keep blood sugar stable and help you feel satiated.

Foods like green protein smoothies, porridge, toasts, chia puddings, overnight oats, or savory meals like eggs and sausage can often be prepared in advance or quickly cooked.

See all of my clean eating breakfast recipes. You can also check out my lists of healthy breakfast ideas for kids or my clean eating breakfast ideas.

Healthy Lunch Ideas

Lunch should arguably be your biggest meal, since you’ll need the energy to power you through the rest of your day. Focus on lots of healthy fats and protein, plus some energy-dense carbs.

Good clean eating lunch options include loaded salads, pastas, beans, soups, and wraps or sandwiches. If you tend to go out to eat during your lunch break, start a new habit of going home for lunch or bringing your own to the office.

Check out my article on meal prep ideas for busy people or see this list of the best clean eating recipes.

Healthy Snacks

Snacks should help you fuel between meals, usually between long stretches like lunch and dinner. Snacks are usually lighter than meals and should focus on healthy fats and protein.

Don’t fall victim to processed foods or junk foods if you get hungry between meals.

Prepare and cook your snacks just like you would your meals. Things like homemade jerkies, chia puddings, nuts, nut butters, veggies, fruits, smoothies, crackers, and raw veggie breads are great for a mid-day fuel source.

See my full list of gluten-free and dairy-free snacks.

Healthy Dinner Ideas

Fueling your body for sleep is just as important as fueling yourself for activity, since our bodies repair and restore themselves during sleep. Many people do well with complex carbohydrates at dinner, mixed with a source of protein and vegetables.

Focus on red meat/poultry/fish, potatoes, gluten-free grains, vegetables, and healthy fats. This article from Dr. Lara Briden discusses why women need a balanced dinner for our hormones and health. 

If you have picky eaters in the house, you might want to refer to my list of the Best Vegetables for Picky Eaters.

On a separate note, if you have low energy, you might be interested in my article on reasons why you’re always tired.

How to Fill Your Clean Eating Plate

Still unsure of what your clean eating plate should look like?

A good rule of thumb is to fill half your plate with veggies, ¼ with protein, and ¼ with complex carbs. Read more about how to fill a healthy plate and which foods you should be eating every day.

Adding 1-2 tablespoons of a healthy fat per meal is also a good idea. Healthy fats like avocado, coconut, ghee, grass-fed butter, nuts, and seeds provide important nutrients and also help you absorb other vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients.

For dessert, enjoy fresh fruit or a healthy homemade baked treat (see all of my clean eating dessert recipes).

colorful display of healthy foods on a dark wood table.colorful display of healthy foods on a dark wood table.

Clean Eating Diet Food List

Here are some tips for filling your kitchen with an abundance of clean eating, whole foods.

Rather than browsing each aisle of the store when you’re trying to eat clean, focus on the outer aisles where you’ll find the produce and protein options. Venture into the inner aisles for pantry staples, and ignore the processed snacks and box dinners.

Your clean eating shopping list should include the ingredients below, adjusted and/or expanded to your unique needs.

For instance, you may need to adapt your meal plan to avoid the worst foods for Hashimoto’s. You can also choose sugar-free foods from this list of the best no-sugar foods.


  • Ground beef/bison, steak, chicken, ground turkey, lamb, pork, fish, sausage
  • Clean, whole food protein powder and/or collagen peptides
  • TIP: buy your meat/fish frozen or in bulk from a local farmer or a quality source


  • Sweet potatoes, white potatoes, fruits/veggies, legumes, gluten-free grains
  • TIP: frozen fruits/veggies are usually more affordable and reduce food waste. Buy grains and legumes in bulk and store in your pantry
  • See my full list of the best gluten-free carbs.


  • Avocado and coconut
  • Nuts and seeds and their butters, and coconut butter
  • Oils like avocado oil, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, ghee, and ethically-sourced red palm kernel oil
  • TIP: avoid vegetable oils and unhealthy fats that are high in omega-6 fatty acids

If you want a full list of healthy foods to add to your shopping list, don’t miss my comprehensive clean eating food list.

infographic that says 7-day clean eating meal plans.infographic that says 7-day clean eating meal plans.

7-Day Clean Eating Diet Plan

Here’s a sample 7-day clean eating diet plan that is appropriate for many people. Remember to keep it simple and look for simple ways to create easy meals for yourself. Preparation is key to your success!

I’ve also included a gluten-free and dairy-free version below.

Day 1:

Breakfast: Overnight protein oats made with old-fashioned oats, almond milk, chia seeds, and sliced almonds
Lunch: Quinoa and black bean salad with roasted vegetables
Dinner: Air fryer baked salmon with roasted sweet potatoes and steamed broccoli

Day 2:

Breakfast: Avocado toast with whole grain bread, sliced avocado, cherry tomatoes, and a fried egg
Lunch: Grilled chicken and vegetable skewers with a mixed greens salad
Dinner: Baked sweet potato or Instant Pot sweet potato topped with black beans, salsa, and shredded cheese

Day 3:

Breakfast: Greek yogurt with mixed berries and a sprinkle of almonds
Lunch: Whole grain wrap with turkey, lettuce, tomato, and hummus
Dinner: Spaghetti squash with homemade tomato sauce and turkey meatballs or spaghetti squash pizza casserole

Day 4:

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spinach, tomatoes, and whole grain toast or pesto eggs on toast
Lunch: Chicken and quinoa soup with mixed vegetables
Dinner: Grilled vegetable and tofu stir-fry with brown rice

Day 5:

Breakfast: Oatmeal with banana, cinnamon, and a spoonful of peanut butter
Lunch: Whole grain pita stuffed with hummus, cucumbers, and tomatoes
Dinner: Stir-fry salmon with quinoa or rice

Day 6:

Breakfast: Smoothie made with mixed frozen fruit, spinach, and unsweetened almond milk
Lunch: Turkey and cheese wrap with mixed fruit
Dinner: Grilled chicken and roasted vegetables

Day 7:

Breakfast: Whole grain waffles topped with mixed berries and a dollop of Greek yogurt
Lunch: Whole grain pasta with tomato sauce and steamed broccoli
Dinner: Instant Pot Tri-Tip with roasted sweet potatoes and mixed vegetables

Pin this image to save this meal plan!

clean eating 7-day diet plan infographic.clean eating 7-day diet plan infographic.

And, here’s a gluten-free and dairy-free 7-day sample clean eating meal plan.

Day 1:

Breakfast: Quinoa porridge made with quinoa, almond milk, and mixed berries
Lunch: Brown rice and black bean salad with roasted vegetables
Dinner: Grilled salmon with roasted sweet potatoes and steamed broccoli

Day 2:

Breakfast: Gluten-free toast with avocado, cherry tomatoes, and a fried egg
Lunch: Grilled chicken and vegetable skewers with a mixed greens salad
Dinner: Baked sweet potato topped with black beans, salsa, and chopped cilantro

Day 3:

Breakfast: Mixed fruit smoothie made with unsweetened almond milk and a scoop of protein powder (see all of my dairy-free smoothies)
Lunch: Gluten-free wrap with turkey, lettuce, tomato, and hummus
Dinner: Spaghetti squash with homemade tomato sauce and turkey meatballs

Day 4:

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spinach, tomatoes, and gluten-free toast
Lunch: Chicken and quinoa soup with mixed vegetables
Dinner: Grilled vegetable and tofu stir-fry with brown rice

Day 5:

Breakfast: Instant Pot gluten-free steel cut oats with banana, cinnamon, and a spoonful of almond butter
Lunch: Gluten-free pita stuffed with hummus, cucumbers, and tomatoes
Dinner: Baked salmon with roasted asparagus and quinoa

Day 6:

Breakfast: Smoothie made with mixed frozen fruit, spinach, and unsweetened almond milk
Lunch: Turkey and lettuce wrap with mixed fruit
Dinner: Grilled chicken and roasted vegetables

Day 7:

Breakfast: Gluten-free waffles topped with mixed berries and a dollop of almond butter
Lunch: Gluten-free pasta with tomato sauce and steamed broccoli
Dinner: Grilled steak with roasted sweet potatoes and mixed vegetables

clean eating 7-day diet plan gluten free and dairy free.clean eating 7-day diet plan gluten free and dairy free.

These are just some examples of clean eating diet plans that can work for most people. Feel free to adapt them to meet your calorie needs or to eat what’s in season or what meets your budget or personal preferences.

Healthy Cooking Techniques

Feeling comfortable in the kitchen is an essential part of learning how to eat clean.

There are many different cooking techniques you can master to help make preparation easier and completely transform your ingredients.

Here are some great clean eating cooking techniques to make the process easier and more efficient.

1. Slow Cooker (Crockpot)

For the easiest meals ever, invest in a slow cooker! Also commonly referred to by the brand name Crockpot, slow cookers are best for multiple-serving meals. I have a 6-quart slow-cooker.

You can put in all of your ingredients, set the slow cooker to low or high (and time, if yours has a timer), and it will slowly cook your meal over the course of several hours.

You can even have it cook overnight and set it to warm in the morning to have for that night, or cook it all day and have it ready for when you come home from work. Slow cookers are notorious for making food extra flavorful and tender.

See my clean eating slow cooker recipes.

2. Pressure Cooker

These are also commonly referred to by a brand name, Instant Pot.

Pressure cookers are like slow cookers, just sped up! They use a sealed pot to create pressure and steam to cook the food. I recommend a 6-quart Instant Pot for most people. See my beginner’s guide to the Instant Pot Duo.

Add all your ingredients, set a time and cook setting, and the pressure cooker does the work for you. Use this for quick meals and tender meats.

See all of my Instant Pot recipes.

3. Casseroles & One-Pot Meals

When you want to get a lot of veggies or ingredients in one dish, consider going for casserole or one-pot recipes. Soups are also a great option for a quick, low-fuss meal that can yield several servings.

Here is a lift of my favorite healthy casseroles.

4. Sheet Pan Meals

Sheet pan meals are another version of a one-pot meal. With sheet pan meals, you can arrange all your ingredients on a metal sheet pan and let them all bake/roast together. You don’t really need a recipe for these, unless you want one! 

Simply toss your favorite veggies and a cut of meat with cooking oil and spices and pop in the oven, checking and turning once or twice. Most sheet pan meals need about 30 minutes at 425 degrees. 

5. All-in-One Cooking Appliance

Hands down, the most common complaint I get about cooking at home is the lack of time.

If that’s the case with you, you might consider an “all-in-one cooking appliance.” These types of devices are becoming more common and easy to use.

The brand I have is called Multo by CookingPal (read my full review of the Multo).

If you enjoy using the power of technology in the kitchen, then you should definitely consider this type of device! The Multo is also great because it comes loaded with an extensive library of healthy recipes.

6. Grilling

This method is most commonly used for meat, since it imparts food with a distinct flavor from the smoke and charcoal. It’s a relatively quick cooking method as well. I like to reserve grilling for the warm summer months, but indoor grills are an option too.

Don’t limit your grilling to just meats; veggies and tropical fruits are also delicious grilled.

7. Cast iron skillet

Cooking with a cast iron is a fantastic way to impart your food with an important nutrient.

Well-seasoned cast iron skillets are essentially non-stick without toxic coatings and can last for generations. They hold and distribute heat very well, so food cooks evenly.

Cooking in a cast iron skillet gives food a wonderful texture and easy clean up. Cooking in cast iron can also help improve iron levels which can be important for women of child-bearing age. Learn more about the healthiest cookware options.

Here’s a pre-seasoned cast iron skillet to help get you started.

8. Air Fryer

Air frying has taken off in recent years! For good reason, as air frying is essentially like using a mini convection oven. Read more about the pros and cons of air frying.

It is efficient, fast, and you can cook almost anything including meats, vegetables, and even dessert (check out my recipe for Air Fryer Bananas).

Quality air fryer don’t have to be expensive, either. Choose from my list to find the best air fryers under $100 if you’re looking to buy one.


What to eat on a clean eating diet?

A clean eating diet includes a variety of whole foods, including meat, poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts and grains.

Is clean eating good for weight loss?

Clean eating can help with weight loss, especially if you’re swapping out processed foods high in refined oils and sugars for real food alternatives.

What is the best way to eat clean?

Start one meal at a time! Prepare a meal plan for the week and shop for what you need. Prep your meals ahead of time to help stay on track. You can also join my Clean Eating 101 Mini-Course for more targeted resources.

How do you eat clean and lose weight?

If you eat a clean diet and exercise moderately, you should be able to reach your ideal weight fairly easily. Consult your healthcare professional for individualized support. Or, see my article about why you can’t lose weight no matter what.

What is clean eating food list?

Any food in its whole form or minimally processed could be considered part of a clean eating diet. Check out this list of healthy foods to eat every day.

Best Practices & Final Tips

There is not just one way to eat clean. But, if you focus on real foods, then you will be on the right track.

Remember, clean eating is more about choosing real foods over processed foods. It’s less about perfection and more about fueling your body so that you feel energized and nourished.

1. Be Prepared

There’s no need to resort to junk food or foods that don’t make you feel great when you have your own meals and snacks prepared and packed with you!

Set aside some self-care time each week to plan out your meals, write your grocery list, and prep ahead of time.

2. Cook What You Love

Develop a few trusted, favorite go-to clean eating recipes.

Following recipes is a great way to build confidence in your cooking. Once you know what your favorite dishes are, you can tweak them to your tastes and soon, you won’t even need the recipe any more.

See all my clean eating recipes in my recipe index. 

3. Get inspired

Check out blogs, food magazines, and old family recipes and tweak them to use real food ingredients instead. Once you’ve built your cooking confidence, even browsing the market will give you inspiration for recipes.

You can also check out my list of the best clean eating websites or the best healthy YouTube channels for more ideas and methods.

4. Get Support

Whether you are new to clean eating or you’re making a complete change, you’ll need support! Join my Clean Eating 101 Mini-Course for a great overview and introduction to this way of living.

If you like this post, consider following me on social media so we can stay connected. I’m on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube!

Note: this post is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider for recommendations related to your individual situation.