How to Create a LinkedIn Business Page (and Why You Need One)

Are you wondering how to create a LinkedIn business page? Or, maybe you’re not sure you even need one?

In this article, we’ll show you how (and why) to create a LinkedIn business page, including LinkedIn company page best practices and tips to help you show off your best self to potential customers and peers alike—and get more followers on this often-overlooked platform.

What is a LinkedIn Business Page?

Your personal LinkedIn profile is great for sharing your own resume, searching for new job opportunities, and promoting your personal brand.

But companies can create a LinkedIn business page to promote their product/services, post job opportunities, and more.

For example, here’s the OptinMonster LinkedIn business page.


Do you need to create a LinkedIn business page? Let’s take a look at some of the benefits to help you make up your mind.

Benefits of a LinkedIn Business Page

Let’s take a closer look at why you should create a LinkedIn business page (or spend some time making your existing LinkedIn business page even better).

1. Promote Your Products/Services

A business page on LinkedIn provides your company with another way to promote your products or services. You can introduce your products/services, describe the benefits to your followers, and share links that lead to your website.

With a LinkedIn business page, you can also create a LinkedIn Showcase page. This page is an extension of your LinkedIn business page and can be used to spotlight a particular brand, business unit, or initiative.

Here’s an example of a LinkedIn Showcase page from Microsoft that they’ve created specifically for Microsoft Office 365:


2. Find Job Candidates Easily

With a LinkedIn business page, you can easily find top talent for your company. You can post a job and view LinkedIn profiles of potential candidates to find the best match for your business.

Plus, potential candidates can learn more about your business and what it’s like to work for your company by checking out your LinkedIn business page.

3. Share Helpful Content

LinkedIn is an excellent platform for sharing content that’s useful to your target audience. You can share your blog posts on your LinkedIn company page to educate users about your product and lead them through the stages of the customer journey.

In this example, from Drip’s LinkedIn business page, they share a lead magnet to turn users into subscribers:


By sharing helpful, engaging content on LinkedIn, you can drive more traffic to your site and turn leads into customers.

4. Increase Your Searchability

Consumers need to be able to find your business online if you want to be successful. A LinkedIn business page provides another way for users to discover your company online.

Besides, adding links to your website on your LinkedIn business page can help improve your ranking in search engine results.

5. Connect with Your Target Audience

Especially for B2B companies, a LinkedIn business page is the perfect way to connect with your target audience.

You can connect with tons of business owners and professionals on LinkedIn through posts, comments, messages, sponsored posts, and LinkedIn InMail.

And, LinkedIn InMail is effective. According to statistics, it has a 300% higher response rate than email!

As you can see, a LinkedIn business page is a great way to grow your business.

Need more convincing? Check out these LinkedIn stats that further prove the power of the platform:

By now, you understand that LinkedIn can be beneficial for your business, so let’s dive into our step-by-step guide on how to create a LinkedIn business page.

How to Create a LinkedIn Business Page

Before we get started, it’s essential to know that there are a few requirements you need to meet to be able to create a LinkedIn business page:

  • A personal LinkedIn profile with your real first and last name
  • Your profile must be at least 7 days old
  • The profile strength must be “Intermediate” or “All-Star”
  • Several LinkedIn connections on your profile
  • A company website and company email (no generic emails like
  • Listed as a current employee of the company in the “Experience” section of your LinkedIn profile

If you meet those requirements, let’s get started.

Step 1: Create a Company Page

First, log in to your personal LinkedIn account and click on the Work icon in the top right corner of your dashboard.

A window will pop up in the right corner, scroll to the bottom of the window and click on the Create a Company Page + button.


Now LinkedIn will ask you to choose what type of business page you want to create.

You can choose from Small business (less than 200 employees), Medium to large business (more than 200 employees), Showcase page (for an existing business page), or Educational institution.


For this tutorial, we’re using Small business.

Step 2: Fill Out Your Business Profile

Next, it’s time to add all of your company information.

On this page, you need to add your company name, website, industry, company size, and company type.


You can also upload your company logo and write your company tagline, as well.

After filling out all of your company information, check the box to verify that you’re an authorized representative of the organization and click the Create page button.


Now you have a LinkedIn business page!

Okay, that was easy, but if you want to stand out and get the most from your LinkedIn business page, there are a few more things you need to do.

Step 3: Spruce Up Your LinkedIn Business Page

If you want your LinkedIn business page to stand out and impress your audience, use these tips to polish your page.

Add a Cover Photo

Take your LinkedIn business page to the next level and make it look more professional by adding a cover photo. A cover photo is a large image shown at the top of your company page.

Here’s Nike’s cover photo for their LinkedIn business page:


Your cover photo could be images of your products, a picture of your team, or a larger version of your logo.

You can choose whatever image you want for your cover photo, make sure it represents your brand, and it’s the right size. The LinkedIn business page cover photo size is 1584 px X 396 px.

You can use a free visual content creation tool like Canva to create a custom LinkedIn business page cover photo.

Write a Compelling Summary

Next, you need to write a compelling summary of your business. Your summary will appear under “Overview” in the About section of your business page.

Your summary is where you tell people about your company and what you do. You can either use it as an opportunity to promote your product/services or convince candidates why they should work for your business.

LinkedIn limits your characters in this section to 2000, so choose your words wisely to stand out from the crowd.

Don’t forget to use relevant keywords in your summary and throughout your business page so that it’s easier for users to discover in search engines.

Add Your Location

You can also add your company location like the company Slack does in the example below. Adding your location to your LinkedIn business page will make your company and your job posts easier to discover on LinkedIn.


If your business has more than 1 location, you have the option of adding multiple locations.

Step 4: Share Regular Content

Now that your business page is all set up, it’s time to start sharing content.

Don’t worry; you don’t need to come up with brand new content specifically for LinkedIn, you can share your existing blog posts.

By sharing your blog posts on LinkedIn, you can maintain an active page, present your business as a leader in the industry, engage with followers, and drive traffic to your website.

You can even share your lead magnets, like we did below, to get more email subscribers.


You can also share company or industry news, updates, or upcoming events on your LinkedIn business page as well.

Regularly sharing content on your business page will help you get more LinkedIn followers to engage.

Step 5: Promote Your LinkedIn Business Page

Speaking of getting more followers, you need to promote your LinkedIn business page if you want it to get noticed.

Start by engaging your employees on LinkedIn. Ask them to add your company to their profile as their place of employment so that you can build the credibility of your business page and tap into their existing networks.

There are many free and easy ways to promote your LinkedIn business page, including:

  • Promoting your LinkedIn business page on other social media profiles like Twitter and Facebook
  • Creating an email marketing campaign to ask your subscribers to follow you on LinkedIn
  • Posting regular content on LinkedIn and use relevant hashtags to widen your reach
  • Adding a “Follow Us on LinkedIn” button to your website
  • Using LinkedIn Ads or sponsored content to create targeted campaigns

Now that you know how to promote your LinkedIn business page get started. The more you promote your LinkedIn business page, the more followers you can get. More followers not only translate into more authority but increased leads and sales!

Congratulations on creating an excellent LinkedIn business page!

With these tips, you can grow your LinkedIn business page effectively so that you can attract not just LinkedIn followers, but customers for your business.

Psst! OptinMonster is still the best lead generation tool you can use for your business, so get started today. And don’t forget to follow us on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter for more great marketing tips you can use.

Allison HottAllison Hott

Allison is a writer who loves all things digital marketing and WordPress. When she’s not writing you can find her curled up with a good mystery book, eating cheese, and spending time with her dog, Splinter (yes, like Master Splinter from the Ninja Turtles).