How To Create A Blog Logo Easily & Quickly

How To Create A Blog Logo - Blog Logo Design TipsHow To Create A Blog Logo - Blog Logo Design Tips

One of the first things to do when launching a blog is to create a blog logo. This is going to represent your brand in everything from the site itself to your social media accounts, your signature in your emails and the content you create.

Creating a blog logo can be as simple as using a distinct font for a simple text logo or to a text blog name with minimalist or elaborately designed images embellishing it.

And while you may want to go for a creative logo design, sometimes simple is better. I’ll get into that later on.

If you’ve got graphic design skills, you know what to do! For others, creating a blog logo may seem daunting at first.

However, the good news for many of us lifestyle, food and parenting bloggers is that there are many easy solutions to creating a blog logo that will work perfectly for our sites.

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Ways To Create A Blog Logo For Your Site PINWays To Create A Blog Logo For Your Site PIN

Logos can be elaborate, or they can be simple. The type of blog logo you should consider is a wordmark logo.

These logos are simple word logos, with a specific font that represents the brand. Think of Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. They use specific fonts and colours that represent their brand.

For a blog, you don’t need to spend too much money to create a wordmark logo that fits your blog’s personality.

For blogs, a wordmark logo that can be used in headers can be something as simple as using a unique font that you purchase or get for free:

SuburbanTourist 500x138 1SuburbanTourist 500x138 1

It can be something a bit fancier, such as this one that I created for my Suburban Tourist blog:

Example logoExample logo

Or it could be a submark logo such as this, which is perfect for watermarking photos, including in your Pinterest pins or other branded materials:

Submark logo for Suburban TouristSubmark logo for Suburban Tourist

A perfect example of using the submark logo is this Pinterest pin image (which you can pin to Pinterest – thank you!):

How To Create A Blog Logo PIN2How To Create A Blog Logo PIN2

When you’re creating a logo, think of the following:

  • The font and colours reflect your brand and create a specific perception about your blog
  • Is the logo easy to read and recognize, even if it’s a tiny size?
  • Will people easily remember it and recognize it as your blog’s logo?

When you have a professional designer create a blog logo for you, you will most likely receive several different options of the main logo, an alternative logo (or secondary logo) and a submark logo (often used for watermarks and other branding).

But what if I told you that these logos above weren’t made 100% by a designer? Yes, the design for the alternative fancier logo and the submark logo were initially premade by a professional.

However, I did the customizing with my favourite script font that I purchased on Creative Market: Caleigh

VOILA! A beautiful-looking logo in a matter of minutes. While I don’t use the alternative logo, it’s a pretty one, and perhaps in the future, I’ll switch out my current simple letter logo for it.

Why You Need A Logo For Your Blog

And not just any logo, but an aesthetically pleasing and memorable logo.


Because it represents you and you want to put the best foot forward. The thing that will identify your brand (your personal brand and your blog brand) is your logo.

You will use it on anything from:

  • Your blog header
  • Your social media accounts
  • A business card (if you end up producing a few to have on hand for events)
  • Your media kit
  • On any content you create to promote blog posts (where it makes sense e.g., Pinterest pins)
  • Any freebies, printables, e-books and other digital products you create

Having a great-looking logo makes your site appear professional – something that brands look for when partnering with bloggers and influencers.

So, as you can see, how you create a blog logo is important. Now, let’s see how to create them!

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Using Premade Logo Templates

Although I’m not a graphic designer, I have enough Adobe Photoshop skills to get by. The above logos I made in Photoshop using a premade template from Creative Market.

I fell in love with the Ladylike Premade Logo Template set. Click on the image and it takes to you to the page on Creative Market.

If you choose to purchase the set, note that this is an affiliate link, and I will receive Creative Market credits as a form of payment. (Thank you for any purchases!)

Powered by Creative Market

What I love about this template set from SnipeScientist is that there are 60 different logo styles to choose from.

They are all beautiful, feminine logos that can grace any blog or online shop.

Furthermore, I’m not a Photoshop expert. So the easy to follow instructions and well-laid out layers in this SnipeScientist Ladylike logo template pack make is super easy to edit and customize.

Using CreativeMarket Templates To Create A Logo In PhotoshopUsing CreativeMarket Templates To Create A Logo In Photoshop

The layers on the right are easy to follow to make changes.

NOTE: If you don’t have it already, get Adobe Photoshop to create beautiful logo designs. It’s a worthwhile investment for not only logo creation, but photo editing.

Creative Market

Creative Market has numerous beautiful logos of various styles – from feminine sets to more general and masculine styles.

The templates can be for Photoshop, Illustrator or Canva and usually come with step-by-step instructions.

This makes it super easy to create a blog logo if you have beginner skills in any of the design programs.

Also, it’s super easy to find and purchase one you like. Think of it like Esty for designers, bloggers, and anybody who is marketing something. You purchase credits (the best place to start is at $100 with a bonus of $10) and then purchase what you need.

Take some time to explore Creative Market before choosing a template that will work with your brand and niche.

To summarize – the pros and cons of using premade templates to create a blog logo are:


  • Professional-looking logo
  • Infinitely less expensive than hiring a graphic designer
  • Can be tweaked to look customized


  • Requires some knowledge of Photoshop
  • Potential of a similar-looking logo out there
  • Usually will cost about $15 – $25

Create Your Own Logo In Canva

Another great place to create a blog logo is in Canva. If you aren’t using it, what are you waiting for?

When I don’t have time for Photoshop, Canva is my one-stop graphic design tool for easy creation in a matter of minutes. I think it’s probably the number one tool that many bloggers use regularly.

Canva has several logo templates that you can use.

What’s great about them is that you can adapt them to look original. Remove an element, or add one. Change the colour of the logo or the font.

Canva Logo CreationCanva Logo Creation

However, there are a couple of limitations to Canva.

If you’re using the free version, you don’t get to upload your own fonts. This limits how unique you can make your logo.

And of course, certain elements, graphics, and other features are only for paid subscribers. So you are a little bit limited in how much you can change.

In my opinion, if you want to really tap into the power of Canva, and make a gorgeous blog logo, get the Canva PRO version.

There are many more things that you can do with Canva that will be very useful for Pinterest pin creation and other blog graphics. So it’s wise to invest in a monthly Canva PRO subscription.

| Related: Canva PRO Review (2022): Why Upgrading Is Amazing For Bloggers

To summarize:


  • Very easy to use
  • Many free logo templates to choose from*
  • Easily customized to fit your brand colour palette
  • With a Canva PRO account, you can easily use custom fonts and have access to many more elements to create a gorgeous custom logo


  • Unless you have a Canva PRO account, you don’t get access to your own preferred fonts
  • Limited free elements and graphics
  • No complete cohesive set of main, alternative logo and submark logo options – you have to create each separately, yourself

Logo Generators

There are several sites online that generate a logo for you. For somebody who has very little time and who doesn’t really care about a professional-looking, unique logo, this might be the way to go.

Why am I so difficult on these online sites that seem to offer a quick and free way to generate a logo?

It’s because they look like this:

Logojoy logo generatorLogojoy logo generator

These are “meh”. Be honest, would you be interested in reading more from a blog with a blah looking logo? Probably not.

However, because as I said, some prefer a quick and dirty logo generated in a matter of minutes, here’s a breakdown of the top online logo generator that pops up on Google.


The above photo is from It took me three minutes to create a blog logo. You get to choose your preferred colours from a simple list of choices. You tell them what industry you’re in.

The site gives you the option of liking a few pre-existing logos so that it understands what kind of look and feel you’re going for with yours. And then you choose a few graphic embellishments. Putting together this knowledge, the site generates several options for your new logo.

But with limited fonts, and an algorithm that doesn’t necessarily always get the most beautiful looking logo, this is a miss in my books.

To get your final logo, you also have to connect up the site with your Facebook account or create one using your contact details.


  • Pretty straight forward interface
  • Leads you through options easily


  • Generic looking logos produced
  • LImited options for graphics
  • Doesn’t look professional or aesthetically pleasing
  • You don’t have too much control over the design

Logo Design Apps

I’ve also looked into iOS logo design apps. There are several such as LogoScopic Studio and Logo Maker Shop that are popular.

All three have limited free versions with minimal options when it comes to cool logo designs. I liked Logo Maker Shop the best of all three because you can craft your own logo from scratch using the slightly larger number of free fonts and design elements.

logoshop logo maker 2 1logoshop logo maker 2 1logoshop logologoshop logo

Pro versions range in price and free trials only go so far. I’m always reticent to purchase a logo creation app that doesn’t give me the flexibility to create transparent PNG versions, etc.

This is why Canva PRO is my recommended approach, even with the larger price tag. As a blogger, you’ll get much more use out of Canva than a logo app.

So technically you can create a blog logo and unsubscribe as soon as you’re done.

Personally, I found these apps to be underwhelming.

How To Size And Save Your Files

When you create a blog logo you have to consider what the sizes you need and the types of files you’ll need. I like to save my logos in several different types of files:

  • JPGS, cropped as close as possible to the logo itself
  • PNG files, cropped and made into transparent versions, to be layered over images etc. This can be done in Photoshop when you’re editing a premade logo or creating one from scratch. PhotoBiz Knowledge Base explains how to do this very well using different versions of Photoshop. Canva has an option for transparent PNGs with the PRO version.

Also, remember to use a two-times larger sized logo for your blog header so that it’s not blurry on Retina screens.

So if you have a blog logo that’s 200 x 200, make it 400 x 400. Most themes have a feature that allows you to add a Retina-enhanced larger version (the 400 x 400 or whatever size your logo is).

And if you’re not sure what size to begin with, your blog theme’s documentation will most likely give you the best size for blog headers. If not, then check out what the theme is using in their live example on their site. Always good to copy what they do!

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To Summarize

So creating a logo that suits your brand identity and overall design is doable, even on a tight budget.

I recommend:

  • If you know some Photoshop, get a pre-made template for a beautiful logo that you can tweak and customize – Creative Market is my go-to for templates
  • Canva is your second-best option for easy customizing. Canva Pro is even better!
  • Take your time to craft a beautiful logo that will last for a while – avoid cheap-looking logo generators and limited apps
  • Make at least one main wordmark logo and a submark logo

That’s it! Creating a blog logo isn’t difficult. It just takes a bit of figuring out what you want it to look like and if it fits your brand personality.

Now go and create a blog logo that looks amazing!

Don’t forget to check out my 50+ Resources And Tools For Bloggers round-up with everything you need to help you get to the next level with your blog!

QUESTION: What are you most comfortable using to create a blog logo? Photoshop? Canva? Other tools?

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Creating A Blog Logo PINCreating A Blog Logo PIN

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About Margaret

Margaret Bourne is a blog coach, content creator and experienced PR and marketing professional. She helps aspiring bloggers transform their blogs into successful online businesses. Founder of Suburban Tourist, a lifestyle blog, she enjoys sharing not only blogging tips but also inspirational lifestyle stories.