How Much Do Domains Cost? Buy a Cheap Domain in 5 Steps | Mailchimp

Whichever you choose, always do your research to determine which is best for your business. If you’re not technically savvy, look for a cheap domain registration provider that’s easy to use and offers customer support to help you in times of need.

Search for your ideal domain

Once you’ve chosen a registrar, you can search for your ideal domain name for free to determine whether or not it’s available. If you’re buying a cheap domain for a business, you might try to use your business name. If your business name isn’t available, consider a variation of your business name. Of course, choosing the right domain name is crucial, so feel free to take as much time as you need on this step to ensure you can find the right one for your business.

When searching for a domain, you’ll also need to choose the right domain extension, also known as a top-level domain. Domain extensions are the suffix at the end of the web address like .com, .edu, and .gov. Businesses should try to use .com when possible to make finding their website online easier. Luckily, you can still find cheap domain names with a popular extension, as long as you’re prepared to change your domain name to something that costs less.

Choose your domain

When searching for your domain with a registrar, you’ll see a list of possible domains to choose from and can compare by price and domain extension. Once you’ve chosen the right domain for you, you can add it to your cart and proceed to checkout. On the next page, you might see a list of add-ons, including privacy protection. It’s best to add privacy protection now so you don’t forget about it later. When you’re ready, you can check out by creating an account and completing the payment process.

Complete registration

After completing payment, you’ll be redirected to your dashboard, where you can begin setting up your domain to complete the cheap domain registration process. This is where you’ll fill in your contact information that will be stored in the domain ownership database WHOIS. After you’ve entered your information, your registration will be processed.

Verify ownership

Even though registration is complete, the process isn’t over yet. You must verify ownership to begin using your domain. The registrar will send you an email to the address you used when purchasing and registering the domain within a few minutes after you finish the setup. Once you’re ready to proceed, you have to click the verification link within the email to verify your information and ownership of the domain. Once ownership is complete, you can begin using your domain for your website. You can then use your custom domain for websites, landing pages, and your business email right away, allowing you to begin communicating with customers immediately.