Hotels in Manchester from £23 – Find Cheap Hotels with momondo
A city of festivals, you will keep coming back to Manchester time and again. To book hotels in Manchester, use momondo and find your festival accommodation. If you visit with a group of friends for Manchester International Festival, stay in a “Luxurious smart home with advanced gadgets and amazing amenities”, it’s a budget-friendly option for a group, with amazing quality and luxury. For music lovers, the NQ Jazz Festival is a must-see and Tribe Simba or The Oxnoble could be your perfect fit. For the artists, Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair covers every imaginable medium. Stay in the countryside at the Nui Loom, which is approximately 8min from the AO Arena, if you want to attend an event there as well. For those with green fingers, the RHS Flower Show at Tatton Park is worth a visit. To keep with the country vibes, stay in converted manor houses like the three-star Normaanhurst Hotel, or the four-star Belmore.