Gmail vs. Outlook: Which one is right for your business?

There is multiple business email software that investors turn to when conducting business, however, two reign supreme: Gmail and Outlook. Finding the right one that matches your business’s unique needs is important for business success. Both Gmail and Outlook are notoriously good for conducting business but each platform has different features that may fit a business need better. 

About Gmail for Business 

Gmail is the modern-day AOL platform – it seems like everyone one email ends in Gmail is known for being the best tool for businesses that want to focus on team collaboration and productivity. The software includes Google Workspace which is a great automation tool for team alignment. Also, Gmail has unique features like Smart Compose (automatically completes your sentences), automatic language translation, and built-in follow-up reminders. 

About Outlook for Business 

For companies that rely heavily on email and want automation, Outlook is the preferred choice. Microsoft Outlook offers advanced features to automate email management, more customizations, a built-in appointment booking tool, and the ability to manage multiple calendars and set up time-saving automation. Also, Outlook offers more storage in its packages for the users. 

Gmail vs. Outlook at a Quick Glance 

As far as pricing goes, the software offers similar numbers in values. However, Gmail has a month to month plans, while Outlook only offers a one-year commitment. Here are some of the major differences: 

GMAIL vs Outlook Table GMAIL vs Outlook Table

The Platforms Features 

Top Gmail Business Email Features

  • Modern interface

  • Web-based and mobile apps available with all plans

  • 2TB cloud storage

  • Work via web-based apps even if you’re offline (syncs when connection restored)

  • Schedule emails

  • Send and request money via email

  • Follow-up reminders built-in

  • Smart Compose feature intuitively auto-populates the remainder of your sentence, helping you save time and avoid errors

  • Missing attachment notification

  • Confidential mode allows users to set an expiration date on emails

  • Built-in language translators

  • Notifications from Google Workspace, such as when a colleague tags you in a document

  • Third-party integrations to extend the functionality

Top Outlook Business Email Features

  • Web-based and mobile apps available with all plans

  • Desktop apps with Standard plan and above

  • 1TB cloud storage

  • Advanced security and message encryption

  • Built-in appointment booking tool available with standard and above plans

  • Interface customization capabilities to suit nearly any email user’s preferences

  • Advanced tools for email management and organization

  • Sorting options to easily find emails by size, date, or sender

  • Missing attachment notification

  • Ignore Conversations feature automatically puts email threads in the trash

  • Quick Parts feature to send similar emails quickly

  • Create emails, appointments, and tasks, and add contacts from the same window

  • Ability to share and delegate multiple calendars

  • Third-party integrations to extend functionality and automate workflows

The choice usually comes down to personal preference and the features that better fit an investor’s business needs. Whatever decision is made, Gmail or Outlook, one must be made for the professionalism and growth of a company through the success the platforms offer. 

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