Glow Up Challenge: How To Glow Up And Be Prettier Than Ever!

Glow Up Challenge: How To Glow Up And Become Prettier In One Month

Updated on December 16, 2022 by Team ShineSheets

Beautiful Woman After A Glow Up Challenge

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Beautiful Asian Girl Sits On The Street And Smiles

Next season is coming our way faster than expected. And as long as I can remember, I have always loved having a month of “glow up” every season.

I used to do it every summer before school, in late autumn before holidays, and then – in late winter to get ready for spring (eventually – summer). Every time I started my glow up month, it turned into a meditative time filled with beauty routines and honest, loving self-care. It’s like a delightful way to say goodbye to summer or get ready for a busy winter, but you can do this glow up challenge at any time of the year, of course.


Glow Up Challenge For 2022: How To Glow Up In One Month Or Less


Wait, What Does It Even Mean To Have a Glow Up?


For those unfamiliar with the term “glow up”, here’s how the Urban Dictionary describes it:

A Glow Up is a mental, physical, and emotional transformation for the better. Glow Ups can be both natural or planned. As well as being gradual and permanent, or fast and temporary.

Natural glow ups can happen through puberty years, but I think that the best glow ups happen when you fall in love!


What Is a Glow Up Challenge?


To me, the glow-up challenge is a month that you dedicate to yourself, focusing on improving your wellness, health, looks, and mental strength to look and feel your absolute best. Even if it’s one of the busiest months for you, it’s a perfect time to take a glow up challenge.

“Yeah… Wait, what?”

That’s right! The more work or chores you have to do, the more you need your self care. Skip your self-care for a week or two and see what happens. You start looking tired, the stress weight gain (or loss) begins, and you’re also on your way to burnout (which is way harder to heal from than simple everyday tiredness).

“Okay, but I don’t have time for this. I don’t have time for anything!”

This is why it’s so essential to glow up without affecting your life – and I’m going to show you how! This glow up challenge includes activities that require a little more time, but quite a few are quick and integrate seamlessly into your everyday life. Oh, you can do so many things that won’t take much of your busy schedule! *claps eagerly*

And guess what – if you’re super dedicated, you can have a glow up in less than 30 days – just make sure always to choose what’s good and healthy (we’ll touch this part later).

After doing this glow up challenge, you will:

  • Feel physically better, healthier & stronger;
  • Probably lose a few pounds, in a 100% healthy way;
  • Look better, prettier & happier;
  • Possibly develop new, healthy habits.

And please know that this is not only for your looks! Feeling pretty and “put together” definitely adds a good amount of joyful mood.

I know that it’s sometimes hard to take care of yourself, especially if you feel tired, have a bad mood, lack motivation, try to cope with anxiety or life in general. But sometimes, doing a few caring things helps to improve these negative feelings.

P. S. Before I begin, let me quickly introduce a newbie at ShineSheets that I think could be helpful to you. The Glow Up Planner!

The Glow Up Planner Printable Freebies By Shinesheets

This printable planner is a lovely tool for anyone who is ready to BLOSSOM like never before! You can use it to set your glow up goals, create beauty routines, track your fitness progress, and most importantly – stay committed to your goal of a massive glow up! You can grab it for FREE at the bottom of this page.

Okay, back to our glow up! Are you ready? Here’s how to have a glow up of your life – for beauty, health, and wellness.


PART 1: How To Glow Up Your BODY


This part of your glow up challenge is about getting healthier, more fit, and achieving a healthier physical appearance. I will not be talking about colossal body makeovers here. Let’s be realistic – those require way more time. If you’re committed to long-term body changes, I highly recommend you to go through my 100 Actions To Get Fit list to prep your mindset. But for a fast body glow up (just enough to get you ready, healthy, and more toned for the next season), here’s what you can do now.


1. Drink More Water


I love drinking a lot of water. Not just because it keeps you healthy and energetic, it also shows that you’ve been drinking it.

  • Want to rock unbelievably clear skin? Staying well-hydrated helps your skin to get clear, pretty, and healthy;
  • Water helps to flush out bloat that comes with eating too much salt or junk food and not drinking enough water;
  • Also, it’s easier to lose unnecessary pounds when you’re drinking enough H2O.

So make it your glow up step one and increase your water intake today. If you hate plain water, add some taste with fruits, mint, or cucumber!

And if you keep forgetting to stay hydrated, here’s a small tip! Having a pretty water bottle can help you to build a healthy habit of drinking water regularly. It’s also a nice accessory to carry around.

Pink Water Bottle

Hip 22 oz. Plastic Water Bottle with Silicone Sleeve


Colorful Water Bottles

Yomious 20 Oz Borosilicate Glass Water Bottle with Bamboo Lid


2. Eat More Vegetables And Fruits


Eating more veggies and fruits is beneficial for all of us. Also, it’s a perfect, healthy way to lose a few pounds without feeling like you’re dieting. Here’s how to start eating more vegetables for your glow up challenge!

  • With every meal, opt for a big salad as a side or choose grilled veggies, veggie soups, and stews.
  • If you can, make one of your daily meals a plant-based one.
  • Have a fruit smoothie every day (it’s perfect for breakfast!). To make it more filling and satisfying, add a little bit of healthy protein like greek yogurt. Include healthy fats like nuts, crunchy or smooth peanut butter, soft chia seeds, crunchy flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, or even sesame seeds. All of these foods are full of vitamins, minerals, and polyphenols that will feed your skin and hair so they can look absolutely gorgeous.
  • If it’s hard for you to keep up with this, try focusing more on healthy proteins, like beans, eggs, lentils, almond milk, and chickpeas, as they’re just as good for your body too.

Eating this way will boost your metabolism, give you a natural glow, boost your hair radiance, help you to become more fit, improve circulation, and make your skin softer. So many benefits, and trust me – this is not a joke! The right diet is your straightway to becoming prettier in no time. Just try it and thank me later.

When I want to eat healthier, I also use this little mindset shift: imagine that every veggie, nut, or fruit you eat will make you prettier and happier. It’s not imaginary – every healthy food gives your body nutrients necessary for your skin, nails, hair, and cognitive functions. For example, flax seeds are especially beneficial for your mood (and can even help you to fight depression) thanks to their high amount of omega 3 acids and magnesium. Spinach is an absolute champ veggie that has so much zinc that your skin will forget about blemishes, and your hair will look fantastic. Avocados can give you that nice glowing skin thanks to their abundant sources of Vitamin E and C.

Other foods that will make your body “glow up” are berries, greek yogurt, lean meats, fish, seafood, various seeds, olive oil, turmeric, ginger, mushrooms, oats, honey, and various fermented foods.

Just one thing to remember – all foods have calories. Some have more, some have less, but if you want to lose weight while you glow up, you have to make sure you are not overeating these healthy foods. It is a myth that simply eating healthy is enough to lose weight… It doesn’t work like that unless you’re an athlete.

It usually comes down to the calories in and calories out. Yes, there are occasions when weight loss can be hindered by hormonal imbalance or specific health problems, but generally speaking, if you consume fewer calories than your body can use up, you will lose weight. Alternatively, if you consume more than you use up, you will gain weight, even if you’re just eating avocados and healthy energy bites. Keep in mind that skipping meals never works, though – if you don’t give enough calories for your body, it will easily convert even zero calorie foods into those cute belly wrinkles. You gotta find that golden balance of keeping your body nourished but not overnourished.

If you want to find out the number of calories you need + keep track of your daily food consumption, I recommend the MyFitnessPal app – it’s very helpful and accurate!

P. S. Avoid processed foods too – they’re chock-full of sodium and have lower nutritional value, leaving your skin, hair, nails, and everything else craving nutrients.


3. Do a Few Quick Workouts Every Day


I know you don’t have time. Or energy. I don’t either (yet!).

But working out is an essential part of “glowing up”. So let’s be smart and make this work, even if you’re super busy. Here’s how to have a non-overwhelming glow up routine for your beautiful body:

  • Instead of committing to a long workout once a day, commit to just a few short, 10-15 minute workouts that you can fit in your schedule whenever you have a small gap.
  • I love doing a short 15-minute workout in the morning and one in the evening. It’s enough to make your body warm, make your heart beat faster, and it totals in 30 minutes of exercising every day. On days when I have more spare time, I incorporate even more of these quickies (“that’s what she said” – Michael S.) to reap more benefits.
  • This method is also excellent if you’re overweight and it’s hard for you to start with full workouts. Doing a little bit, a few times a day will help your body to get gradually stronger and prepare you for more strenuous workouts later.
  • Use some weights! The faster you make your muscles stronger, the sooner you will start burning more calories, resulting in your body getting fitter.
  • Watch your posture! Good posture is half of the work on your body glow up routine. Practice standing and walking straight. It will help you look healthier, and it can literally make you feel better about yourself.

Do you absolutely hate working out? Here’s how to learn to enjoy it!


4. Fancy Some Tan?


A healthy golden glow, for me, is one of the most important “glow up” tasks. It’s just something about bronzy skin that makes a person look a lot healthier (and did I mention that it really improves the way your makeup looks?).

When I was a teenager, I used to spend my whole summer tanning on the beach just to get that dark tan before school. I know – unhealthy! I don’t do this anymore, and I wish I had never done this (I have quite a few moles today).

So, how to glow up your skin with a lovely shade of golden, rich, sun-kissed tan and keep your skin healthy while doing that? You will have to choose a self-tanner as an alternative. Yes, it takes quite some time to keep up with a good self-tanning routine (most tans need to be “built-up” and don’t last more than a week), but here’s what you can do to outsmart this!

Recently, I fell in love with this – shall I say – innovative self-tanner by St. Tropez:

St Tropez Gradual Tan In-Shower Lotion Bottle

St. Tropez Gradual Tan In Shower Lotion Golden Glow Medium

With this self-tanner, you can skip all those long self-tanner applications – waiting – showering routines because this one is used in the shower for three minutes and washed off afterward.


Yes!! Now you can shower AND tan at the same time! I couldn’t believe it at first either, but yes – you don’t have to sleep covered in fake tan anymore.

It works just perfectly. The color is nice, subtle, and natural, with no sticky feeling, no streaks, no dreading that your self-tanner will stain your clothes, and you can gradually build it up to the color you want. Of course, you will still get a little bit of self-tanner smell with it, but I noticed that it’s much less detectable than with other tans.

You can get this tanner in a lighter or darker shade on Amazon:
St. Tropez Gradual Tan In Shower Lotion Golden Glow Medium
ST. TROPEZ Gradual Tan In Shower Lotion Light

And here are some more of my self-tanner tips: 5 Critical Self Tanner Tips For a Natural Tan All Year Round


5. Get More Sleep


This one is simple! Just allow yourself to sleep more to help your body rest, recover and recharge. It’s way more important than watching another episode on Netflix. After all, any sleep is a beauty sleep!


PART 2: How To Glow Up Your FACE


This part of your glow up challenge focuses on minor beauty improvements that you can do for your face, especially if you want to achieve a serious, radiant glow for your skin.


1. Get That Skin Glowing!


I have great news for you here – if you’re already doing the Body part, your face is getting prettier just because of that. All that water and a healthy diet feed your skin to rebuild it, make more collagen, clear out pimples, acne, redness, and what not! Now, to make your face really glow, here’s what you can do:

  • Start using gentle exfoliators with acids to reveal new, baby-like skin. My favorite pick here is the Glycolic Acid. It’s a type of AHA acid that is super effective and gentle enough for any type of skin. Just don’t overdo it – once a week is completely enough, and if you have sensitive skin – make it once in two weeks. You can read my whole Glycolic Acid guide here.
  • Start doing face massage with oils every week. I love face massages! They definitely help you get that glowing, healthy, smooth skin. You can choose olive oil, coconut oil (this one is also antibacterial and good for acne skin), but my favorite one is Rose Hip Seed Oil. This oil has practically transformed my skin, and I think it’s because it’s high in natural retinol, which is very effective at reducing fine lines. You can read my review here.
  • Start using face masks or face packs every week. Sheet masks also work wonders and are inexpensive. I like to pick a few at the drugstore, preferably the natural ones, and have them ready in case I find a few minutes to relax with a mask on. Masks are concentrated with hydrating and replenishing ingredients. Hence, it’s a perfect way to get glowy, pretty, radiant skin (and yes, all skin types need a face mask once a week – dry skin, sensitive skin, combination skin, and acne skin).
  • No money for face masks? No problem! Use what you have in the kitchen and don’t believe that those things don’t work. They do! You can never go wrong with DIY masks made with mashed banana, crushed oats, mango, honey, a little bit of oil, greek yogurt, avocado… Just mix and match to find which food your skin tends to love – and feed it! You will love it. Your skin will love it.
  • Then – moisturize like crazy! Moisture is the main thing your skin needs to look great. So invest in a good, non-comedogenic moisturizer (and a serum, if possible!). Use it religiously, morning and night, after washing your face with warm water (or micellar solution) to keep your skin plump and healthy.
  • Start using that sunscreen, please! If you’ve been skimping on this, it’s time to create a skincare habit of applying sunblock every morning and reapplying it throughout the day. I know it’s a messy thing to do, but believe it or not, you will notice positive improvements in your skin as soon as a few days after starting (yes, sunscreen is that effective!). Look for SPF 30 and more.
  • How to glow up and have a lasting glo up effect at the same time? Get generally better at skincare with this helpful list for good skin, of course!
  • Don’t forget the makeup. Makeup is such an easy way to enhance your beauty. It would be an absolute shame to skip it! Learn about the newest makeup hacks, trends, and tricks, practice makeup tutorials by watching Youtube videos, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different makeup looks.

“Okay, no time for all of this.”

That’s fine, here’s how to make this work on a busy schedule:

  • Instead of doing this on separate days, pick one day where you can find 20 minutes for yourself. This is enough to do all these three steps together. Exfoliate > Oil Massage > Mask > You’re done in 20 minutes and leave everything else to a healthy diet and working out. Trust me, it’s more effective than you think.

If you find your skin rather picky and don’t know which skincare line to choose, I recommend talking to your dermatologist. I’ve been struggling with breakouts on my chin that would never go away for several years. “Fungal acne”. “Malassezia!”. “Acne-prone skin”. “Just closed comedones…”. “Skin purging?” – the internet would tell me. I’ve tried everything under the sun until I finally went to a derm and found out that I simply had… Combination skin. That is correct, all I had to do was to simply get an accurate skin type diagnosis and choose skincare products accordingly. Not my proudest moment. Please don’t judge.

2. Other Face “Glow Ups”


  • Do an eyebrow inspection. Are they even? Are they overplucked or a bit thin? In that case, consider regrowing them and reshaping them into a more natural, fuller shape. Now, they take some time to grow back, but you can hide it pretty well with good eyebrow gel and rock that fuller brow until it grows back. Another thing I recommend doing is checking if the eyebrow pencil, gel, or shadow you’re using is not too dark for your face (that can make you look a bit older).
  • Take care of facial hair. Some people love waxing or epilating, but I can’t stand the excruciating pain and opt for a simple feminine facial blade called “derma planning razor”. This tool is a very sharp blade (gotta be extra careful with it!) and it removes facial hair just perfectly. You can use it on your upper lip, on your peach fuzz, and it leaves your skin notably smooth. I know what you want to ask… No – your hair does NOT grow back darker! I didn’t notice any change in hair thickness or color (and frankly, the thickness of your facial hair is decided by your hormones, not your hair removal method). You can get your derma planning razor on Amazon here.
  • Lip care. Stop living with dry and flaky lips. Seriously. You probably don’t even know how beautiful your lips are! Include a lip scrub into your skincare routine (simple sugar + olive oil works great) and invest in a good, moisturizing lip balm. Just try it, and you will be surprised how pretty your lips actually are and how much they can add to your look.
  • Teeth. A brighter smile is always attractive, so if you want to glow up, don’t skip this one and make it a priority in your beauty routine. You can use baking soda and even activated charcoal to gently remove any teeth stains or, if you want a more potent effect, opt for a few rounds of teeth whitening strips. Just as with everything – be gentle, don’t overdo this. You don’t want to sacrifice your teeth just for the whiter color. It hurts!
  • Inspect your beauty products. Many skin care products are formulated with harsh ingredients that can potentially damage your skin. Inspect the bottles and try to replace anything that has paraben, synthetic fragrances, sodium laureth sulfate (this one especially!), and mineral oil in it. And hey, I hope I don’t need to remind you to get rid of anything that has expired too!


PART 3: How To Glow Up Your HAIR


Let’s admit, our hair plays a significant role in the way we look. So what are the best ways to glow up your hair? It’s not that hard as well when you know the best tips!


1. Trim The Split Ends


Ah, that uncomfortable sentence! It hurts my hair follicles just reading it. I don’t enjoy trimming my hair too, but those dry ends really don’t make your hair prettier. Trim them. Just do it! Schedule that salon visit, do it, and move on. (Asking your hairdresser to be careful with length also helps).


2. Renew The Color


If you are coloring your hair, renewing the color can feel very refreshing and make a difference in how your hair looks. You don’t have to change your full-length color (unless you want some BIG changes in your appearance!) – simply coloring it the same color again will make your hair look healthier, shinier, and the color more vibrant.


3. Explore New Hair Style Ideas


If it’s been a long time since you’ve changed your hairstyle overall, now is the perfect time to dive on the internet and see what’s new! There are so many new hairstyle ideas you can try, even without changing color or hair length if you don’t want to. If you trust your hairstylist, you can ask for their opinion of what could fit you and look stylish every day.


4. Heal Your Hair


Summer sun, hair dyes, cheap products, and box dyes are hard on your hair, so if you want to glow up your beautiful tresses, I highly recommend investing in a few quality products to heal whatever hair damage you have. Now here’s the secret – it doesn’t have to be expensive. I’ve completely healed my hair with natural remedies once, but this requires more time and patience. If you want to recover your hair fast and skip the whole searching-for-good-products-without -going-broke part, try out my favorite brand – Giovanni:

Giovanni 2Chich Ultra Sleek Shampoo For Hair Glow UpGiovanni 2Chic Brazilian Keratin and Argan Oil Ultra-Sleek Shampoo, 24 oz.

Giovanni 2Chich Ultra Sleek Conditioner For Hair Glow UpGIOVANNI – 2Chic Brazilian Keratin & Argan Oil Ultra-Sleek Conditioner, 24 OzPicture Portraying Glow Up Challenge: How To Glow Up And Become Prettier In One Month

These products are very powerful, and they can heal dry and damaged hair in just a few uses, making your hair remarkably soft, shiny, and healthy. This brand is my absolute drugstore favorite for hair, and I haven’t found anything else so effective yet. In fact, this particular Brazilian Keratin line is always sold out where I live, so it shows just how good these products are (and it’s also a little annoying, to be honest!). There’s also a great hair mask from the Ultra Moist collection if you notice that your hair is really dehydrated.

If you want to try out this hair care brand and wonder if Giovanni Haircare has sent me these products for free – nope, they didn’t. I purchased these products myself multiple times in the past. These recommendations are based on my real experience. Here’s what I use for my hair right now (should I make a review?).

Giovanni Hair Care Products

P. S. Have you ever tried a scalp scrub? It’s a wonderful way to revive your hair, awaken those hair follicles and give your whole hairstyle more energy. It can also help you to fight hair loss!


PART 4: How To Glow Up Your NAILS


I wish I could have long nails. I really adore forms and colors like these:


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A post shared by NAILTEX (TheNailTechX) (@nailtex) on Aug 22, 2020 at 10:36am PDT

But it’s impossible to rock these when I’m clapping on my keyboard 24/7. However, keeping nails pretty and tidy, even if they’re not long, is a fun part of your glow up challenge – no matter what your job is. Healthy nails are a sign of good personal hygiene and a pretty important part of your glow up plan.

If you don’t like long nails, shorter ones can look just as good!

Now, this one is pretty simple. First, decide how you’re going to keep your hand and feet nails pretty – and make that happen! You can do your nails at home, the salon, or maybe your friend is an aspiring nail artist (call her now!). Just keep those nails, cuticles, and toenails tidy. It will also play a massive part in your daily mood.


PART 5: How To Glow Up Your MIND


Now, what’s a glow up challenge without a beautiful change in your mind and thoughts, right? That’s how you glow up from the inside. It’s not enough to improve how you look – one of the most significant changes happens within! Sounds tricky? Here’s how to have a glow up for your inner world while you enjoy your outer appearance getting prettier and healthier every day.


1. Flush Out Negative Thoughts (And People!)


If you’ve been saying mean things to yourself until now, with this glow up challenge, make a pact never to do it again. Let it all go! Flush those thoughts out by choosing to think of beautiful and encouraging things. Start taking care of yourself, your body, and every single cell of yours because this is you – and you deserve love. Whenever you feel a negative thought coming up, change it to something more helpful, encouraging, and supportive. Don’t try to push negative emotions away – instead, just be with them. Notice them, let them float around, and decide to have a great time despite them. It’s time to finally love yourself!

If you happen to have a lot of negative people in your life too, let them go, if possible! Any negativity now will only dampen your mood, which is entirely unnecessary. Surround yourself with people who support you, love you, and lift you up instead of bringing you down.

Be the first line of support for yourself. For once, become your best friend instead of being your enemy. Practice gratitude. Smile at yourself! It’s not easy, but it can make you so, so much happier.


2. Start Practicing Self Love Acts


Once you say goodbye to negative self-talk and self-criticism, allow real self-love to pour into your life by actually doing acts of love! Enhance your glow up time with beautiful self-love and self-care activities that help you to calm down, slow down, appreciate the present moment, and be grateful for what you are and what you have now. Out of ideas? You can try:

  • Guided meditation;
  • Mindfulness practice;
  • Journaling or writing in a diary;
  • Taking long, relaxing baths with soothing bath salts;
  • Aromatherapy with essential oils;
  • Dry brushing (a kind of self-massage for your entire body);
  • Breathing exercises;
  • Yoga or Thai-chi.

More self care ideas here:


3. Get Empowered


How do you glow up from within if you lack confidence? You do that by boosting your motivation, mindset, and creating a new, assertive girl attitude for yourself! I might be one of those few (almost extinct!) people who believe that it’s okay to be a girl with an attitude. I honestly think that the right attitude is vital for your confidence because that’s how you protect yourself and advance in life.

One of the best ways to glow up your attitude is by reading inspiring quotes (yes, I know it sounds boring, but it works). I have a gorgeous, huge collection of incredibly empowering attitude quotes for girls, that can help you with this glow up step. Do check them out – I promise you won’t regret reading them!

Related: 30+ Positive Affirmations For Confidence


4. Create a New Set Of Rules For Yourself


To completely glow up your inner world, review your life goals and lady rules you’re living by. Create life rules that speak happiness, kindness, self-respect, and appreciation. Have no idea where to start? No problem! Here are a few articles that can help you to create high-class lady manners, build a positive, goal-oriented, helpful, and kind mindset. Go through life with a glowing smile!

Here are some tips on how to glow up your lifestyle:

How To Be a Lady: 30 Lady Rules To Build a Gorgeous Life On

10 Etiquette Rules That Show You Are a Real High-Class Lady

How To Have a Perfect “Get Your Life Together” Day


5. Set Goals That Make You Happy And Excited!


Achieving your dreams can make you see the prettiest version of yourself. The happiness and gratitude you feel once your dream comes true lights your eyes with fire. Go for that spark! Don’t even wait – sit down and write five goals you want to achieve in the next five years. There is no need to rush, but you have to know what you want before working on it. And don’t be afraid to dream big- the bigger your dreams, the stronger your ambitions. Reach high, lift yourself up! You have way more inner power, motivation, and strength than you imagine.


Frequently Asked Questions About How To Glow Up


How Can I Naturally Glow Up?


The most natural way to glow up inside out is to focus on your physical and mental health with good habits. Choose products that are clean, filled with natural ingredients, and not tested on animals (vegan is fine too). Spend time outside, breathe in the fresh oxygen, soak up the sun to produce lots of Vitamin D, and find a reason to smile every day. The whole harmony and newly found peace inside you will force a glow up you might not even expect!


How Can I Glow In 7 Days?


If you’re in a hurry to look and feel your best in no more than a week, here’s what I recommend:

  1. Drink more water;
  2. Eat more vegetables, fiber-rich foods, and fruits;
  3. Get a face massage and, if possible – a body massage too;
  4. Visit your hairdresser or touch up your hair at home if you know how to do it. In cases of an upcoming event, I would stick with a hair salon, though;
  5. Every day, tell yourself how much you love yourself, how proud you are of yourself, and how valuable you are;
  6. If possible, review your wardrobe and get a few new outfits or accessories that match your current glow up mood and season.


How To Glow Up Overnight?


An overnight glow up is possible as well, but it might not be as obvious. To quickly glow up and enjoy a brighter view (and mood!) in the morning:

  1. Use a gentle AHA or BHA exfoliating product after you wash your face and remove makeup – this will clean your pores and allow them to shrink;
  2. Apply a deeply hydrating face mask (or sleeping mask), preferably the one filled with Hyaluronic Acid or Squalane. This will help you to hydrate your skin deep, so it will look beautifully glowing in the morning;
  3. Apply nourishing hair oil to your hair (Argan oil works wonders!) and leave it on through the night. Shampoo and condition in the morning.


How To Glow Up After a Breakup?


Breakups can be difficult, but they can also work as a motivation to get that glow up you’ve been dreaming of. If you want to impress your ex, make him/her miss you, or find a new person, this whole “how to glow up list” is perfect for your glow up goals – start with step 1!


Finally! The Last Thoughts on How To Glow Up


As with everything, there’s always an option to do more… But I didn’t want this glow up challenge to feel too overwhelming, so I focused on what’s most important. It still turned out a lot, but some of these things are just natural things you’re doing daily anyway (like eating and drinking water). Feel free to add more ideas to your plan. Make it your own! Personalize until you’re happy with your project. To make everything easy to follow – systemize. Don’t forget to grab that free printable glow up planner I mentioned at the beginning!

I hope this challenge will help you to glow up before the next season or whenever you want to boost your appearance and inner world. Let me know if you like this by sharing your vote a little below this post.

P. S. Get more beauty improvement tips and ideas on how to glow up right here!