get down to business – Translation into Chinese – examples English | Reverso Context

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Translation of “get down to business” in Chinese

Can we get down to business, please?

别闹了,能不能 言归正传

Let’s skip the Miss Manners and get down to business.

[清除咽喉] 废话少说,谈正 经事 吧!

Now we’ve just got one more… and then we can get down to business.

只剩一个了… 现在可以 办正事

Exactly, and now I think we should get down to business.

对 现在我想我们应该 去做生意

alright, let’s get down to business

好,我们 静下心来做

Right, let’s get down to business.

弗朗辛: 对,咱们的 正事

But let’s get down to business, shall we?

不过你确实 让我印象深刻 我们坐下来谈谈如何?

To impress me before we get down to business?

让我深受感动之后 我们 就可以躺下来做那档事

Some people prefer to simply get down to business when at the office.

有些人在上班的时候更喜欢 公事公办

I guess you would like to get down to business this afternoon.

我猜您想今天下午 开始谈生意

Let us get down to business in earnest.

我们 还鼓励后继 的主席也这样做。

Shall we get down to business?

我们 能开始干正事 了吗?

And then, tomorrow, we can get down to business.

然后明早我们 再商量工作 的事情

Before we get down to business, there is something I’d like to say.

在我们 谈论公事 之前 我有几句话想说

Let’s get down to business. I presume you’ve come for the real…

好,我们来 谈正事 吧 我想你们来是为了真…

Now then, shall we get down to business?

从现在开始,我 就不会客气了

we’d better stop idle talk and get down to business

我们快别闲聊了, 该去跳舞了

But when things get down to business on the first day, I am not so confident this week will be paradise.

当第一天 开始着手处理事务 时,我就知道这将一定不会是天堂般快活的一周。

When you’re all done with your little pink panty meltdown let me know… ’cause I’d like to get down to business.

当你们都忙完了,小粉裤湿透了 告诉我一声 因为我要 下来干活

Now, shall we get down to business?

现在我们 能谈正事 了吗?