Food Culture: 30 UNESCO Culinary Traditions Around the World

Explore the intersection of food and culture with this round-up of culinary traditions around the world. This post unpacks all 30 food-related rituals on UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list, and offers tips for experiencing them as a traveller.

Most people are familiar with UNESCO World Heritage Sites – but did you know that the United Nations also recognises ‘intangible culture’ as something to celebrate and safeguard?

Cultural elements that lack a physical form but are instead expressed through knowledge, skill or ritual are equally important to shaping living culture.

These include artistic performances, festivals, social practices, oral heritage, craftsmanship, and of course, gastronomic traditions.

Also read: 40 breakfast traditions around the globe.

Food and culture are interwoven. The processes involved in preparing, serving and sharing certain foods and drinks might appear simple, but they often carry important social and cultural significance. Recipes and dietary practices can be used to transmit knowledge from one generation to the next.

Making and eating certain foods as part of a celebration can solidify social bonds. For travellers, getting to know the local food scene and joining in with culinary traditions is one of the best ways to deepen your knowledge and enrich your experience.

As of December 2022, UNESCO recognises 30 food and drink-related traditions as part of its Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

To inspire you to learn more and maybe even try them for yourself, I asked a group of travel writers to share their insights into food traditions around the world.

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Exploring the importance of food culture

Have you ever smelled the aroma of something delicious being cooked and instantly felt transported back in time to your childhood home or a favourite vacation? Food is an incredibly evocative force that connects us with our food systems, our heritage, and our cultural traditions.

Food provides more than just nourishment – it explores what we consume, how we prepare it, and the people that we share it with. As such, food culture is also an important part of connecting and relating to people from other backgrounds.

What is food culture?

The definition of food culture can be described as the beliefs, attitudes, and practices related to producing and consuming food.

That may sound a bit dry, but what it means is that food culture lies at the heart of our relationship with our food and the food systems that produce and deliver it to us.

Because food is such an important part of our heritage and ethnicity, traditional foods and recipes play a key role in our food culture. When we sit down with friends and family to enjoy a meal together, we are literally ‘breaking bread’ with them.

On a subconscious level, we’re tapping into centuries of food cultures and traditions.

How does culture impact food?

Food culture around the world is influenced by factors such as the local landscape and weather. For this reason, they can even vary even within a single country.

For instance, the food in northern part of Italy is often enriched with butter made from the milk of local dairy herds, while in the olive-growing south of the country, butter is hardly used and there’s a preference for cooking with olive oil instead.

The history of the country also has an impact on the food culture and traditions of the people living there. Taking the United States as an example, you can easily see how layers of food culture have created the melting pot of cuisines that exists in the USA today.

It starts with the rich history of Indigenous food cultures, then between 1492 and 1800, colonisation brought European ingredients and cooking styles to the Americas. Later on, cultural influences on food from 20th century immigration led to an influx of new cooking styles and foods to choose from.

Food is so much more than just fuel, and sharing food with those we love is part of what makes us human. As the world grows smaller, it’s become easier to enjoy food from different countries, and many cultural traditions have developed around the celebration of food at religious holidays and family gatherings.

And yet another different food culture has developed as more people recognise the importance of slowing down and enjoying seasonal ingredients.

Why is food culture important?

Food culture embraces local and seasonal ingredients, using them to create distinctive recipes and flavours. It involves sharing food with friends, family, and the wider community and has an impact on all of these:

Food and identity

At the individual level, food plays an important role in each person’s own identity. Preparing, sharing, and eating cultural foods is both a physical act and also a symbolic act that links the individual intrinsically with their personal family history.

For many people, eating the food that we enjoyed as a young person transports us back in time to our childhood. It might be the soup that your mother cooked when you were feeling ill or the special dessert you shared on a religious holiday, but food can evoke a bitter-sweet sense of nostalgia alongside warm feelings of comfort and belonging.

This is why food traditions are so important for immigrants as they are an easily transportable piece of the homeland they left behind.

Food and community

People also use food as a way to connect to their community and its cultural practices.

At one point in time, our ancestors would have based their cultural food preferences on the foods available in their locality. Anything unfamiliar could have been dangerous and so would have been viewed with suspicion, while local food was familiar and safe. Of course, we no longer have to worry about that, but cultural foods are still a powerful way of creating social bonds with the people we care about.

When we sit down at the dinner table with our whole family or a group of close friends, it elevates the food that we’re eating, however humble, to something special. Communal eating boosts social bonding and feelings of well-being, helping us to feel part of a community.

In fact, research from the University of Oxford has shown that the more often we share food with others, the more likely we are to feel content and satisfied with our lives.

Food as a way to safeguard traditions

Looking beyond the family and our close community, food is also an important part of ethnic and national culture. Traditional recipes, passed down through the generations, help to preserve the history and habits of the people who cooked them.

Immigrants carry the food customs and recipes of their homeland with them wherever they go, helping them to deal with homesickness and pass their culture on to the generations that follow. The recipes may not always be exactly the same, depending on the availability of ingredients, but immigrant foods remain an important reminder of their shared history, beliefs, and values.

This means that food can also be an important way for us to understand the cultural practices and traditions of people from different backgrounds, whether we enjoy it at home or when we travel abroad.

UNESCO has recognised the importance of food culture and includes several traditional recipes in its list of Intangible Cultural Heritage, such as the ritual preparation and sharing of kimchi in South Korea and the ceremonial keşkek in Turkey.

More recently, UNESCO has added the traditional beetroot soup borscht from Ukraine to the list. This soup has been prepared by families for centuries and, despite shortages of ingredients and the destruction wrought by the war with Russia, Ukrainians continue to unite around the familiar comfort that it brings.

Keep reading to see a complete list of UNESCO Food Traditions.

Food culture and health

Considering the importance of food culture, it’s all too easy to see how food and culture can also become entwined with health issues. Low-cost ready meals and super-sized takeaway food lacks the social and cultural value of traditional foods and this leads us to become detached from the food systems that produce our food.

At the same time, the prevalence of Western diet culture has turned our food into something that has to be weighed and measured, rather than valued and enjoyed. If we stop respecting food and turn it into something to control, we lose the connection that we have with the culture of food.

Without this connection, our mental and physical health can start to suffer. We miss out on the emotional benefits that sharing food with loved ones can bring, and our bodies suffer from the lower nutritional value of highly processed foods.

Luckily, we can all take steps to reconnect with food culture by embracing healthy eating recommendations that go beyond the number of calories or grams of protein.

Taking time to reconnect with food traditions, cooking from scratch more often, taking time to share food with others, and slowing down to really savour the taste of your food are all ways that you can create a strong food culture once again.

30 examples of food culture: Culinary traditions recognised by UNESCO

Here are the 30 food and drink-related traditions currently recognised by UNESCO and its Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

This list includes five new items inscribed in 2022. As new culinary traditions are recognised each year, they will be added too!

1. Ukrainian Borscht (Inscribed in 2022)

A white bowl of Ukrainian borscht soup with a side of bread and sour cream.A white bowl of Ukrainian borscht soup with a side of bread and sour cream.Ukrainian Borscht.

Borscht is a traditional soup eaten in many Eastern European countries, including in Ukraine where it is an important part of culinary identity. The soup owes its vibrant colour and tart flavour to its main ingredient: beetroots.

Borscht is hearty and nourishing. It’s commonly based on a meat stock combined with sauteed vegetables including cabbage, potatoes and tomatoes. Dill, bay leaves, marjoram, horseradish, ginger and even prunes might be used for flavour. Sometimes beef or fish is added for protein, while others prefer to keep the dish vegetarian.

According to some people, a ‘good borscht’ must be thick enough for a spoon to stand upright in the bowl. It can either be served chilled or warm, and always with a big dollop of sour cream on top.

Ukraine is commonly considered the home of borscht. Every region or oblast has its own distinctive recipe – for example in Kyiv, lamb is often added while in Lviv, cooks often use Vienna sausage.

The art of preparing Ukrainian borscht is in urgent need of protection. That’s why in mid-2022, UNESCO gave special consideration and fast-tracked this addition to the list.

Try it for yourself: While we can’t travel to the source right now, the Ukrainian diaspora have ensured that borscht is available in almost every city around the world. Look for a traditional Ukrainian restaurant where you can try this dish.

2. Baguette bread culture in France (Inscribed in 2022)

Rows of French baguette breads in a basket at a bakery in Paris.Rows of French baguette breads in a basket at a bakery in Paris.Baguette, a culinary masterpiece of France.

The baguette – a long, thin baton of white bread – is a symbol of France and one of the country’s most beloved food items. It’s a tradition that goes all the way back to the reign of King Louis XIV in the 18th century.

Traditionally, a French baguette (Baguette de Tradition Française) has only four ingredients: wheat flour, water, yeast, and salt. It is baked daily in bakeries or boulangeries and consumed with almost every meal. A ‘good’ baguette is around 65 centimetres in length and has a crunchy crust.

The origins of the baguette are unknown, but there are many myths surrounding it. Did Napoleon Bonaparte invent the baguette so that his soldiers could carry bread around with them in their pockets? Or did they spring from the Bread of Equality decree after the French Revolution as a foodstuff that crossed social lines? You decide!

Try it for yourself: Every city, town and small village in France has specialty bread shops. It’s traditional to rip (not cut) your baguette into pieces before enjoying it with fromage, spreads, or perhaps even French onion soup.

3. Al-Mansaf in Jordan (Inscribed in 2022)

A large plate of Mansaf, a traditional rice based dish eaten in Jordan and the Middle East.A large plate of Mansaf, a traditional rice based dish eaten in Jordan and the Middle East.Mansaf, the national dish of Jordan.

Mansaf or Al-Mansaf is the national dish of Jordan in the Middle East. It consists of lamb or chicken cooked in a rich sauce made from fermented yogurt with white rice or bulgur wheat.

The name of the meal means ‘large tray’, a nod to the way Mansaf is served sharing-style in the centre of the table. Traditionally it is prepared for special occasions including weddings and religious holidays.

Mansaf traces its origins back to Bedouin culture. In the past, the end of inter-tribal conflicts would be marked only once leaders sacrificed an animal to prepare and eat Mansaf together. The dish continues to play an important socio-cultural role in Jordanian society even today.

Try it for yourself: If you’re lucky enough to be invited to share a dish of Mansaf in Jordan, remember the dish is traditionally eaten with one’s right hand instead of utensils.

4. Tea culture in China (Inscribed in 2022)

Men and women drink tea at a traditional tea house in Chengdu, China.Men and women drink tea at a traditional tea house in Chengdu, China.A traditional Chinese tea house in Chengdu. Photo: LP2tudio/

Tea is a way of life in China, one of the oldest tea-drinking nations on earth. In 2022 UNESCO recognised the critical role tea processing, drinking and sharing plays in Chinese culture when it added this item (China’s first inscription in this category) to its list of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

This entry covers everything from the techniques of picking tea leaves, to the social bonds forged in China’s tea houses. According to UNESCO, there are more than 2,000 different teas produced in China from different categories of leaves and certain flowers and herbs.

In China, tea traverses social and economic borders – it is a drink embraced by all, including many of the country’s ethnic minority groups.

Try it for yourself: Since China is the world’s biggest exporter of tea globally, there’s a good chance you’ve already tried it! When visiting China, a trip to Chengdu to visit the traditional tea houses is a must.

5. Joumou Soup in Haiti

A bowl of Haitian Joumou pumpkin or squash soup.A bowl of Haitian Joumou pumpkin or squash soup.Haitian Joumou soup. Photo: Lea-Kim Chateauneuf/Wikimedia Commons CC 4.0 (changes made).

Joumou is a perfect example of the connection between food and culture. In the Caribbean nation of Haiti, this soup is traditionally consumed on January 1 to celebrate the nation’s independence and mark the beginning of a new calendar year. For Haitians, it’s so much more than just a dish: Joumou is a symbol of freedom and liberation.

The history of Joumou goes back to the 17th century when Haiti was colonised by France. This particular soup, made from giraumon, a local pumpkin or squash, was a favourite of the French plantation owners. While they indulged in the tasty, nourishing meal, their slaves were left to survive on scraps alone.

When Haitians rose up against slavery – staging the world’s only successful slave revolt and eventually gaining independence for their nation in 1804 – the soup was coopted by locals who started preparing it for their own families. Haitians previously deprived of eating Joumou reclaimed the recipe for themselves, and the soup came to symbolise the nation’s defiance, resilience, and love of freedom.

Try it for yourself: Today, Joumou is commonly prepared with squash, beef, pasta and various other vegetables. Many people eat it for Sunday brunch. You can find it on every restaurant menu in Port-au-Prince and beyond.

6. Truffle Hunting in Italy

Italian white truffles.Italian white truffles.Italian white truffles.

You’ve probably tasted truffles before, but do you know where they come from? Not only are truffles an important ingredient in Italian cuisine, the knowledge and skills involved with hunting for precious ascomycetefungus are an important part of the culture, especially in truffle-producing regions such as Tuscany.

In 2021, UNESCO recognised the importance of Italy’s tartufi truffle-hunting traditions, which are passed down orally through the generations. It includes two processes: Hunting truffles, including being able to identify areas where the fungus grows, and truffle harvesting, which is done with a special spade.

Italian tartufis possess intimate knowledge about climate, ecosystems and biodiversity. Truffle hunting is done in a way that respects the environment and does not deplete natural resources. The culinary tradition also includes feasts held at the beginning and end of each truffle season where special foods are prepared to showcase the delicious flavours of locally grown truffles.

Try it for yourself: Join a truffle-hunting tour from Florence or elsewhere in Tuscany. White truffle season falls between October and December, making this the best time to go.

7. Ceebu Jën in Senegal

A bowl of Senegalese ceebu jen.A bowl of Senegalese ceebu jen.Senegalese ceebu jen.

Ceebu jën (Thieboudienne) is the national dish of Senegal in West Africa. The recipe originated in fishing villages on Saint-Louis Island and is today eaten across the country and in other nations in the region, including Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, and The Gambia.

Ceebu jë recipes are passed down from mother to daughter. Every region and community puts a different spin on the dish, but the essential ingredients include fish, broken rice, tomatoes, onions, and other seasonal vegetables. Higher quality fish and finer vegetables are used for special occasions or when a family is preparing ceebu jë for guests.

At home, the dish is served in one large bowl (a bolus) and eaten with one’s hands or using a piece of bread to scoop up the rice. Ceebu jë is widely considered to be a symbol of Senegalese terranga (hospitality).

Try it for yourself: If you’re lucky enough to be invited into a Senegalese household to share a bowl of ceebu jë, remember that there are certain customs and etiquettes associated with eating the dish – for example, you must hold the bowl with your left hand and use your right hand for eating. Variations of fish, meat and chicken ceebu jë are widely available at restaurants in Dakar and across the country.

8. Lavash in Armenia

A woman prepares huge sheets of lavash bread at a market in Yerevan, Armenia.A woman prepares huge sheets of lavash bread at a market in Yerevan, Armenia.Armenian Lavash.

Armenian lavash holds a special place in the country’s food culture and social life. The skill and coordination required to knead and cook lavash, as well as the social exchange that takes place among women when preparing it, prompted UNESCO to inscribe Armenian lavash in 2014.

Lavash dough is a simple mix of wheat flour and water. Once kneaded and rolled, the it’s pulled and stretched over a special cushion that’s stuffed with hay or wool. Still on the cushion, the bread is then transferred to a conical clay oven (called a tonir) by ‘slapping’ it onto the side.

It only takes between 30 and 60 seconds for the delicate bread to bubble up and cook through. Finished lavash sheets have different colours and textures depending on the type of flour used and the duration of the bake.

Try it for yourself: Lavash plays an important ceremonial role in Armenian weddings, where sheets of the bread are draped over the bride and groom’s shoulders to signal future prosperity. It’s also eaten on a daily basis, often with cheese or meat, and can be found on restaurant menus around the country.

To see how lavash is prepared, head to the GUM Market in Yerevan, where vendors bake fresh sheets every morning.

9. Washoku in Japan

A traditional spread of Japanese foods.A traditional spread of Japanese foods.Japanese Washoku.

Japanese food is so damn good that it was added to UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2013. It was added as a way to preserve it, as traditional dietary habits are starting to die out across the country, but also because the food is fresh, simple and produced with such incredible attention to detail.

Japanese food is collectively referred to as Washoku. At its essence, it reflects a deep respect for nature, using natural, locally sourced ingredients such as rice, fish, vegetables and edible wild plants.

Every little detail about Japanese food – from the way it’s prepared and presented to the way it’s eaten – stems from a historical cultural tradition that is passed down through the generations.

Washoku is traditionally comprised of four elements: Cooked rice (the staple dish), soups, side dishes that give flavour to the rice, and tsukemono (Japanese pickles).

Try it for yourself: The best way to get a feel for Washoku is to try out traditional Japanese dishes as a local would. For example, try okonomiyaki (Japanese omelette/pizza) in Hiroshima or Osaka, or fresh sushi at the world-famous Toyosu Fish Market in Tokyo (formally the Tsukiji).

By Stefan & Sebastien from Nomadic Boys

10. The Mediterranean Diet in the Mediterranean Region

People shop at a bustling indoor fruit market in Spain.People shop at a bustling indoor fruit market in Spain.Spanish market.

In 2013, the Mediterranean diet of Spain (and six other countries including Italy, Portugal, Morocco, Croatia, Cyprus, and Greece) was inscribed on UNESCO’s list of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Humanity.

Though the Mediterranean diet has certainly become something of a fad in many countries, UNESCO has concentrated more on celebrating the rituals and processes that make this diet an important part of Spanish culture.

Some of the strongholds of the Mediterranean diet in Spain include using few ingredients to make flavourful dishes while eliminating food waste as much as possible; eating many small dishes with an emphasis on sharing; and viewing food and diet as a social ritual.

One of the greatest examples of food being used socially would be tapas culture. Throughout Spain, it is incredibly common to go out in the evenings with groups of friends, have a drink and share small plates of food.

Another major factor in this important facet of cultural identity is the role of markets. There are large, central markets in most Spanish cities, each featuring stalls with local vendors selling their family’s specialty.

Many markets in Spain will also include a small cafe-bar where shoppers can enjoy a beverage and a snack while catching up with friends.

Try it for yourself: One of the best places to experience both the tapas and market culture aspects of Spain’s Mediterranean diet would be to spend a couple of days in Seville. The city is famous for its thriving restaurant and bar culture and has many historic, local markets that are very much worth exploring.

By Maggie from The World Was Here First

Other places you can experience the Mediterranean diet:

11. Hawker Food Culture in Singapore

Vibrant dishes at a hawker market in Singapore, recognised on UNESCO's list of Intangible Cultural Heritage.Vibrant dishes at a hawker market in Singapore, recognised on UNESCO's list of Intangible Cultural Heritage.Singaporean Hawker Food Market.

Nothing says Southeast Asia like a bustling food market. In 2020, UNESCO recognised the cultural importance of Singapore’s unique hawker food centres when it added them to the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Singapore is an extremely multicultural nation, and no where is that more obvious than at the city’s hawker markets. These large undercover centres house a range of small restaurants where chefs whip up a menu of diverse meals that showcase Malay, Nyonya, Indian and Chinese flavours. Many cooks specialise in just one or two dishes – over time, they’ve truly refined their craft.

Hawker culture dates back to the 1960s and although the centres have changed over time, becoming more regulated and organised, they’ve been a fixture of Singapore’s culinary landscape for generations.

Apart from being a great place to grab an affordable meal, hawker centres are ‘community dining rooms’ – spaces carved out of the city’s modern urban landscape where people from varied backgrounds come together to socialise. UNESCO recognises these markets as being critical to social cohesion.

Try it for yourself: Singapore’s hawker markets are the place to go for an immersive dining experience. They’re a window onto diverse Singaporean culture and offer an opportunity to try all the country’s specialty dishes under one roof (including famous chilli crab!). Here are the top five hawker centres to visit in Singapore.

12. Couscous in Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco & Tunisia

A woman separates grains of couscous with her fingers.A woman separates grains of couscous with her fingers.North African Couscous.

I don’t know about you, but couscous has always been a bit of a mysterious food item in my mind. I’ve often peered into a bowl of couscous and thought to myself, what exactly is this!? How is it made!? And how are the grains so small!?

In the North African nations of Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia, people understand couscous better than most. The dish originated here, and in 2020, UNESCO recognised not only the dish itself, but also the knowledge associated with how couscous is produced.

Couscous is a cereal, thus the process starts with a seed. The semolina that’s grown and harvested is rolled by hand to form those tiny rounded balls. It’s then steamed and finally cooked.

Each of the four countries listed has a slightly different way of preparing and eating couscous, but one thing they all have in common is the ceremonial nature of the processes involved, which are transmitted down from parents to their children through observation.

There are special tools involved with making couscous too, including clay and wooden instruments that are manufactured by specialised artisans. The final stage in the couscous lifecycle – eating! – is also linked to important social and cultural practices.

Traditionally shared from a large pot between family members and friends, couscous is a symbol for togetherness.

Try it for yourself: It’s hard to avoid couscous when travelling through North Africa – it’s a staple dish on almost every restaurant menu. Tagines are a particularly popular dish containing couscous. For an up-close look at how couscous is prepared, try enrolling in a workshop at a culinary school. Marrakesh is a popular place to take a short cooking class and learn the intricacies of this beautiful dish.

13. Qvevri Wine-making in Georgia

A man pours wine from a clay pot into a wine glass.A man pours wine from a clay pot into a wine glass.Georgian Qvevri Wine.

Georgia is synonymous with wine – no surprise seeing as the Caucasus (Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia) are the global birthplace of viniculture. Grapes have been cultivated in Georgia’s fertile Alazani Valley in Kakheti region and beyond for eons (to be more precise, the first evidence of wine-making in Georgia dates back as far as the 6th millennium BC).

In 2013 UNESCO recognised this incredible legacy by inscribing qvevri wine-making methods as part of the country’s Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Incredibly, many Georgian families, monks and nuns, and professional wine-makers alike still use the same methods of preparing wine today as their ancestors did thousands of years ago. Traditional Georgian wine making involves using a qvevri, a huge amphora-shaped clay urn that is buried beneath the ground to maintain a constant temperature.

Following the rtveli wine harvest, which happens annually in autumn, the grapes are fermented inside the qvevri. If the skins are left on, this produces skin-contact wine which Georgia has become famous for. After 5-6 of constant tending with a range of specialty tools, the wine is ready to drink.

Try it for yourself: Every restaurant in Tbilisi and cafe in Kutaisi serves local wine by the glass. Some of the best vinos are homemade. If you get a chance to stay at a guesthouse in Georgia, you’ll no doubt be plied with incredible wine in addition to home cooking! Specialty wine bars in Tbilisi are a great place to sample a variety of different drops, including qvevri and organic wines.

For an immersive wine experience, travel from Tbilisi to Sighnaghi, the heart of Georgia’s wine country. Here, you can find dozens if not hundreds of commercial cellar doors and family run wineries where you can tour the facilities and see ancient-looking qvevri up close before participating in a Georgian wine tasting or degustation.

14. Turkish Coffee in Turkey

A person pours black Turkish coffee into a silver cup.A person pours black Turkish coffee into a silver cup.Turkish Coffee.

Turkey has no fewer than three food-related listings on UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list. Turkish coffee is perhaps its best-known and most recognisable.

Coffee was first introduced to the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century. It was an instant hit. From that point on, the Ottomans controlled coffee trading routes and were responsible for spreading coffee throughout the empire.

This explains why countries and territories previously conquered by the Ottomans, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, have their own coffee traditions that are closely related to Turkish coffee.

To make Turkish coffee, roasted beans are ground to a super-fine power and brewed slowly with water and sugar until a foam forms on the top. Turkish coffee pots, or cezve, are integral to the ritual.

Miniature bronze pots for one or larger cezve that hold enough coffee for a large group are presented to the drinker on an intricate coffee tray. Sugar cubes and a square of Turkish delight is usually served on the side.

Brewing and drinking Turkish coffee reflects the country’s communal culture and was recognised by UNESCO in 2013.

Try it for yourself: Traditionally prepared coffee is ubiquitous all over Turkey. The most authentic coffee-drinking experiences can be found at coffee houses (known as kaveh kanes) in Istanbul and beyond. Turkish coffee is usually sipped slowly as an accompaniment to conversation. Since coffee is a symbol of hospitality and friendship, a Turkish coffee house is the perfect place to meet someone new over a brew.

15. Traditional Mexican Cuisine in Mexico

A spread of brightly coloured Mexican food.A spread of brightly coloured Mexican food.Mexican Cuisine.

It’s not surprising that Mexican cuisine has attained UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity status. The country is so diverse from state to state and province to province—the result being a full spectrum of flavour, contrasts, and olfactory sensations.

One of the most interesting facts about Mexican food: The development of the national cuisine was driven by the interaction between Spanish conquistadors and Aztec culture.

Most of the Mexican food we eat today is a delicious combination of ancient traditions, Aztec, Mayan and Spanish. The French also played their part in the story of Mexican cuisine, adding baked goods such as sweet breads and the bolillo to the mix.

Contemporary Mexican cuisine is more a mix of modern ingredients from European, North American and even Asian influences. Like anywhere else in the world, it’s hard to replicate true Mexican food outside of Mexico.

Food is one of the main ingredients of Mexican culture. Food is essential to every social gathering – one of the reasons why the food is so great!

Try it for yourself: If you want to taste authentic Mexican food, try chilaquiles for breakfast, tacos for lunch, elote for a street snack, and mole enchiladas for dinner, followed by a Mexican hot chocolate. If you’re brave enough, you should definitely try out the lime chilli fried crickets (chapulines). They’re actually quite good!

By Henry & Zory from This Life Of Travel

16. Dolma in Azerbaijan

Grape leaves being laid out on a kitchen bench to make Azeri dolma.Grape leaves being laid out on a kitchen bench to make Azeri dolma.Image credit: Heidi Bauer/Wikicommons.

Dolma is one of the most popular menu items that you’ll find at restaurants in Baku and the rest of Azerbaijan. Delicious dolma is a pre-cooked grape leaf stuffed with minced meat, rice, onion, and sometimes other ingredients such as peas.

The word ‘dolma’ is of Turkic origin and technically is a shortened version of doldurma, which translates to ‘stuffed’. Recipes and methods of dolma-making are passed down from generation to generation.

One of the greatest things about dolma is that the food is used as a way to celebrate guests and mark special occasions. Azerbaijani people are extremely hospitable and love teaching their traditions. Most are welcoming of foreigners to become a part of their society through learning the local traditions and ways of life, including making and eating dolma.

Try it for yourself: There are so many places you can find dolma in Azerbaijan, and the best will almost always be in the homes of Azerbaijani people. You can also find some extremely tasty versions in Baku at the many traditional restaurants in and around the old town and even at on-site restaurants in hotels in Baku.

Head to Shirvanshah Museum Restaurant, the best place I ate dolma in the capital city, or to restaurant Dolma near Fountain Square, where you are sure to find some of the city’s tastiest food.

By Megan from Megan Starr

17. Neapolitan Pizzaiuolo in Italy

A person kneads pizza dough on a grey bench.A person kneads pizza dough on a grey bench.Preparing Neapolitan Pizzaiuloto.

Through the centuries, the art of making Neapolitan pizza has been based on a few key elements—namely water, flour, salt and yeast. Traditionally, raw ingredients are produced in the Campania countryside.

It’s in the hands, heart and soul of the pizzaiuolo (Pizza Chef) that the magic really happens! And that’s why UNESCO has declared the city of Naples‘ trademark technique of pizza making part of the world’s Intangible Cultural Heritage.

There are three primary categories of pizzaiuolo: The Master Pizzaiuolo, the Pizzaiuolo, and the baker. The knowledge and skills for making pizza is primarily transmitted in the bottega or in homes, where young apprentices observe masters at work.

The art of making a Neapolitan pizza is a culinary practice comprising four different phases: The shaping of dough balls (the so-called staglio); spreading the dough (called ammaccatura), where the pizzaiuolo forms the famous raised rim called cornicione with a skilful motion known as schiaffo.

Next, the dough is topped, starting from the centre and spiralling in a clockwise motion. Finally, the pizza is baked in a wood-oven with a rotating movement (‘half turn’).

Try it for yourself: We enjoyed the handiwork of pizzaiuolos during our stay in Sorrento on our Amalfi Coast drive. The best Neapolitan pizza is made from simple and fresh ingredients: A basic dough, raw tomatoes, fresh mozzarella cheese, fresh basil, and olive oil – no fancy toppings here.

More sauce than cheese, it’s quite soggy in the centre but yummy! Pizza is best enjoyed with some house wine and finished with Limoncello, a lemon-infused liquor that’s popular on the Amalfi Coast.

By Priya from Outside Suburbia

18. Nsima in Malawi

A traditional tray of food in Malawi – a whole fish, beans, and white cornmeal.A traditional tray of food in Malawi – a whole fish, beans, and white cornmeal.Malawian Nsima. Image credit: Geoff Gallice/Wikicommons.

Nsima is a thick porridge made by mixing white cornmeal with water. This is an elaborate process that involves pulling the paste against the side of a pot with a wooden spoon as it simmers. Nsima is eaten in many parts of Africa, and goes by different names in other African countries.

In Malawi, it’s normally eaten with two accompaniments: A protein-heavy dish, and a vegetable dish. The protein dish can be meat, fish or beans, while the vegetable dish is usually a type of dark leafy green, such as mustard or pumpkin leaves.

Young children are taught to pound maize and sift flour to make nsima from an early age, and eating communal meals of nsima is an important way of strengthening family bonds. Nsima’s cultural significance in Malawi is why UNESCO has listed it as a form of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Try it for yourself: Since nsima is the most common staple food in Malawi, it’s available all over the country – though it’s not always served in tourist restaurants. Thomas’s Restaurant, Grocery and Bar in Cape Maclear on Lake Malawi caters to a mix of tourists and locals and serves nsima with beans and salad.

By Wendy from The Nomadic Vegan

19. Flatbread in Iran, Azerbaijan, Central Asia & Turkey

A pile of golden flatbread.A pile of golden flatbread.Flatbread.

The flatbread has a long history on the Eurasian continent and each region and country has its own variation. The making and sharing culture surrounding flatbread was added to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list in 2015.

The humble flatbread is hugely important to Iranian, Azerbaijani, Turkish, Kazhakstani and Kyrgyzstani food culture. Flatbread, including lavash, katyrma, jupka and yufka are typically prepared by households and community members on a daily basis. Besides being eaten as a staple food, flatbread plays an important role in weddings, births, funerals and religious gatherings.

Depending on the region, flatbread is either cooked in a stone or earth-ground oven, on a metal plate, or in a cauldron. Flatbread dough is always prepared from simple ingredients: Wheat flour, water and salt.

Once mixed, flatbread dough is left to rest before it is rolled out and cooked/baked. Some villages still operate an oven for the whole community where each household can bring their bread to be baked.

Try it for yourself: You can watch locals make soft lavash flatbread in the main market in Baku – and since you’re there, how about a freshly prepared lavash kebab wrap. Or you can try to make a Turkish yufka at home using the flat sheets in a savoury layered borek pie.

I love dipping my lavash in narsharab, a sweet and sour sauce made from pomegranate. I suggest you also check out other flatbread from the region, such as Lebanese manakish and Iranian sangak.

By Helene from Masala Herb

20. Il-Ftira in Malta

Loaves of Maltese Ftira.Loaves of Maltese Ftira.Maltese Ftira.

Il-Ftira is a flattened sourdough bread that’s traditional to the island nation of Malta. It differs from the other flat breads listed by UNESCO and mentioned on this list – it’s more like a loaf with a thick crust and a light, fluffy inside.

The name ftira comes from the Arabic word for unleavened bread and the dish reflects the cultural exchange that has defined Malta’s history. This bread is hand-shaped – the process can’t be replicated by a machine – which makes it all the more special. Regional and seasonal ftira recipes use different ingredients to flavour the bread, such as olives or capers.

In Maltese schools, Ftira Days are held to teach students about healthy eating. A young person who wants to become a ftira baker when they grow up has to go through a long and complex apprentice process first.

Try it for yourself: The smell of fresh-baked ftira wafts through the streets of Valletta and every town and village around the country. Cafes and restaurants often serve it stuffed with fresh salad and tuna – sort of like a loaded bagel – for an affordable on-the-go meal.

21. Ceremonial Keşkek in Turkey

Traditional Turkish keskek, a pale coloured stew.Traditional Turkish keskek, a pale coloured stew.Turkish Keskek.

Made with meat or chicken, keşkek is a stew found in Turkish, Iranian and Greek cuisines. The dish is usually associated with a ceremonial or religious occasion and is cooked by groups of men and women together in the community. Keşkek was inscribed on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2011 because of its role as a Turkish ceremonial dish.

After the wheat or barley is washed and prayed over the previous day, music from both drums and pipes is played as the grains are poured into a large cauldron. The mix is then beaten with wooden hammers until a fine consistency is achieved.

The dish is cooked outdoors over an open fire and, through the course of the night, the meat and spices are added and left to simmer.

From beating the ingredients to the music performance and the thickening and stirring of the dish, the local community all gather together to take part in keşkek preparation.

Try it for yourself: Keşkek is served at Turkish wedding ceremonies and circumcisions as well as on religious holidays. If you’re lucky enough to chance upon a local village in advance of these celebrations, you will likely see the dish being prepared and have the chance to taste it. Keşkek is also relatively easy to source in traditional restaurants in cities including Istanbul.

By Elaine & David from Show Them The Globe

22. Kimjang in South Korea

A dish of bright red kimchi.A dish of bright red kimchi.Korean Kimjang/Kimchi.

Anyone who has ever tried Korean food has also sampled the famous pickled side dish called kimchi.

Basically, kimchi is some type of vegetable – most frequently napa cabbage – that has been fermented in a spicy red paste that may include red chilli powder, garlic, ginger, salt, sugar, fish sauce and green onions.

People tend to have strong opinions about kimchi – they either love it or hate it. But there’s no denying that it’s a required part of any Korean meal.

In November each year, Korean families gather for gimjang (kimjang), the traditional process of making kimchi. Historically, it was done after the harvest and was a way to store enough kimchi to sustain a family through the winter season.

The finished product was stored in clay jars, or hangari, that were then buried in the ground. Written records show that kimchi has been around since the 14th century, but the tradition of gimjang was established during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1897).

Try it for yourself: Participating in gimjang usually requires knowing a Korean family located in South Korea. If that’s not possible, a visit to the Museum Kimchikan in Seoul is a great alternative. This unique museum has exhibits about the history of kimchi, but also offers kimchi-making demonstrations and cooking classes.

By Wendy from Empty Nesters Hit The Road

23. Kimchi in North Korea

Kimchi is the Korean name for preserved vegetables seasoned with spices and fermented seafood. It’s an important tradition on the Korean peninsula, where the recipe has been transmitted from mother to daughter for centuries.

In the old days, it was a collective practice. This is still the case if you visit North Korea. Here, collective farms still produce kimchi as Koreans would have centuries ago. Cabbage is harvested, fermented and salted, and chilli and seafood is added.

Once fermented, it can be kept for the full year after which the cycle starts over again. Late autumn is kimjang season, when everyone shares the kimchi equally for the harsh winter.

Because it’s a unique dish, centuries old and with the unique kimjang sharing component, it’s listed by UNESCO as part of North Korea’s Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Try it for yourself: To really experience traditional kimchi, one had best visit North Korea on a pre-arranged tour. Depending on the season, you will visit collective farms and see how kimchi is made. During the trip, you’ll have plenty of time to taste North Korean kimchi as it’s served at breakfast, lunch, and dinner as a side dish. It’s delicious!

By Chris from CTB Global

24. Beer Culture in Belgium

A metal tray holds four glasses of Belgian beer.A metal tray holds four glasses of Belgian beer.Belgian Beer.

Beer is big in Belgium and has been brewed in the country for centuries.

Containing water, barley, hops and yeast, beer was originally made by monks and nuns in the Middle Ages as a replacement for water. (Drinking water was often unclean and made people ill, so a brew of weak beer was preferable, even for children.)

The brewing process killed off any germs and the addition of hops acted as a preservative. Thus, a vital culinary part of the country’s history, culture and tradition was created. Today, there are over 1500 different types of Belgian beer with a variety of flavours, colours and alcohol percentages.

Belgian beer was inscribed by UNESCO in 2016 because it is part of the living heritage of many communities throughout Belgium. Today, beer plays a major role in daily life as well as festive occasions.

Try it for yourself: Although most restaurants, cafes and bars in Belgium serve beer, I’d recommend visiting a brewery to get a real taste for this Belgian tradition. You’ll learn about the brewing process and taste a variety of different beers before deciding on your favourite.

To see how beer is made in Bruges, visit the only active family brewery in the city,  De Halve Maan (The Half Moon), where the Maes family has been brewing Belgian beer since 1856. There’s also a restaurant and outdoor seating overlooking the canals.

By Suzanne from The Travelbunny

25. The Gastronomic Meal of the French in France

A pot of colourful stew on a white wooden table.A pot of colourful stew on a white wooden table.French gastronomy. Image credit: Bacon is Magic.

The gastronomic meal of the French isn’t a particular food, but more of a culinary element of important family traditions. For big family celebrations such as a birthdays, weddings or anniversaries, a large meal is prepared to bring everyone together. Like everything in France, food is a central part of the experience.

Each meal differs from house to house, depending on the season, the traditional family recipes passed from generation to generation, and what region of France you’re in. For example, while in Normandy a dish may include incredible cheese and cider, in the Mediterranean, a family’s prized ratatouille recipe is more common.

Dinner is very formal, often beginning with a cocktail or wine, and contains at least four decadent courses. The meal can last for hours.

Because it is so integral to maintaining the family fabric and the heart of French culture, the gastronomic meal of the French was designated part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2010.

Try it for yourself: It’s not an easy tradition to experience as a tourist if you don’t know anyone in France. The best opportunity is to ask around through community boards such as Couchsurfing or companies such as Withlocals, which provide opportunities to connect with locals.

By Ayngelina from Bacon is Magic

26. Gingerbread Craft (Licitars) in Northern Croatia

Colourful Croatian licitars, heart-shaped biscuits decorated with flowers and swirls.Colourful Croatian licitars, heart-shaped biscuits decorated with flowers and swirls.Croatian Licitars.

Gingerbread baked goods have become a symbol of Croatia. They were brought to the country by the church in the Middle Ages, but quickly became the work of local craftspeople. The tradition has been handed down through families of gingerbread makers, who developed their own decorating styles.

The heart, known as the Licitar Heart, is the most famous shape. These are given as gifts for special occasions, including birthdays, weddings and holidays.

Licitar cookies are typically covered in red opaque icing with white icing designs, though the decorations can also used coloured icing. It’s popular for a mirror to be placed in the middle.

While the cookies are edible, remember to remove the mirrors before eating.

Try it for yourself: If you are hosted by anyone in Zagreb or stay with local friends, you may find they give you a small licitar as a welcome gift. Otherwise, you can find them all over the city. For a true local shopping experience, head to Dolac Market, where you can find licitar and other local Croatian souvenirs.

If you plan to buy some as a gift for someone back home, you can go the extra step of getting a custom design with their name on the cookie in icing.

By Stephanie & Allison from Sofia Adventures

27. Palov in Uzbekistan

A woman serves plov from a large metal pan.A woman serves plov from a large metal pan.Uzbekistani Palov.

It’s hard to experience Central Asia without coming across the traditional delicacy of plov (palov). In Uzbekistan, plov is served at any and all occasions and is available in every city and every tiny village. The dish consists of pilau rice with spices, vegetables, meat and sometimes raisins and berries cooked in a large pan, sometimes big enough to feed hundreds of people at weddings or funerals.

No two plovs are the same. The delicate mix of ingredients used is unique to each cook – although they can start to feel quite similar after plov for breakfast, lunch and dinner during your time in Uzbekistan! But this is how it was intended.

The legend of plov says that Alexander the Great invented it himself as a way for his troops to cut back on meal times and eat the same thing three times a day!

Plov was given Heritage Status in 2016 when it was recognised for its significance to Uzbekistan culture. While it is specific to Uzbekistan, there are very similar variations available in neighbouring countries.

Try it for yourself: Undoubtedly the best place to experience plov is at the Plov Centre in Tashkent. The entrance to this large dining hall is flanked by huge pans. The quantity of plov is so vast, hundreds of people turn up every day to sit down for a meal or simply fill a pot to take home.

By Rohan & Max from Travels Of A Bookpacker

28. Oshi Palav in Tajikistan

Tajikistan’s oshi palav is closely related to Uzbekistan’s plov – in fact, both rice-based dishes were inscribed by UNESCO in the same year. In Tajikistan, oshi palav is known as a ‘dish of peace’ for the role it plays in bringing people from different backgrounds together.

Up to 200 varieties of oshi palav are thought to exist. The most basic rendition is made with lamb, rice, onions and carrots simmered in a broth. Prepared in vast quantities ahead of social gatherings, oshi palav is traditionally eaten at events that mark significant life milestones, such as weddings and funerals.

Whether it’s prepared in private homes or teahouses, cooking is usually accompanied by socialising and singing, which adds to the dish’s food culture. Eating oshi palav with one’s hands from a communal pot is similarly symbolic of kinship and community.

The techniques involved in making oshi palav are passed down through the generations. According to UNESCO, once an apprentice masters the art, he or she is given a special skimmer utensil, while the master who trained them is invited to don a ceremonial skullcap.

Tajik oshi palav and Uzbek plov share common attributes with Indian pilau, Persian polow, and even Spanish paella.

Try it for yourself: Home-style oshi palav is available in restaurants in Danshube. If you want a large serving for a group, you might have to order in advance.

For a traditional version, try Restaurant Sim-Sim or Toqi Restaurant, where oshi palav is served alongside other Tajik specialities including mantu (dumplings) and qurutob (bread and onions served in a yogurt sauce).

29. Airag in Mongolia

A white bowl of milk with a blue plastic spoon.A white bowl of milk with a blue plastic spoon.Mongolian Airag. Image credit: Dr. Bernd Gross/Wikicommons.

Airag (also known as kumis) is a fermented dairy product made and consumed throughout the Central Asian steppes. In Mongolia, airag is made by churning fresh horse milk inside a khokhuur, a special vessel crafted from cowhide.

Besides serving as a critical source of nutrition for nomadic communities (it’s rich in vitamins and minerals, and has been shown to kill harmful bacteria and maintain gut health), airag is steeped in history and tradition.

When UNESCO formally added it to the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2019, they also recognised the centuries-old knowledge that goes into preparing it correctly.

Making airag is a slow, energy intensive process that uses a range of tools, including a specially designed paddle known as a buluur. For it to work, the milk must be churned more than 500 times before yeast is added to kick-start the fermentation process.

The finished result is consumed as part of many families’ everyday diet. Airag is also used in religious rituals and cultural ceremonies, which further adds to its significance.

Try it for yourself: If you’re trekking in Mongolia or travelling overland and you wind up staying with local herders, there’s no doubt you’ll get a chance to try airag for yourself. You can sometimes find it for sale in ger (residential districts) as well, even in Ulaanbaatar.

30. Terere in Paraguay

A wooden cup with a metal straw filled with Terere, a traditional drink in Paraguay.A wooden cup with a metal straw filled with Terere, a traditional drink in Paraguay.Paraguayan Terere.

Terere is a special ancestral drink found in the South American nation of Paraguay. It’s closely related to yerba mate, a popular beverage all across the continent.

Terere is prepared using a special blend of Poha Nana (medicinal herbs) crushed and combined with cold water. Each herb has unique healing properties, and the way they’re combined to brew different drinks is part of every family’s tradition in Paraguay.

UNESCO inscribed Terere in 2020 as a result, citing the knowledge about medicinal herbs that’s also shared through the process as particularly important.

Preparing Terere and drinking it through a special straw called a bombilla are Paraguayan traditions that have been part of the culture since at least the 16th century.

Try it for yourself: Sharing a glass of Terere with someone is seen as a sign of friendship, respect and solidarity. If you’re offered a try when travelling to Paraguay, you’d do well to accept! The drink is refreshing and delicious, so you’ll no doubt be seeking it out by the end of your stay.

Have you experienced any of the food culture rituals on this list? What are your favourite culinary traditions around the world?

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Explore the intersection of food and culture with this complete list of culinary traditions designated UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.Explore the intersection of food and culture with this complete list of culinary traditions designated UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Explore the intersection of food and culture with this complete list of culinary traditions designated UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.Explore the intersection of food and culture with this complete list of culinary traditions designated UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.