Electric blue ram vs German blue ram | Two awesome varieties of Mikrogeophagus ramirezi available for sale – Just Cichlids
Electric blue ram vs German blue ram | Two awesome varieties of Mikrogeophagus ramirezi available for sale
What are Electric blue ram vs German blue ram anyway?
Ram cichlids known as Mikrogeophagus ramirezi were first described by G. S. Myers & Harry, 1948. These original specimens are beautiful dwarf cichlids which are said to originate mainly from two countries, Columbia and Venezuela. The key word is strain, because after this species was described many years ago other varieties of Ram cichlids have been created as a direct result of in line breeding, whether to improve the coloration for to create entirely new strains. That’s essentially what has happened to this cichlid and many others and this will not be the last of manual manipulation. Line breeding has proven to be financially rewarding for hobbyist, pet shops and fish dealers. Today line breeding is popular with Angel fish for sale , African cichlid fish especially Peacock cichlids for sale and many of genera of cichlids.
What exactly are Electric blue ram cichlids?
Electric blue rams are simply a strain or variant of Mikrogeophagus ramirezi. These rams are not found in the wild but are a result of breeding efforts relative to what is known as inline breeding efforts. Simply put these Electric blue ram cichlids are bred for their respective blue “electric” trait. This color morph is said to have been developed in 2009 and this varieties is very popular and expect to pay more for these compared to German blue rams. Electric blue rams are one of several strains of Mikrogeophagus ramirezi have been developed for the aquarium trade coming out of Asia. Some of the morphs or varieties being sold are called Electric blue, German blue and Golden rams. Remember to buy from credible sources. In fact you can order Electric blue and German blue rams on this page!