Electric Blue Color HEX Code #0892d0

Electric Blue Color is a light, bright color and is often used in the digital design world. A color that fits the screens. Not all colors match the filters.

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Electric Blue Color

This color is a striking shade of azure that contains indigo and violet tones. 

One can usually spot this color in the deep blue waters of the ocean, but its brightness can also be present in other aspects of nature. 

The color is commonly found in deep skies, bright flowers, and some gems. 

It is many times used by people to embellish their homes with striking decorations like curtains, rugs, upholstery for sofas or even clothing.

Electric Blue Color in Visual Arts

There are different types and shades of blue. But electric blue color in visual arts is one shade that is very pleasing to the eyes. It is considered as the most unusual and attention-grabbing color when compared to the other colors. 

Electric blue tends to be slightly dark but not too dark. Mixing white or light colored base hues with this particular hue can create a darker shade of blue.

Electric Blue Color in Car Design

Blue is without any doubt, one of the coolest as well as most popular car colors in recent years. Electric Blue colored cars have always turned heads and caused excitement among car enthusiasts. 

Nowadays, this cars are familiar parts of our daily lives. 

People appreciate their design and above all, they do catch your eye.

 In addition, people seem to love acting like little kids around them since they just can’t help but stare at all that electric blue beauty! 

Easy on the eyes, electrifying, vibrant and smooth—this one color is a host of positive characteristics rolled into one.

Electric Blue Color in Marketing

The color is electricity blue and it certainly represents the power of the sea. The color is unique with a part dark and another part light blue. 

It comes in two different shades among which are dark electric blue and sky blue electric. 

This color was introduced by cmyk in 1960 and since then, it keeps on evolving with several combinations of other colors.